Chapter 62

So far, human beings have used the power of running water, and there are more than 4000 years of verifiable records.

Those ancestors at that time started from the canoe step by step, from the simplest buoyancy, to the water wheel step by step, and even the hydraulic machine tools in the early days, all the way to the current hydropower and tidal power.

However, now Chen Qi drove it in reverse again, all the way back, and returned to the most primitive application of buoyancy.


Sitting on the raft that he tied with his own hands, Chen Qi was still in a happy mood.

Although his punting skills were a little too bad, it didn't affect the speed of the raft too much.

In the Great Lakes Basin, the speed of water flow is affected by slope and drop, and is generally relatively fast.

Compared with Chen Qi who would get lost for a while on land and re-find his direction from time to time, although the speed of floating along the water on a raft may be a little slower, considering the time to reach the intended destination, it is actually faster. .

It's no one else's fault, it's just Chen Qi's own problem.

My level is limited, so I can’t blame others.


"Brothers, to be honest, I really would rather walk on land than drift in water."

Chen Qi's Versailles literature is very smooth, and he speaks of classics: "Really, I'm not going to lie to you, there is no challenge at all~~"

When he said this, Chen Qi was sitting on the raft, supporting the raft with his backhand, leaning back and squinting his eyes.

If you give him a pair of sunglasses or something, it's really similar to a tourist on vacation.

Although, as a tourist, he had to fight for everything by himself.

Showing such a posture, Chen Qi, who looked at him and made people want to give him two big mouths to be sober, naturally would not escape the "venomous mouth" of the fans in the live broadcast room. Everyone rushed forward and made Chen Qi good After a while of ridicule, Chen Qi still acted like a normal person, joking with everyone with a smile.

"Look at you, you don't know each other.

Look, that one over there, the white bird with the colorful crown on its head.

What a macaw, you know that. "

Chen Qi looked around, picked up a twig from the raft, broke it into small pieces, and threw it towards the big bird that was arranging its tail feathers with its beak.

"Heh... see, it's not afraid of me at all.

That's the famous Carolina parakeet, whose signature feature is their gorgeously colored, long, uniformly curved tail feathers.

This parrot was originally from South America. In the early years, zoologists once believed in the academic world that this parrot appeared in most parts of North America through human influence.

Because their gorgeous feathers were once a very important kind of decorations on the so-called high-class people's balls and other occasions... oh... ladies' hats and feather fans, so four or five hundred years ago, there were a large number of them. Some of them were captured and transported to North America through various legal and illegal means.

In the mid-19th century, people in North America who had always "loved nature and protected ecology" completely exterminated this bird, causing it to completely disappear in nature and only exist in museums, various zoos, and wildlife breeding institutions.

Interestingly though, this still hasn't affected the killings of the so-called upper class. "

Chen Qi threw another small piece of wood over, and the white parrot was finally willing to talk to Chen Qi and glanced at him.

"This kind of parrot continued to survive in the days that followed. It was not until humans completely withdrew from their home planet that the group was re-established.

Throughout North America, except for those continents where the temperature is too low, all the land surrounded by three coastlines have this bird.

However, due to its beauty and excessive rarity, this bird is still a favorite of some people to this day.

Like this one, it is still the rarest sickly mutant variety with white feathers. If it is exchanged for money, there will always be 20 universal coins. "

Chen Qi suddenly raised a handful of water, stood up and shouted on the raft, which scared the white parrot away. Then he sat on the raft and continued to hum a tune happily.


"It's not that I have any opinions, but, is it possible that the anchor is a bit too dramatic?"

"It's okay to scare it away, let it hide from humans"

"The anchor himself did not eat less animals, why bother?"

"It's still not the same. The anchor didn't do it for the appetite, but for the desire to fill the stomach. This is in line with the laws of nature."

"After all, I still ate it."

"Read more books, there is no harm. Learn about the story of the coyote and the Australian hare in Yellowstone Park"


When Chen Qi faced these controversial issues or conflicting issues, he never flaunted himself, nor would he take the initiative to promote anything or set up a persona.

When he came to the wilderness to broadcast live, Chen Qi certainly didn't want to starve himself to death.

If there is something to eat, then of course you have to eat it, whether it is fruits, vegetables, or meat, just fill your stomach. He really has no idea of ​​protecting ecological balance, and he does not want to be a "Bodhisattva".

If I really ask for a reason, it is to make myself feel better, and there is no other idea.

That's it.


The Asian carp has really completely dominated all water systems in the Great Lakes basin of North America.

Chen Qi sat on the raft, even though he was motionless, he didn't make any sound that might mean "provocation". He was as simple and ordinary as a wooden lump floating on the water, but it was still not enough to protect him.

Ordinary big fish in thunderbolt would either jump out of the water, splash a piece of water and wet Chen Qi's clothes, or slam into the lower layer of wood at the bottom of the water without listening. Press on the raft, for fear that his inferior product will suddenly disintegrate on the surface of the water and sink him into the river.

These Asian carp, the pressure on Chen Qi now is more terrifying than those piranhas, and it always reminds him of some scenes in the comic "Tide Field" that he has read before.

The raft floated on the water for a whole day amid constant clanging sounds and pious prayers.

According to the extremely rough calculation of the speed of the scene on the shore, the distance is at least more than [-] kilometers.

This is Chen Qi on land, a week's journey away.


The raft moved forward slowly, and Chen Qi stood behind the raft, constantly practicing his punting skills. At the end of the day, the entry [punting] had already appeared in Chen Qi's skill introduction column as a skill. Although the level is still the initial level.

In the afternoon, around three o'clock, the sound of the impact on the bottom of the boat gradually decreased until it disappeared at all. Chen Qi didn't know why, and stirred the bottom of the water with a long pole, and the number of fish could be seen with the naked eye. However, these fish It seems that it is not Asian carp, but salmon.

"Salmon. It doesn't seem to be a freshwater fish...

The reason why they are here..."

Chen Qi thought of those salmon that swim upstream, which look like salmon, also reproduce in this way.

Moreover, salmon and salmon seem to be the same favorite food of brown bears?

"...That is to say...going forward, encountering a brown bear may be unavoidable."

Don't be afraid!
Chen Qi comforted himself: "Didn't I scare the bear away yesterday!
If you have the ability, then...


Chen Qi, who was holding a pole and building a pergola, could vaguely see the bank of the lower reaches of the river in front of him, as if...

"...What is can't be..."

Could it be the brown bear from yesterday? ! ! !
(Ps: Dinner. Drinking. I was fed until 07:30. I lost a lighter, and a down jacket was painted as a pigman by a child.

Hold back one chapter today, make it up tomorrow, and update three chapters.Sorry everyone.I'm going to sober up. )
(End of this chapter)

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