Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 5 On the Right Track

Chapter 5 On the Right Track
The departure of human beings has brought the natural world back to its original appearance, and the unexplained mutation has greatly accelerated this phenomenon and multiplied it.

Chen Qi walked quickly in the dense forest, and everything he saw was very different from the scenes he was familiar with.

This difference is first reflected in the body shape.


"Everyone, come and see this tree."

After Chen Qi walked for a few minutes, he stopped beside a big tree, stretched out his hand to pat the trunk, and stuffed the whole tree into the vision of the drone.

"It's a sequoia tree, the tallest tree that grows naturally on land."

While Chen Qi was explaining, the drone also circled and gradually rose, gradually raising its height around the big tree.

"Once the redwood tree, the tallest growth record is a tree in the Nevada National Natural Park, which is 83 meters high!

As for this tree, I guess it is at least 120 meters, which is a terrible height! "

The fans in the live broadcast room followed the footage of the drone and followed the lines of the trunk to the top of the big tree.

Looking around, many tall trees with lush umbrella tops are connected together, and under the breeze blowing, they show a vigorous vitality in the noon sun in September.

The camera turned around, and the blue sky and white clouds appeared in the field of vision. In the extreme high sky, there were eagles circling and flying in the sky. With the unique sound of leaves rubbing in the wild and the chirping of birds, a natural, magnificent, fresh and natural scene The scene came into my eyes.

Many viewers in the live broadcast room posted barrage, expressing that their hearts seemed to have been baptized.

Thinking about it, humans have been away from their home planet for more than 50 years, and they have been living in a big glass enclosure. Unless they are watching previous videos and programs, they have never seen such a scene.

What's more, this is not a normal natural scene. If nothing else, let's just talk about the eagles in the sky. Chen Qi estimated that their size may be about the same as a smaller paraglider.

It is estimated that picking up a person of his stature should not be difficult.

The magnificence here requires adding a few plus signs after the adjective.


The drone landed, and Chen Qi reappeared in the live broadcast room.

The rush all the way just now, under the influence of excitement and fear, combined with the hot temperature of the forest at noon in September, the humid air, and the overgrown vegetation, the road was not easy to walk. Although it only took a few minutes, Chen Qi also saw sweat on his forehead, and dust mixed with leaves stuck to his face, looking a bit embarrassed.

"Everyone, I still say it's missing." Chen Qi looked at the clear numbers on the small screen on the back of the drone, and said in shock: "This tree is 135 meters high! It's outrageous!"

135 meters, based on the 3 meters of a floor, it is as high as 40 floors!

However, the fans in the live broadcast room didn't pay attention to what Chen Qi said at all.

"The host's physical strength is a bit scumbag, so you're sweating?"

"I am very interested in the eagles in the sky. If the anchor can catch one, I will send a rocket on the spot, and a spaceship is also fine!"

"I'm sure, you want to watch the host become a box."

"I'm the only one who noticed that the host didn't bring any equipment except the drone, so he took the blame?"

"What is the anchor hinting at?"

"The anchor wants to stew himself in an iron pot"

"There is no third-level head, so what's the matter with using a pot?"


The barrage that was originally about everything suddenly turned into a rope because of a curious barrage about Chen Qi carrying a pan on his back.

Everyone was very curious about why Chen Qi, the anchor, didn't bring a weapon, but only a pot.

Is there any other hidden equipment that I haven't seen?
So the barrage began to guess Chen Qi's "hidden equipment" again.

Some said hidden swords, others guessed pistols, and the most common ones said Chen Qi must have a dagger hidden behind his waist or on his calf.

There are also many weird and funny guesses.

"A beautiful girl's transformation device must have a name"

"After you transform later, remember to change the name of the live broadcast room to m78's guest."


Chen Qi was obsessed with the audience of fans in the live broadcast room.

He smiled and said: "Everyone, don't talk nonsense. I'm just an ordinary handsome man. I left my transformation device or something at home. I didn't bring it with me today."

After making a joke and interacting with the funny people in the live broadcast room, Chen Qi returned to seriousness. First, he took a look at the popularity of the live broadcast room. After landing for a few minutes, it doubled to more than 6000. And it keeps going up.

No wonder there are so many bullet screens. It turns out that his live broadcast room has already started to get on the right track.

The immediate urgency must be to keep the new viewers in the studio.

Clearing his throat, Chen Qi said solemnly: "All new viewers, please pay attention. I am the real Doomsday Wilderness anchor. I am currently on the home planet. I am live broadcasting for [-] days. I guarantee it will be real and exciting!"

Sure enough, a lot of new users appeared in the barrage asking whether Chen Qi was lying, but Chen Qi didn't need to explain himself. Those fans who watched the wolves just now and were frightened with Chen Qi directly used densely packed The barrage dispelled this doubt.

And when Chen Qi showed them the surrounding scene again, the sound disappeared completely.

At this time, another plane appeared in the live broadcast room, and it was the same fan whose id was Brave Niu Niu just now.

"The anchor is indeed very powerful, his courage is far beyond ordinary people, and his knowledge is also very rich. What he said is absolutely true."

I don't know why, but the words of local tyrants always seem to be more credible and convincing than the words of ordinary people.

"Thank you Brave Niuniu for flying on the plane. Hahaha, don't worry, I will never let the fans down. When we say it's our home star, it's definitely our home star. If we say 15 days, it's definitely 15 days!"

After finishing speaking, he gave this brave bully a room manager. It just so happened that the number of new audiences came too fast, and there was a mix of good and bad people. If there was a black fan or something, it would be easy to deal with it.

As soon as Chen Qi finished speaking, before he could make another move, an image of a rocket suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Anchor, I like you. Come on."

A fan with the id of [Boring Antique] came up with a rocket and left a plain word of encouragement.

Before Chen Qi could speak, Brave Niu Niu followed suit with a rocket, and the barrage instantly returned to its human nature, and the repeater started.

"Boss is confused!"

Then, [Boring Antique] swiped two more rockets, this time without saying anything.

Although Chen Qi likes money and is short of money, there is still a bottom line. In this case, it is obvious that the two fans are a little bit vindictive, and this is one of the best dramas that often appear in the live broadcast industry.

If there were some anchors, they might have started to guide them with inside and outside words at this time, but Chen Qi didn't do that, and instead discouraged: "You two, there is no show yet, you are so bold, I am under a lot of pressure.

Don't really want me to catch eagles!That eagle might be bigger than me, don't make trouble! "

With Chen Qi's interruption, both of them understood that this was the anchor giving them a step down.

[Boring and Antique] sent a barrage: "Don't worry, you don't need to catch eagles, you can catch rabbits."

Chen Qi, on the other hand, gave this boring Antique a room manager, and responded with a smile: "It's simple, just right, I haven't eaten yet, catch a rabbit, and show you my secret weapon!"


When Chen Qi defended himself strictly and said nothing about what his secret weapon was, a staff member of the live broadcast website was also watching Chen Qi's live broadcast.

On the table, there was a monitor showing Chen Qi's live broadcast room. The bullet screens were densely packed and looked very lively.

There is also a monitor next to it, which is showing the data of Chen Qi's live broadcast room.

The staff member who was paying attention to Chen Qi was called Li Zhaoxian, and he was a small supervisor who was in charge of signing the contract for the anchor.

How to ensure that the anchors who sign up to the live broadcast platform can bring profits and exposure to the platform, and how to ensure that the anchors under contract are not anchors that cannot be trained are his main tasks.

The results of the screening are not only related to the resources that different anchors can get on the platform, but also closely related to the salary commissions of their kind.

Therefore, what kind of contract is used to sign an anchor is very critical.

Because the push resources of the platform are always fixed, if you accidentally choose an anchor who is not popular, it will mean a big loss for the platform.

After all, there is not only one platform for doing this business.Each platform does not have only one supervisor responsible for lottery.

And Li Zhaoxian is very optimistic about this little anchor named Chen Qi.

There is a false prosperity in popularity, but as the inscription manager of the live broadcast platform, of course he can see the real data.

In Chen Qi's live broadcast room, in addition to the steady increase in the number of bullet chats and the number of followers, the average number of bullet chats sent by each user watching the live broadcast is also surprisingly high.

This shows that Chen Qi's live broadcast content is of high quality and has a high conversion rate, and he has the potential to become a top anchor.

Of course, such talents cannot be let go. If they are poached and trained by other platforms, they will suffer a big loss.

In the category of outdoor live broadcast, Chen Qi is also the first one who dares to go directly to the parent star to do live broadcast.

Thinking of this, Li Zhaoxian knew that he couldn't let Chen Qi go.

Chen Qi's live broadcast said that he would stay on the home planet for fifteen days. After he came back, people from other platforms would definitely contact him.Each platform will go to other platforms to buy news, and it will be known soon which newcomer is popular.We must keep him before other platforms offer him better conditions!

After turning off the computer, Li Zhaoxian walked decisively to the office of the superior supervisor.

Li Zhaoxian had no right to mention the condition he wanted to give.


At the same time, Chen Qi, who was still in the forest, finally found the rabbit he wanted to catch.

It's just the size of this rabbit...

"I'm so stupid, really. The wolf has become a cow, and it makes sense for the rabbit to change.

It's just that with its size, are you sure it won't kick me to death? ? "

Chen Qi complained to the fans in the live broadcast room.

(End of this chapter)

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