Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 46 The Real Hunter

Chapter 46 The Real Hunter

"What a good boy, he suddenly went crazy."

"Actually, I understand what you mean, but I still recommend jumping the waterfall, which is faster and painless"

"Is the anchor trying to kill that big snake?"

"Please wait a moment! I'll buy you an insurance policy"

"The beneficiary writes my name, my name is Zhao Dabao"

"Shocked! In order to get revenge on the big snake, a certain anchor ate coriander crazily the day before, trying to taste himself!"

"Chen Qi, don't make trouble! We're just talking casually"

"Would you rather challenge a ten-meter snake than face a rabbit..."

"Pfft... We are seriously worried, you stay away!"

"Kill the big snake! Grab the corn!"


Not surprisingly, almost all the audience and fans disagreed, and did not suggest that Chen Qi go back to mess with that big snake.

Maybe it was a bit of a coincidence. When Chen Qi expressed his idea, it happened to be the beginning of the broadcast, when a lot of newcomers and passers-by poured into the live broadcast room, and all kinds of bad ideas came out.

When Chen Qi said this at this time, he had the feeling of being provoked to the top.

Fans are, of course, right to be concerned.

Not to mention whether Chen Qi has the courage to face the big snake.

Let’s just talk about that thing’s size, it doesn’t matter who you are, as long as you are human, there shouldn’t be any possibility for him to be singled out.

In particular, when Chen Qi came here this time, it can be said to be light and simple, and the hardest thing in his body is a pot.

Don't say there are no cold weapons, just that thing, even if you are really given a gun, what can you do with it.

To be honest, even if it hits the snake's head and the snake's heart, a gun with a smaller caliber and a slower rate of fire is nonsense.

And now, it is such a man who is not considered strong and has no weapons, who actually said that he was going to kill that big snake!

Have you forgotten how you ran last night?


Regarding this, Chen Qi was calm, sat on the ground with a smile, and slowly gave his own explanation.

"Please rest assured, I regret my life, I am very timid, this idea of ​​mine is definitely not an impulsive decision-making by the superiors.

Come and help me with my staff! "

After poking out a few twigs, Chen Qi drew one, two, three dots on the ground.

"First of all, that big snake is full. It must be full, otherwise, I was so close to it yesterday, but I was afraid that such a small fire would not let me go.

Snakes, especially pythons, do not move easily after their stomachs are full, usually until the food is completely digested.This, you must know.

So, it is a snake with limited body and cannot move casually, this is the first point. "

Write on the ground: Speed ​​is limited, Chen Qi continues.

"Second point, snakes like the cold and are afraid of heat. Otherwise, they wouldn't stay in the passage of that manor. The ground there is not smooth, and snakes probably don't like it, but...

Well, it is not entered through the front entrance, there should be a back entrance.

This gives us a little opportunity for detours.It is very hot now, and the daytime temperature is close to 30 degrees. In this kind of sunny day, it will not easily crawl out of the shade with its big belly.

After all, near the house in that manor, there was nothing but open space, not a single tree. "

Chen Qi wrote on the ground: listless.

"A big snake that can't get up to speed and lacks energy...

That's still scary, not someone you can get close to easily.

However, we humans have never been reckless.We use tools, and...

People are not only not afraid of fire, they can also use fire! "

Chen Qi smiled and showed his big white teeth.

Only at this time did the fans react: Yes!The two-story manor, except for the ground, is all made of wood!

When Chen Qi kicked down the wooden door last night, many people couldn't help feeling distressed. The door was made of high-quality teak.

It was finally set on fire.

If Chen Qi can really light this fire, it seems that it is not...


"Yes, a smart boy, but how do you guarantee that it won't come out the other side after you light it?"

"It can come out the other side, why can't I light the other side too?"

"Then what if I break through the window?"

"The windows in the corridor are made of high-strength hardened glass. When there is a fire outside, the inside is warm."

"It was discovered early"

"I can run face to face, so why don't I come out to bask in the sun just in time?"

"The fire was burning and suddenly went out, and it rained suddenly."

"Good guy! You just have to wait for the anchor to die, right?"

"It's just speculation, to avoid mistakes, to put it bluntly, I still don't agree with this plan"


Fans, you talked to each other, and soon helped Chen Qi to "check the gaps and make up for the leaks". By this time, Chen Qi already didn't want to give up the idea of ​​​​trying.

So, the plan was prepared until the hottest time at noon, and Chen Qi, who was sweating profusely, felt that the weather was a bit too hot.

At this temperature, that thing definitely doesn't want to come out of the cool room, and this temperature is perfect for setting fire!
Of course, you can't go to the place to rub the fireball. Chen Qi rubbed the wood so vigorously for the first time, and quickly built a fire. He kicked the small fire into the water, holding a huge dry pine branch, Chen Qi Carefully along the way, I came to the manor where I had an adventure last night again...

More than 20 meters behind the pool.


No matter how brave he was when he came here, when he arrived at the gate of the manor, thinking that there was a big snake more than ten meters away in the two-story building less than 100 meters away from him, Chen Qi was still scared.

However, we have already come here, and looking back now, it seems that there is no turning back.

It's anticlimactic, why don't you go to bed early and run early now!

He poured out all the dry firewood he had collected along his back and put it on the kindling he brought, and quickly made a small fire.

The logs connected to the bark and the horizontal branches were crackling and burning in the midday sun. This pile of flames gave Chen Qi a lot of courage.

"Draw" a big circle, and walked around the manor. Chen Qi wanted to make sure that there was a certain distance between the nearest tree and the manor. Otherwise, he didn't want to go to the manor for the New Year if there was a forest fire.By the way, at the back entrance of the manor, a lot of wood was also collected and a fire was lit.

Fortunately, when the manor was built, the owner was rich enough, and the nearest tree was 30 meters away from the manor. This kind of windless weather was safe enough.

When everything was ready, Chen Qi took a deep breath and secretly encouraged himself, then he took the burning logs and quickly threw them around the manor one by one.

It is difficult to build, but a hundred times easier to destroy.

Soon, the wooden main body on the second floor was full of smoke, and almost in the blink of an eye, a fire was completely lit, turning into a super big fire.

And the scene that Chen Qi, who retreated a long way, expected, a burning snake roared up from the sea of ​​flames, crashed into the beams and ran out to chase him, did not happen at all.

All was going on in calm, and there was nothing but the blazing fire and thick black smoke.

Until, a voice suddenly sounded in Chen Qi's head:
[Congratulations to the host for completing the first hunt]

[Congratulations to the host for completing the achievement: Hunter]

[The achievement system is on, please check the achievement title yourself]

[The data panel is fully open, currently available points: 0]

[Mall purchase system is open, current available balance: 0]

[The skill panel system is officially launched...]


Hearing this series of prompts, Chen Qi was a little dazed at first, and then suddenly realized.

"I seem to... finally found the real correct way to open the wilderness live broadcast..."

 Because many readers said that the pace is too slow. Originally, these system things were opened after the first mission was completed and returned to the space city. Now it is earlier, so as not to affect the plot direction.Everyone has comments and suggestions, just mention them.

(End of this chapter)

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