Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 23 Planting the Flag

Chapter 23 Planting the Flag

Chen Qi listened to the sound of running water in the wilderness and ate his authentic boiled fish, and the audience in the live broadcast room was miserable.

The main reason is that the way Chen Qi eats always reveals a sense of delicious enjoyment in the world, so that, no matter whether there is something in his mouth when watching his live broadcast, fans feel that what they eat is not as good as Chen Qi tasty.

The anchor of the wilderness was stunned to be made into a food broadcast by him.


A fish is very heavy, and five catties seems to be not something that one person can eat.

However, after Chen Qi removed the head, tail, internal organs and other things from the fish, the overall weight has shrunk a lot.

In addition, this boy Chen Qi ate a total of this meal today, so he ate everything including soup and meat.

If it weren't for the fact that the fish bones were not easy to chew, Chen Qi would have chewed the fish bones and eaten them.

Sure enough, whether to eat or not depends on whether the person who eats is hungry or not.


The fire at the bottom of the pot has not been extinguished, and Chen Qi plans to sleep here all night to save the trouble of lighting the fire when the time comes, so even though the pot is not placed on the stone stove, Chen Qi has been watching over the fire, keeping the fire burning. Keep burning.

After eating, Chen Qi walked to the small river and cleaned his only piece of equipment: the frying pan.

The leftover fish bones and the freshly processed fish heads and tails were dug a hole as usual and buried with soil.

"I hope everyone must remember this point. If you have eaten in the wild, you must remember to bury the uneaten food.

Because the sense of smell of many predators is very sensitive and terrifying, if they smell the smell and find it, it is fine that it is a small cat or a badger dog.

If it’s something like a bear, then…”

It goes without saying what Chen Qi said, I believe the fans in the studio still know what this possible outcome means.

"Don't think I'm alarmist. When it comes to animals with a keen sense of smell, everyone must first think of dogs. The dog's nose is almost synonymous with a keen sense of smell.

In nature, however, a dog's nose doesn't rank at all.

Bears can easily smell blood and corpses 20 kilometers away. If it is a polar bear, in the relatively barren and single extreme northern natural environment, polar bears can smell the smell of prey [-] kilometers away.

Terrestrial life is unreasonable, and the sea is even more ridiculous. Sharks can distinguish the smell of a drop of blood dropped into the sea from a mile away.

Therefore, if you are in an environment where wild animals exist, it is best not to use your own human perspective to easily judge the abilities of animals, you will suffer a lot! "


"Understood, visiting relatives are not allowed to go into the sea!"

"You seem to understand differently from us"

"Anchor anchor! Is it useful to play dead when encountering a bear?"

"Still pretending to be dead, it's no use pretending to be a lion!"

"It is recommended to kneel down and beg for it"

"Can a bear understand the meaning of kneeling?"

"No. But at least you worked hard~"

"When you meet a bear, you can find a twig and stick it in your ear, because as everyone knows, no one will touch you when you clean your ears"

"I've learned it, I'll go to the zoo to tease the big bear!"

"Go all the way~~"


The barrage is always like this, and Chen Qi can't always interact with fans in the direction of sand sculptures, so he picked a more serious question and answered it.

"The method of pretending to be dead when encountering a bear is actually because early zoologists believed that bears do not eat rot.

Because in the early days when bears were first tracked, zoologists discovered that bears were basically omnivores, and their diets covered a wide range.

Generally speaking, vegetarian foods such as plant roots account for 60% of the portion.Grass, fruit, grains, eat whatever you want.

The rest is meat, all kinds of deer, rabbits, small rodents, and even huge bison and wild boars.

Bears with such a wide range of diets usually don't choose to eat carrion.


This definitely doesn’t mean they don’t eat.If you encounter a bear, the best thing to do is to back away slowly and upright, and then look for softer and steeper terrain that may be around, such as the river bank over there.

Other than that, the rest is almost a matter of luck.

Because of the bear's size, it looks bulky, but in the mountains and forests, the bear's speed is definitely faster than any running person.

Whether it can catch up to you depends on whether there is other food in its sight range, and how hungry it is.

But don't worry, I'm still safe. "

What Chen Qi actually meant was that the number of wild animals in the current forest is not at the same level as before the Great Migration.

Now is not the time for bears to prepare for winter, so bears should not be too aggressive.

In fact, according to the data Chen Qi saw before, the number of humans killed by bears is less than forty each year, but the number of bears killed by humans each year far exceeds this number.

Bears generally don't easily attack creatures that look bluffing like humans. After all, the height of an adult standing up with his hands raised can easily be close to two meters.It looked more threatening than deer and wild boars.


Still the same sentence: Specifically, it depends on how hungry the bear is.


"Hey, co-authoring anyway is waiting to die!"

"Drip! The latest FLAG is detected, and the script is being generated"

"Drip! In order to ensure the quality of the live broadcast and punish the anchor who is covered with flags, the fans in the live broadcast room will crowdfund a big bear and send it to the anchor."

"Anchor: After drinking this pot of fish soup, I will go back to my hometown and get married!"

"Yo! Anchor, it's not fun to say that!"


"Gambling that the anchor was caught by a bear in the middle of the night"

"Hahaha, you guys are so outrageous! I like it so much~"

"Anchor, don't keep talking."

"The anchor is considering the comparison of the combat effectiveness of the rabbit and the big bear"

"That's obviously the rabbit's victory!"

"Anchor, know what I'm going to say"


"Yes, if the bear comes, I will deal with it with the trick of rabbit kicking the eagle, to ensure that it is docile!"

As an anchor, Chen Qi's "evolution" is still very fast. Less than three days after the broadcast started, he was already able to laugh and make fun of himself with the barrage.

But when I see the word rabbit, I still have a toothache and jaw pain.


After cleaning up the "kitchen waste", Chen Qi began to study how to sleep at night.

The terrain here is open, and the high part of the pebble beach has a lot of water, which can also guarantee dryness. It is indeed a good place.

It's just that the ground is full of stones except for water, and there is not even a tree that can build a shelf. It is definitely impossible to reproduce the shelter of last night.

Today, we still have to build a new shelter.

Seeing those big trees by the river, Chen Qi had an idea in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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