Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 183 Mutton Skewers

Chapter 183 Mutton Skewers

On the way back, although Chen Qi had a lot less problem of distinguishing the road conditions, he could deal with these not-too-unfamiliar roads more easily.

Logically speaking, he should really relax.

However, the load is still too great.

Carrying such a big basket, Chen Qi couldn't walk in some places and had to take a detour.

So, even though he was on his way very hard, Chen Qi still couldn't get back to the tree house within eight hours.


The leaves on the shoulders had been worn out several times, and Chen Qi had to stop again to observe the surrounding environment, and picked some leaves he knew from the tree casually.

“Many of the trees here are unfamiliar to me.

Don't say I didn't do my homework, I did too much homework.But there are still too many trees.

I can't guarantee that they are all non-toxic. If I get some unknown leaves to pad my shoulders, the juice that flows out after grinding is likely to make my skin fester, or red, swollen and pimple or something.

In short, it is like not all water can be drunk, and all fruits can be eaten.Be careful with branches and leaves.

After all, some plants have evolved into a state where the whole plant is poisonous in order to survive. "

He just stopped to take a few breaths, checked the direction, found some leaves to rest on his shoulders, and Chen Qi set off again.

"It occurred to me that there is a plant that grows in tropical and subtropical regions.

It looks like a fuzzy castor bean with leaves similar to those of a carob bean.

This kind of plant looks ordinary, but it absolutely kills any animal in nature.

It is not very poisonous, but those small white fluffy things that grow on its surface are very powerful.

That's not fluff, but fiberglass-like spikes that resemble thin needles.

If you touch such a thing, even just slightly, those glass fibers will instantly penetrate the flesh and blood, causing extreme pain.

It cannot be dissolved, nor can it be excreted from the body, and there is no such thing as detoxification.

Even if it is sent to the hospital, the fibers that are thinner than a hair will make the doctor helpless. In the end, they can only be removed together with the skin and flesh. "

Speaking of this, Chen Qi's expression suddenly became very strange, as if he wanted to be serious but couldn't help laughing, it looked very weird.

"Speaking of this kind of thing... During the world war a hundred years ago, a certain unlucky white soldier ran away alone for convenience due to sudden abdominal pain.

Then, he didn't bring the paper.Randomly tore off some kind of soft big leaves around.

It is said that at first, he just felt a kind of burning sensation, and then it became more and more violent and never-ending pain.

I don't know the final fate of this soldier, but it is said that when he was sent to the hospital by his comrades-in-arms, he was already foaming at the mouth and unconscious. "

Turning his head to look at the camera with a strange smile, Chen Qi said in a strange voice: "I hope this little knowledge can bring you some help~"


During the entire return trip, Chen Qi kept digging his brains to popularize all sorts of weird knowledge to fans.

He kept talking until he was so exhausted that he really didn't want to speak any more before stopping.

Along the way, Chen Qi met some delicious little animals that could be made into big dishes several times.

However, Chen Qi, who already has an "absolute burden", now doesn't want to add any more burden to himself.

Not to mention chasing all kinds of small animals that ran away in a panic, Chen Qi didn't even have the interest to lift his bow and arrow.

Just walking and walking like this, at the end of the journey, Chen Qi basically gritted his teeth and persevered.

Especially, after he saw the familiar big Bodhi tree on the top of the slope and his own tree house.

During the last section of the uphill road, Chen Qi's legs were trembling.


"Fuck, fuck! The special one finally arrived!!"

This shout seemed to exhaust all the strength in Chen Qi's body.

He struggled to break free from the big basket he was carrying behind him, let it fall to the ground, and let all kinds of conch shells, big and small, scatter all over the ground.

He also simply lay down on the ground.

Chen Qi's return made the "resurrected" sheep run around and bark in all kinds of ways, which had been running around leisurely in the sheep pen.

It was only two days since Chen Qi went out this time. Before leaving, Chen Qi had finished getting enough food for the sheep, so it must not have been hungry in these two days.

Now that it barks so frequently, there is a high probability that it is still thirsty.

After all, Chen Qi only left it with a bamboo tube of water.

"Extraordinary... I haven't disliked the air pollution caused by your unsanitary defecation, but you are the first to make a fuss!"

Chen Qi lay on the ground for more than ten minutes, and after recovering a little, he struggled to get up from the ground.

It wasn't that he was thinking about working. His whole body ached now, and the marks on his shoulders caused by the straps of the big basket were even more painful and made him feel numb.

At this time, fatigue can really overcome the feeling of hunger.

Chen Qi climbed up the ladder, he was going to take a good rest in the tree house.

It has been eight and a half hours since Chen Qi set off from the beach.

After setting a two-hour countdown alarm clock for the drone, Chen Qi took off his clothes and shoes and lay down on his wooden bed.

sleep.No matter what, I must sleep.


It seemed that the ringing sound coming from the depths of the soul was like a magic sound pouring into the brain, "dragging" Chen Qi out of his dream.

The moment Chen Qi opened his eyes, the first thing Chen Qi felt was pain.

My whole body hurts everywhere!
After turning off the drone's alarm clock, Chen Qi sat on the bed, and it took him a while to remember what happened before he went to sleep.

Walking outside the door, sure enough, the sheep under the tree was still barking non-stop.

"It's...heh, it's almost five o'clock!"

Chen Qi turned to look at the sun again.

At this time, the sun was about to set, and Chen Qi looked far away, and saw the seaside where he came over in the morning again.

"Fuck, it doesn't look that far away at all. Who would have thought it would take me 16 hours to go back and forth!
16 hours is enough for me to travel around the world for a whole month! "

At this time, Chen Qi had completely woken up.

The first feedback he gets from his five senses is the cry of a sheep under a tree.

Then there is the smell of my own feet.

Then, there are all kinds of pain and intense hunger.

"Hey. I just woke up, why does it seem that there are countless things to do?


The drone has not turned off the shooting, and Chen Qi's seemingly very understanding feeling has naturally been broadcast.

However, the fans didn't tease him because of this. They completely watched Chen Qi's journey today.

Even though he was so tired, Chen Qi didn't forget to keep talking, talking about ancient times, popular science... he stopped when he couldn't speak anymore.

Not to mention, the reason why Chen Qi was so tired was because he was tired of carrying presents for them.

Where can I find such a reliable anchor!


Although Chen Qi was 1 unwilling, he still had to work.

First go to the river to fetch water.

During this process, Chen Qi had to pick up the pole again, and experienced another wave of shoulder torture.

After taking care of personal hygiene by the river, Chen Qi came back carrying water.

As the water was being boiled here, Chen Qi had already walked towards the small sheep pen with a knife in his hand.

He was really tired and hungry today.And it seems that there is not enough time, there is not so much time for him to hunt and find food.

Taking all the factors into consideration, Chen Qi felt that now seemed to be the time to attack this sheep.

However, Chen Qi had to do some psychological training for himself.After all, no matter how short the time of raising it is, it has been raised for a while.

"I've been raising you for several days, how do you repay me?

You just know how to eat, eat, eat, la la la!
A few days?Um?
You have never laid an egg or produced a single grain, and you are not even willing to respectfully call me godfather.

Say it yourself, do I have no reason to keep you?Um? ! "

The so-called desire to add to the crime, there is no excuse.

Facing the terrifying ape erectus carrying a sharp knife, a mere lamb has no ability to control its own destiny.

Especially when this terrifying upright ape has lost all conscience and started talking nonsense in order to eat it.

After a few wailings, the sound gradually died down.

With the newly boiled water, Chen Qi started to treat the sheep.

"If there is something bad about the tropics compared to the cold, it must be about food preservation.

Such a big sheep, no matter how hungry I am, I can eat as much as I can.In a day, I definitely can't finish it.

Not even two days!
The tropical area itself has the influence of high temperature, not to mention the flies that are everywhere here and can always appear at a certain time and place.

I want to save this mutton from spoiling, but it is probably impossible. However, we can try to postpone the time of spoilage as far as possible. "

The way Chen Qi said to delay the rot of mutton is to find a piece of leftover bamboo, saw out another piece of bamboo tube, and reserve the part for the lid.

Then, Chen Qi dug a hole in the ground.

The pit is dug as straight up and down as possible according to the size of the bamboo tube.

"Land has a good specific heat capacity, is that the word?

Hahaha, anyway, this is a simple version of a super small cellar.

Usually when the temperature is particularly high, the temperature on the ground will not be too high. If you dig deeper, you can pick up the soil, which may even be cool. "

Chen Qi was also good at digging holes, and he quickly solved the problem.Divide the cleaned mutton and place them in bamboo tubes one by one, and then put the bamboo tubes into the pit on the ground.

Put the lid on, fill the remaining pit space with some floating soil, and cover it with a layer of sod.

In this way, Chen Qi basically has the hope of eating the things preserved in the pit.


There weren't too many powerful carnivores here, so Chen Qi hadn't been too careful.

Mutton is different from pork, fish, and chicken. Without specific seasonings, it is still inconvenient to make and very delicious.

Therefore, Chen Qi thought of a simple solution.

"Let's eat lamb skewers!"

This time when he came here to do a mission, Chen Qi prepared extra tools.

Although there is no iron stick that fits perfectly, Chen Qi has long nails.

Moreover, the great thing is to make the meat bigger and roast it directly with twigs.


Part of the meat was cut off by Chen Qi to make mutton skewers, and the other part was cut into super large pieces by Chen Qi, ready to be grilled and eaten directly.

"Although the roasted whole lamb is delicious, it also sounds very good, and it looks very easy.

But you must not have thought of the problem of fire and heat.

Believe me, the kind you see on tv...something being hunted down and then spending the night in the woods grabbing a pheasant and roasting it and making it golden and crispy...

That's all bullshit.

If you grill it in such a way that the hair is not plucked and the internal organs are not processed, you will definitely get a dark dish in the end.

And like the idea of ​​roasting a whole lamb, you will definitely get a strange food with some parts burnt and some parts still bleeding.

This is not called waste, it is called waste food! "

Chen Qi directly turned on the preaching mode, making the fans stunned.

Even if there is a master chef of a barbecue restaurant among his fans, he must have never tried to roast a sheep without using the tools of a restaurant.

So after Chen Qi said this, not only did no one refute him, but many people began to "maliciously praise and kill him", all kinds of saying what Chen Qi did was right, and what he said made sense.

Even Chen Qi's operation of throwing the whole bone into the fire because he could not remove the meat from certain bones was described as how he was wise and knew how to advance and retreat.

Chen Qi was taken aback by what he saw.


In the end, Chen Qi still didn't choose to use big nails to grill lamb kebabs.I used a branch from the woods on one side.

He has chili, and he also has some other spices. Although there are still a lot of seasonings missing, it will not make the mutton skewers unpalatable.

It was already dark when I made my own food.While cooking a small barbecue, Chen Qi would turn this skewer around and turn over that skewer from time to time, while sprinkling all kinds of seasonings on it without knowing the amount or repetition.

At the same time, Chen Qi's mouth was not idle. It seemed that after taking a nap, he became the talkative anchor again.

After chatting about things with fans for a long time, Chen Qi suddenly had nothing to say.

After thinking for a long time, he asked impromptuly: "Speaking of which, do your ids have any stories? Why are they called this?"

After saying this, there was no silence at that time.


Immortal Dance was falsely accused of 5000: "Ah...that was a night..."

Shengji Steamed Bun Shop: "I'm the one who sells steamed buns!"

I have a weak kidney: "What the hell are you all looking at me for!"

Waking up at five o'clock to defecate at three o'clock: "Well...just a little personal habit"

Purebred wild big sb: "……………"

Cuckold: "Want to hear my story. Huh huh..."

The bride price is 60: "Brother Qi, can you lend me some money?"

Just pretend that she is going to learn technology: "Damn! I shouldn't click in!"

Brother Jie doesn't want it anymore: "He insists on it. He still hits me."

Head, you must be a diva: "I'll scold you right here!"

No more pee tonight: "I really made a typo!!"


The sand sculpture fans are really talented, and they made Chen Qi laugh so hard that he almost missed the mutton skewers.

Serving meals with such a "story" seems to really improve appetite, so Chen Qi decided that in the future, he will have to come a few more times when he finds opportunities for such things!
(End of this chapter)

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