Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 180 Strange Lunch Added

Chapter 180 Strange Lunch Added

The blue sea, this is the first time in Chen Qi's two lifetimes that he truly felt the charm of the ocean.

It's not that he hasn't been to the beach before, but his attention is basically on bikinis.

In addition, there are always so many people on the beach, and there are always so many colorful "color blocks" walking around. The sea in Chen Qi's memory always looks like a vegetable market.

Those who play in the water, those who dig around with a small plastic shovel, those who pile up the sand in surprise, there are all kinds of children running around, and there are garbage all over the floor.

But now, Chen Qi can even say that at this moment, he truly enjoys this whole world to himself.

At least, the scenery at this moment belongs to him.

Of course, there are many fans.


Wasteland law: "That idiot in front of the camera, get out of the way."

Walking through April Fool's Day: "Chen Qi is the only discord in this beautiful picture scroll"

End of the night: "Who taught me how to cut out pictures and deduct portraits"

My name was finally eaten: "Please stop talking"

Jun Xiaobai's temperament changed drastically: "Chen Qi! Chen Qi! It's okay if you don't go away and lie down!"

It’s a warm winter: “Call the big bear, call the big bear!”


The tinkling gift notification woke Chen Qi up from his intoxication, and turned his head to look cheerfully at the live broadcast room, and Chen Qi's face immediately turned down.

"Good guy! How dare you scold the cook before you're full! I'm going to bury you at the bottom of Wuzhi Mountain with your butt facing out for 500 years!"

These guys are really willing to spend a lot of money. In order to let him escape as soon as possible, they can send gifts in bunches!

Threats are threats, but Chen Qi still did not "disobey" the fans' requests and opinions, and gave the drone an automatic cruise command knowingly.

The drone lifted off slowly, skimmed the waterline of the beach, and soared into the sky, giving a super wide angle.

The water surface under the lens is deep and mysterious, with blue waves and white waves hitting the beach.With the help of the drone's high performance, fans can even see a group of small white fat birds running back and forth on the beach not far away, "catching" the waves.

The sea breeze blows the leaves of the coconut trees, and it seems that the heat wave and the wet and salty smell are within reach.

The camera moved again, and the sun flashed in sight, leaving behind shining spots of light, stretched into a series of colorful hexagonal shapes, and on the beach, Chen Qi was lying on it, stretched all over.

Hmm... At this moment, it seems that Chen Qi's appearance is not so strange.

It is also very harmonious and has a sense of picture.


The drone has been recording the seaside scenery from various angles and heights, and many people have already used the tableside pictures on the spot.

Chen Qi was still lying down below, although he knew that if the sun was shining on him for a whole day, his skin would be gone.

However, Chen Qi still wanted to be lazy for a while.

When you are on vacation, you have to have a vacation attitude.

The drone was called back by Chen Qi, and it has been wandering around for more than ten minutes, no matter how slow it is, it will be over soon.

"Over there, see that big coconut tree.

During this period of time, the local coconut trees should not have grown mature coconuts yet.Otherwise, we should be able to see falling coconuts under the coconut tree. "

Changing the subject, Chen Qi continued: "However, it doesn't matter if it's mature or not. I just want some coconut white shell to boil some juice and use it as sunscreen."

Climbing coconut trees is a life-threatening job. In human history, coconuts have never become a mainstream food or emergency food in any period or region.

Obviously, the coconut can be used as a very good nutritional supplement, and the shell can be used as a tool. Moreover, when the coconut is not fully mature, its coconut fruit juice can be used as a natural physiological injection, which is really nice.

However, just because this thing could not be planted artificially in the past, picking it was also a big problem, so it has always been marginalized, even in tropical areas.

"Climbing a coconut tree will really kill people. This thing has a straight trunk without even a branch that can borrow its strength. It's still so high. If it falls down, it will be dead!"

Although Chen Qi has the ability to climb trees, he obviously can't deal with such a "high-level" opponent, and he doesn't want to play so big.

Taking out the rope from the shoulder bag on his back, Chen Qi "surrounded" himself loosely with a particularly thick coconut tree. After the rope was tied, Chen Qi began to climb the tree.

Not all coconut trees are straight and straight. The one Chen Qi picked is a bit "downcast", with a certain curvature, and Chen Qi's feet can use more force to stabilize his figure.

Almost climbing to the top, Chen Qi was already more than ten meters above the ground at this time.

It is a very naive and whimsical way to pick unripe coconuts by hand, so Chen Qi chose to use a knife directly.

Aiming at the top of the coconut, Chen Qi directly chopped off two coconuts, retracted the knife and returned to mid-air, Chen Qi stopped again, thought for a while, and chopped off all the remaining coconuts that he could reach.

Going to the seaside is so strenuous, Chen Qi probably won't do it next time, unless he lives by the seaside.

Needless to say, climbing the coconut tree probably happened this time.This time I won't get a few more, this live broadcast, there shouldn't be such an opportunity.

The blue coconuts fell on the beach on the ground. Although they fell from a height of more than ten meters, although those coconuts were thrown all over the ground, none of them were broken.

This thing is far from being as flimsy as it is seen in commercials and film and television productions.

After Chen Qi came down bit by bit and picked up the coconuts on the ground, the next problem became simple.

Because Chen Qi was not a victim, there was no need for him to figure out how to open the coconut without losing the juice and pulp inside. He could just use a knife and an axe.

Opening the coconut, Chen Qi took out the white layer of pulp that was attached to the inside of the shell, and set up the pot.

There are a lot of things like rotten wood pushed to the beach by the high tide. After the tide ebbs, the hot sun will dry them out within a day, turning them from wet and half-rotten branches to dry. status.

For this kind of thing, lighting a fire is the best thing.

"I remember, I told you before that there are many strange little things in Sri Lanka besides mud crabs and giant blue crabs living in deep water pools.

In fact, they are nothing.

Do you know that in places where coconut trees grow in abundance, there will be the largest land crab! "

Chen Qi, who was on fire, raised his hands and drew a shape the size of a face. Maybe because he felt a little conservative, Chen Qi made the circle bigger.

"Really! I didn't lie to you!"

Chen Qi looked around the surrounding beaches, looking for places with soil faults.

"That stuff is called a coconut crab, and it eats coconuts as its main food.

This thing is not only the largest land crab, but also the largest land arthropod.

Under normal circumstances, an adult has a body size of more than one meter, and the highest recorded human body weight is eight kilograms.

Eight kilograms, brothers!Crab! "

Chen Qi drew the big circle again.

"Although this thing is a crab, what the hell it's good at is not playing with water, but climbing trees!"

He pointed to the coconut tree not far away: "Because it has two very powerful pincers, which can pinch off the shell of the coconut, so this thing has almost no natural enemies in the local area except rats.

Moreover, although coconut crabs are sometimes besieged and preyed by a large number of mice.

But sometimes, the situation will be completely reversed. Humans have recorded images of coconut crabs preying on mice more than once, so strictly speaking, coconut crabs really have no natural enemies.

Moreover, this thing also has a nickname called Robber Crab.Although I like eating coconuts the most, its pair of pliers are too powerful, and because it is completely separated from the water and the living environment of other crabs, the coconut crab's shell is ridiculously hard.

It can fight and resist, and the main food coconut is often in short supply, so it can only grab other small animals.

What kind of leaves and fruits, small animals and birds, even the same kind smaller than oneself, found when they were hungry, it means that all living beings are equal, it is a pincer to go up!

As for its pliers that can pinch coconuts apart, if it pinches a person, let alone fingers, it is an arm. It is estimated that it will be disabled after this blow.

It stands to reason that this thing is found in the entire Indian Ocean and the west Pacific coast, there is no reason why you can't see it here..."

While Chen Qi was talking about how powerful, terrifying, and dangerous the coconut crab was, he was already thinking about how full such a big crab would be to eat.

After all, the coconut crab was once endangered by humans, all because it was really delicious.

The meat is fresh and tender, which can be called a must.


The crushed coconut pulp turned into something clear like sugar water under Chen Qi's slow fire.

Logically speaking, at this point, some other steps are needed to complete the sunscreen that Chen Qi wanted.

But he doesn't have that much time now, and the conditions are limited, so let's deal with it.

Take off the pan and put it on the beach to cool. When the coconut oil in the pan started to turn slightly white, Chen Qi started directly, grabbed a handful and rubbed it on his face and arms.

"This thing can't fully protect you from the sun, but at least it won't expose my skin directly to ultraviolet rays."


Finally settled the issue of personal protection, Chen Qi did not bring a bow and arrow, but found a dry wooden stick thicker than his arm, and searched for it at the edge of the woods near the sea.

After wandering around for a while, Chen Qi found that there were coconut shells scattered on the ground somewhere that had been completely dried.

Just as he was about to move forward, Chen Qi thought for a while, then ran back, and brought over a young and hard green coconut that was not used just now.

"Brothers, let me show you if I am lying."

Chen Qi returned to the place where he saw the coconut shell just now, and within ten meters of walking, he found a particularly large horizontal hole at the fault where the soil layer at the edge of the forest and the beach bordered.

"Here, it should be a coconut crab. It usually lives on land. Although it is a crab, it basically does not touch the water.

Now, let's draw it out. "

Coconut crabs have excellent hearing, or the ability to feel vibrations.

In order not to alert the snake, Chen Qi made a small circle and ran to the back of the woods. Then he stopped the drone above the cave entrance and took pictures from a position outward. He was behind and threw the coconut to the entrance of the cave.

After waiting for about 2 minutes, the fans finally saw what Chen Qi said, the powerful coconut crab.

First impression is ugly.

The coconut crabs that live in this cave have the typical appearance of coconut crabs.

Six oversized crab legs, two large and small, similar pincers.

Shelling every year makes the shell of the coconut crab extremely hard, but it also makes its shell covered with patches of different colors.

Coupled with the light white mottled spots and fluff on the limbs of the crab legs, the more fans look at it, the more they feel that this thing...

It really looks like a super huge spider...

Thinking about it this way, the coconut crab in front of him seems to be even more dangerous and terrifying as soon as he enters it.

That is a big spider weighing more than ten kilograms! ! !


Slowly crawling out of the cave, the coconut crab found the big green coconut at the entrance of his cave.

The big pincers were active at that time.

He moved his crab legs and stepped forward, stretched out his huge crab claws, and firmly grasped the coconut.

Then, fans saw that with the power of crab claws, the task of opening coconuts that had just caused a lot of problems for Chen Qi became so easy.

In order to open the coconut, Chen Qi fixed the coconut on the seam of the stone and hit the ax directly to get it done!

But this crab really used the crab claws to cut a hole in the coconut, and then the two crab claws divided the work in an orderly manner, tearing the coconut shell layer by layer easily like tearing paper strips .


After the fans saw what the real pincers were, Chen Qi stopped hiding, walked out from behind, and directly pressed the top of the coconut crab's head with the stick in his hand.

"If this thing really has natural enemies, it should be human beings.

Although its claws are powerful, it can hardly reach things behind it.So, we just need to..."

Chen Qi quickly grabbed the carapace on the back of the coconut crab with both hands, and held it up like a certificate of award.

The coconut crab started to panic at this time, waving its legs and pincers, trying to break free.

However, Chen Qi had already caught it, so how could he let it run away.

Holding the crab in his hands, he returned to the place where the fire was made just now.

"This crab looks scary, but as long as you grab its two symmetrical hind legs and pin them to the back of its head, it's honest.

Well, it's easy now.

Bake it first!
Hey, it's time to test my ability to operate with one hand. Watch me catch crabs with one hand and light a fire with the other! "

At the seaside, the cooking smoke was rising, Chen Qi took the crab and threw it into the fire.

(Ps: It is not recommended to buckle the scab when the wound is about to heal.)
(End of this chapter)

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