Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 174 Tree House Construction

Chapter 174 Tree House Construction

"Another refreshing day!"

Chen Qi woke up early in the morning, before he fully woke up, he peeled off the tarp and saw a mist outside.

"There must be places where heavy rain is falling in the sea area near here."

As an island country, Sri Lanka has a variety of climate changes, which are actually related to the "confrontation" of various ocean currents and various air masses.

When Chen Qi came here before, he always found it strange when he checked the information. Logically speaking, an island country should not rely on agriculture as its basic item anyway.

No matter how bad it is, facing the sea on all sides, the fishery resources can be developed to some extent.

But after checking the information, Chen Qi understood.

It's not that the locals don't want to develop the fishery. The main reason is that the weather near the island is too fickle.

Chen Qi was in the inland part of the island, and even if it rained suddenly every day or tomorrow, it would be completely incomprehensible when he got to the sea.

At this moment, the net is still being released, and suddenly a storm group comes over in the sky behind, with large rain clouds and rolling waves, which is a common occurrence.

It is precisely because of this that there are beaches on all sides of Sri Lanka, but the overall layout of tourism resources is basically based on land features.

The ones by the sea are just "additional".


"It's foggy today, and it won't take long for it to dissipate. We can't waste this time."

Chen Qi didn't want to work under the sun again, so he skipped the breakfast step.

Bringing a small part of the tools over is regarded as an early transfer.

Bring the necessary bows and arrows, knives, and this time Chen Qi also brought a lighter and a frying pan.

He also brought some seasonings, put some oil in the small bottle that was going to be filled with gems, and Chen Qi brought a lot of dried mushrooms.

"Today I just ate there. If there is any prey coming, I will eat meat. If there is no prey, I will go far away, and I will eat mushrooms directly.

Oh, right!fishing rod! "

Chen Qi picked up the fishing rod, thought for a while, and put on the bamboo hat.

"In case the work gets up, the dinner will be settled there too, um...

If there are no crocodiles in the river, I would like to sieve stones over there. "

After finishing the preparations, Chen Qi ran towards the Bodhi tree against the mist.


After the things were put away, Chen Qi climbed up the tree to have a look.

There is still a little smell, and because it is by the river, the fog seems to be bigger. After being lifted by the transpired water, it seems that there are some other strange smells on the top of the tree.

"No. I still have to fetch some water."

The main job today was to fix the bottom of the house. Chen Qi felt that waiting for the rain didn't seem to be such a thing, so he might as well do it himself.

Now that he decided to fetch water to wash the platform on the top of the tree, Chen Qi went straight to it and cut down the saw to cut out two wooden barrels.

"This kind of big bamboo can be made into two small water tanks.

Hmm... I'll use an ax to split a piece of bamboo and make a pole for use. "

Bamboo, as a plant with both hardness and toughness and low weight, can bear quite a lot of "tool" deformation.

The bamboo tube was finished quickly, without any technical content, just picked a big bamboo, and then sawed out two bamboo joints.

However, the work of fixing the bamboo tube to the shoulder pole with a rope made Chen Qi waste a lot of effort.

He did bring tools like a manual drill, but the thickness of the bamboo wall still made Chen Qi a little bit difficult.

When the four holes in the two bamboo tubes were made, Chen Qi's palms were ground into blisters.

"Hahaha, it exposed the fact that I haven't done carpentry work seriously."

Chen Qi's injury this time was entirely his own fault. Who told him to hold the handle of the drill bit in the palm of his hand?


Tie up the rope and hang the bamboo tube and the shoulder pole. Chen Qi didn't have a handy iron hook, so he could bend the long nails, but Chen Qi couldn't do it, so he had to do this temporarily. Let it grow with the shoulder pole temporarily.

Let's solve this problem when we have time later.


The small downhill all the way was very easy, and Chen Qi soon came to the river.

The management stayed far away first, and threw a few stones into the river. There were no crocodiles. Chen Qi was relieved. After observing for a while, he swung the pole and threw the bamboo tube into the river. After falling into the water, Chen Qi got up and took him out of the river again.

Holding the pole, Chen Qi quickly left the river, he was somewhat doubtful about the safety of the river.


When I came down, I carried an empty bucket, which was a relief. When I went back, it was uphill and filled with water. Chen Qi was tired after walking these few steps.

Fortunately, he seemed to be used to suffering and suffering, so he didn't feel anything, so he returned to the Bodhi tree with water.

Holding the water ladder, Chen Qi poured water to wash the entire treetop.

The two buckets of water were not enough, so Chen Qi had to pick it up again, which solved the problem of the strange smell.

"Okay, next, let's fix the beams on the bottom floor first."

Chen Qi decided to build a tree house for himself before he came, so before coming, he had searched a lot of information on the Internet and made a lot of tree house construction plans.

This time, he came here with the blueprint in his mind.

It's ready.

"The top is quite flat, but after all, there is no way to fix the foundation part by nailing wooden piles.

Therefore, we want to build a semi-volley tree house, using a part of the platform, a part of the branches, a part of the fixed beams built manually, and a few piles on the ground that extend to the top as the foundation for fixing the entire wooden house .

Now, let's get rid of the beam part first. "

Because it has to bear a small part of the weight and a large part of the "fixing" role as a whole, bamboo cannot be used for the choice of beams.

Chen Qi chose a lot of camphor trees nearby.

Chen Qi is already familiar with handling wood, whether it is cutting trees or pruning branches, he can do it very quickly.

Because there were no conditions for planing wood into planks, Chen Qi chose some wood that was not too thick, and then increased the number.

The fog gradually dissipated, Chen Qi carried the wood and climbed to the top of the tree one after another.

Specially bought big-headed long nails are the most suitable for fixing wood.

First frame a square frame on the top of the tree, part of it is on the platform of the tree top, part of it is on the branch extending out, and one corner hangs directly in the air. This is the basic frame of Chen Qi's future small tree house.

A lot of nails and wood were wasted, and Chen Qi finally finished the work until noon.

At this time, the sun came out, and Chen Qi was tired, thirsty, hot and hungry.

"No, I have to rest for a while and eat something."

Running to the shady side of the big tree, Chen Qi directly set up a fire with ready-made wood, put a frying pan on it, poured oil on it, threw the dried mushrooms in, fried them casually and sprinkled them Add some seasoning, and this lunch can be dealt with.

The idea of ​​fishing by the river was a waste of time.

Regardless of whether there were crocodiles in that river, whether it was dangerous or not, Chen Qi didn't have time now.

Building a small tree house is much more difficult than he imagined, and the workload is also much greater.The current time should still be spent on the construction of the tree house.

After eating and drinking enough, Chen Qi granted himself a "holiday" and lay down on the top of the tree to sleep for a while.

Covered by thick leaves and blowing a little wind, Chen Qi rarely enjoyed the treatment of an "air-conditioned room" at such a high place.

This is also one of the reasons why Chen Qi chose the address of the tree house here.

Empty, near the top of the slope, with the river beside it.

In the temperature of Sri Lanka, this is simply the best choice.


After waking up, Chen Qi was not too lazy, rubbed his eyes and got up.

After nailing all the wood, Chen Qi shook it a few times with his hands, and it was quite strong.

After the frame is done, it is the fixing work of the corner that remains.

Chen Qi climbed down the tree again, and first found a beech that was tall and straight, and this was the pillar that fixed the corner.

After processing the wood, Chen Qi picked up the shovel and started digging a hole right under the hanging corner.

About forty or fifty centimeters away, Chen Qi put the log in, filled it with soil, fixed it, and then...

It just fell over.

Scratching his head, this is what Chen Qi expected.

After digging the hole a little deeper, Chen Qi split two small wooden planks with an axe. A wooden plank the size of a forearm was already the limit of what Chen Qi could do.

No matter how small it is, it is not easy to use, no matter how big it is, it is easy to split, and one side is thick and the other is thin. It is better to have nothing.

After re-fixing the wood, Chen Qi pushed it a little so that it leaned in front of the hanging corner, then stepped on the ladder and climbed up the tree.

After fixing the wood used as the pillar with planks, Chen Qi took a breath.

By this time, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

"This timing is somewhat unreasonable.

When the sun is shining, it is actually the best time to identify gemstones, but it seems a little unreliable to go back to the bamboo forest to dig stones..."

After thinking for a long time, Chen Qi didn't think of a good solution.

The best of both worlds seems to be non-existent.

As long as Chen Qi doesn't want to sieve stones in the big river suspected of having crocodiles, he can't avoid the road from the banyan tree to the bamboo forest.

"Oh, there is no way, let's talk about it later. Now, this is the only way to go."

Sifting stones by the water's edge when it's hot, doing some light work, and doing some work like carrying logs during the day and night, seems to be a more cost-effective allocation plan.

However, who made Chen Qi choose the safe edge of the bamboo forest as his temporary shelter?

That's the only way to get twice the result with half the effort.

"Let's go. I have to go back to sieve stones today. Let's continue to work on the tree house tomorrow."

The fishing rod was not taken away, but was directly placed on the tree by Chen Qi, and the small part of the tools he had transported before was also placed here, so as to avoid running back and forth and carrying it back and forth.


For the next week, Chen Qi was always in a busy state of work, almost never idle for a moment.

After waking up during the day, he would go to work at the Bodhi tree, and he would be busy for a while, until after noon, Chen Qi would have something to eat and then sleep.

After waking up, I can still work for an hour or two. After that, I will go back to the shelter, have dinner, and then go to the river to sieve stones.

These days, Chen Qi was basically repeating this process. Except for occasionally catching a crab to eat meat, he had been living on the vegetables and mushrooms he hoarded.

The construction of the tree house went smoothly, except that there was not enough bamboo, Chen Qi went to transport the building materials in the middle, and got a super-large bamboo raft, the overall construction has always been in Chen Qi's plan.

For a whole week, there was no rain at all, and the heat is always the main color here.

Chen Qi even wondered if this place was still Sri Lanka.

However, this provided Chen Qi with a lot of convenience in sifting stones.

The weather is always dry, and the land is always dry. Without so much water, the pits that Chen Qi can dig are getting deeper and bigger.

These days, Chen Qi would dig holes every day until night, when the sun had completely set and the earth was plunged into darkness.

Many large holes had been dug out by Chen Qi in the bamboo forest, and the "Jingwei River Filling" project was carried out very thoroughly by Chen Qi.

It can be considered that hard work pays off, and Chen Qi's gem excavation work is going smoothly.

These days, Chen Qi dug up a total of 11 gemstones. Counting the previous ones, Chen Qi's gift-giving plan has been completed by one-seventh.

The only regret is that among the stones that Chen Qi dug up, none of them were really valuable high-quality gemstones.

The most valuable kunzite is not very pure, but not small in size.Chen Qi's own estimate barely reached five figures.

In addition, almost all of them are spinel and cordierite, and colorless spinel still accounts for the majority.

There are already many fans urging Chen Qi to dig stones in another place. It is no wonder that no one came to dig this bamboo forest at the beginning, it does not produce valuable gemstones at all.

Chen Qi himself was also quite depressed.

Logically speaking, this should not be at all.

The whole of Sri Lanka is basically a super huge gemstone mine. Although the overall distribution is more or less, there are more deep soils and relatively few shallow soils.

But there is absolutely no saying that the valuable gems are in one place, and the worthless gems are in another place.

However, it is an indisputable fact that he has not dug out a single high-grade gemstone until now.

Right now, the more the fans urged Chen Qi to leave, the more Chen Qi felt: So many worthless gems have been dug out, and the pits have been dug so deep, so the next stone will be a high-quality gem?

Because of this kind of thinking, Chen Qi was still reluctant to change places to dig stones now.

Although he had already moved almost all his things to the tree house, there was almost only a tarp left, but Chen Qi still wanted to "struggle" again.

On the eighth day after Chen Qi started building the tree house, it finally rained again, and this time it rained directly during the day.Fans thought that Chen Qi might have to lie in the waterproof cloth for a day this time and take a good rest.

Unexpectedly, Chen Qi got into the drizzle wearing a bamboo hat.

"Brothers, today is the last day of digging in the bamboo forest.

The last day.Why don't I do anything else today, just dig pits and sieve stones!

Get ready for the lottery!I have a hunch.

Today, it's going to be a big shipment! "

Chen Qi carried the shovel and said solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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