Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 165 Can I Get Hungry Here?

Chapter 165 Can I Get Hungry Here?
The spinel that Chen Qi dug out this time is colorless as a whole, shaped like broken rock sugar.

With such a size and shape, even if the color is not considered, there will not be many jewels that can be used as jewelry after being divided.

That is to say: the value of cutting and engraving is very low.

But Chen Qi was still very happy.

From childhood to adulthood, this is the most valuable, meaningful and valuable thing he has dug out of the soil.

If it weren't for the raging crowd in the live broadcast room, Chen Qi would have thought of "trapping" the spinel himself.

However, seeing those dense barrages, Chen Qi still gave up this idea.

It was agreed to dig a gem for a lottery, but the first one came out, it was not worth much, so he broke his promise and got rich, and he won it by himself. It's no wonder that the word of mouth has not completely collapsed.


Still squatting by the river, Chen Qi carefully used broken branches and the flowing river water to clean the spinel.

"Don't worry, everyone, this will definitely be a lottery.

But let me make it clear in advance that I will not use duplicate IDs for this lottery draw.

In other words, everyone only has one chance.

Hahaha, of course, this is not absolute, if you can drag your brothers and sisters to watch my live broadcast, I will definitely not care when you win~
This can also increase the chances~"

Chen Qi started his plan to attract new recruits.

“You will definitely find gems in the future, don’t worry about that.

As I said, I won't leave until I get a hundred lucky draws!

However, this spinel, although it was the first gemstone I dug out, but spinel as a gemstone is not considered expensive.

According to the different minerals contained, spinel comes in many colors. Unfortunately, in recent years, the cheapest one is this colorless one.

Compared with those black and red spinels, the colorless ones have always been much worse.

This one, according to the number of carats, according to the degree of purity, without considering the cutting process, may only be as much as a few hundred common coins.

That is to say..."

Chen Qi threw the spinel and caught it firmly: "If you ask someone to cut this spinel, you may have to fill it yourself."

Finally, after showing off the spinel in front of the camera, Chen Qi opened the lottery function in the live broadcast room and set the number of winners to one.

"Okay. I've finished what I need to say. Now users who want to draw a lottery can start sending bullet chats. Just send... Chen Qi pretty boy! Hahahahaha!
Then, after ten seconds, I will draw a lucky audience member. Friends who win the prize, please send me a private message backstage. "

Chen Qi originally thought that with his reminder, fans might hold the idea of ​​[leave the opportunity to more valuable gems], resulting in very few responders who sent bullet chatting.

Unexpectedly, the real thoughts of the fans are: if there is a date or not, let's talk about it!

Bullet screens of various colors captured the entire screen in an instant, and there were many rich fans with their own special effects, exclusive colors, exclusive fonts and font sizes.

These people must not be short of money. It seems that Chen Qi still underestimated the herd mentality of joining in the fun.

Looking at the popularity of his live broadcast room, it was so fucking up. Soon, the real number of people online in the live broadcast room reached 10.

If it was in his previous life, there would not be many anchors with this data on all platforms.

As for those who easily have tens of thousands of fans and whose popularity easily reaches tens of millions or even over [-] million, just take a look.


"Okay! The lottery is over!"

Chen Qi quickly finished reading the countdown: "The fan who won the lottery is... a cloud made of fish on the bottom of the sea!
Congratulations to this cloud, hahahaha, please contact me in the background!When I get back, I will mail this to you.

This spinel should be marked as No. [-]! "

In Chen Qi's live broadcast room, a profile picture of a beautiful girl's ID lit up and hung on the top.

Under this id, there are various bullet screens such as "If you don't give it to me, it's shady", "Please contact the lady", "Don't forget to send the address privately →_→".

Putting his number one trophy in his waterproof pocket, Chen Qi looked up at the sky.

"No, no matter what you say, you can't continue digging, and it will be dark if you dig any more!
I don't want to hurry in the dark forest, slip away!Brothers, continue tomorrow! "

After going back and packing up his tools, Chen Qi put on his dried shoes and ran away in a hurry.


By the time we got back to the shelter, it was already completely dark.

Unfortunately, most of the mushrooms that Chen Qi planned to make for himself for supper were eaten by unknown creatures, and only a small part was left for him.

As a tropical island country with lush vegetation, Sri Lanka is also keen on building botanical gardens and stocking various imported animals. There are too many non-native species here.

Chen Qi had no way of confirming what kind of creature it was that ate his food, whether it was poisonous, whether it would carry a lot of bacteria or something.

Considering his own life, Chen Qi could only bear the pain and threw the remaining mushrooms into the fire.

Tired for a day, busy for almost a whole day, I didn't expect to have nothing to eat in the evening.

At night, Chen Qi didn't want to go to the forest to find something to eat, so he found some still green Artemisia annua, and threw it directly into the fire. Chen Qi sighed, got into his shelter, and fell asleep. Sleep.

He also said before that in a place like Sri Lanka, it is impossible for him to be hungry. After only a few days, Chen Qi enjoyed the feeling of going to bed hungry.

It is also very powerful.


Chen Qi got up very early the next day.

He simply woke up from starvation.

Here, you don't have to burn the stove as soon as you get up, as you do in the north.On the contrary, the early morning here is the temperature that most makes Chen Qi feel pleasant and suitable for living in a day.

"I've decided. From now on, I'll get up at five o'clock! Then I'll take a two-hour nap at noon when it's hottest.

In this way, it will not delay my activities and work time, but also allow me to live more comfortably! "

While removing the tarps and ropes from the shelter, Chen Qi introduced his next plan to fans.

"I'm going to transport all these things over there today, and then find a place over there to build a simple shelter.

It's a special size. Yesterday I didn't have to carry all the tools on my back.I have to carry it back today, it’s really annoying! "

Dragging a big box with a lot of metal products inside, it was impossible for Chen Qi to transport them all at once in such a dense forest.

Putting his backpack on his back and holding a black toolbox in the big box, Chen Qi was going to transport these two things over there first.

"I have to find something to eat after I finish shipping the stuff! I'm starving to death now.

If I hadn't gone back to the space city to supplement my nutrition, I might have hypoglycemia right now! "


With his own things on his back, Chen Qi also carried a knife to guard against things around him.

Sri Lanka’s large botanical gardens and animal bases are full of exotic creatures running around.

Maybe you will see thriving lions and tigers here, horned deer and antelopes, etc. If you can take precautions, of course you still have to be careful.

All the way from his temporary shelter to the small river where the bridge was built yesterday, Chen Qi didn't encounter any dangerous creatures along the way.

Except for monkeys barking everywhere, snakes occasionally appearing in the grass, and birds flying in the sky, which were expected by Chen Qi, Chen Qi was only a little surprised when he saw a peahen.

After all, he was used to seeing beautiful male peacocks, and when he suddenly saw one that couldn’t open its tail, Chen Qi almost didn’t recognize it. He thought it was a strange bird with such long legs, running so fast, and its whole body was green. .

I don't know if anyone has eaten peacocks, whether it is delicious, but Chen Qi is still reluctant to try new things when there is enough food.

He also let the snake and the monkey go. Knowing that where there are monkeys, there must be something that humans can eat, Chen Qi decisively found some pomegranates nearby. Along the way, Chen Qi spit out the seeds while walking, It can be regarded as an outstanding contribution to the opening of the pomegranate.


"Ouch~~! This pomegranate has caused acid reflux in my stomach!"

It was early in the morning and he didn't eat anything. He only ate pomegranates. It was not surprising that Chen Qi felt upset in his stomach.

"I don't know if there are any crops growing on this island at this time of year.

Logically speaking, in this kind of place where it is like summer all year round, everything must be grown several times a year.

Corn, soybeans, wheat, rice... anything is fine! "

If there are really wild, mature grains that can be eaten, then Chen Qi's life must be happy.


After transporting the things he brought this time to the bamboo forest across the river, Chen Qi simply sat on the ground and rested for a while. Taking advantage of the fact that it was not too hot, Chen Qi didn't bother to find something to eat, so he quickly got up again , Go back and continue moving things.


It took almost the whole morning before Chen Qi finally moved all the things over.

Especially for that big box, Chen Qi could neither hold it nor carry it, so he had to drag it all the way, and had to make a detour when he encountered a place that couldn't pass, which was a lot of time.

After finishing these tasks under the sun, Chen Qi was completely exhausted. Tired and sleepy, Chen Qi directly found a flat place to spread the tarpaulin, lay down and fell asleep with his backpack on his head.

Needless to say, a place like the bamboo forest can still give Chen Qi a great sense of security.


When Chen Qi woke up, half of it was because of thirst, and half of it was because of...

"I'm even hungrier now... No, I have to find something to eat no matter what I say!

In more than 24 hours, I ate a sour pomegranate! "


He got up and started tumbling tools. Not far from here was a small river. Of course, Chen Qi came with a fishing rod. Fishing seemed to be the most convenient and direct choice.

However, Chen Qi looked at the river for a long time. This river is really a little too small and too shallow.

It's not that there are no fish in the water, Chen Qi can clearly see through the clear water and the gaps between aquatic plants that there are fish and shrimp in the water.

"It's just too small. It's hard to figure out how long it will take to catch this little thing.

As long as I am not so hungry now, even if there is no food left, I dare to fish here for two hours.

Right now, I just want something quick. "

Chen Qi gave up the idea of ​​fishing and looked around, looking for something that might fill his stomach.

When he looked at the downstream area of ​​the river, just behind the tidal flat he saw yesterday, across a branch of a small river, Chen Qi saw a larger tidal flat.

He frowned, thinking about it.

Looking at the fish and shrimp in the river, Chen Qi put down his fishing rod, picked up a shovel instead, crossed the river, and started to walk downstream.


"Brothers, you may not know that although Sri Lanka is not a big place, its environment is more suitable for animal and plant life, so there are many unique animals and plants on this land.

there. "

Chen Qi pointed to the tidal flat formed by the forking of the river and said: "There may be food over there, which is not seen in other places... Ah no, I mean: animals!"

As he said that, Chen Qi's steps were getting faster and faster. Anyone could see that Chen Qi was thirsty for food now.


After coming to the edge of the tidal flat, it is not as sparkling and beautiful as it looks from a distance.

It is very similar to the feeling of water all over the ground left after washing the car on the dirt road, flowing a little here and a little there.

Chen Qi stood on the edge and carefully tested it with a shovel.

"Swamps, wetlands, are never a safe place.

Judging whether these places are dangerous or not is something that must be done every time they approach them.

Although this is just a tidal flat formed by a small river, it is always right to be careful. "

When testing the softness of the ground with a shovel, Chen Qi still kept looking at the tidal flat.

Chen Qi stopped his gaze when he glanced over a dirty thing that looked like a rotten stone stuck on the water.

"Haha! Although it was well disguised, I still found it!"

Stepping on the safe ground that had been tested with a shovel all the way, Chen Qi walked behind that "rock". At this time, the fans saw that the so-called rock was actually a dirty mud-covered animal. big crab!

Look at the size of this crab, it weighs a few kilograms!
"This thing is one of the largest types of terrestrial freshwater crabs. Although it is definitely not comparable to the ones in the sea, but...

This thing shouldn't grow to be so big.

Counting the mud and the shell, it weighs five to six pounds!
In the past, this thing can only be thought of as more than three catties.What is it called, it seems to be Sri Lankan mud crab! "

This thing is still a special delicacy in the local area. Generally, even if you come to travel, you may only be able to eat local blue crabs, and you cannot eat this kind of mud crabs that cannot be cultivated artificially.

This time, Chen Qi was lucky.

(End of this chapter)

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