Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 162 Food is everywhere here

Chapter 162 Food is everywhere here
After returning to his temporary camp, Chen Qi first checked around the shelter to see if there were any traces of other animals coming here.

Except for some bugs, Chen Qi didn't see any "alien species".

The food was finished, and the shelter was also set up. Although Chen Qi would definitely be very busy during the whole live broadcast, he was quite idle right now.

It seems that the sun will not set for a long time, it is still hanging on the treetops, and the whole is still the dazzling golden yellow that cannot be seen directly.

Lying on the grass with his head resting on his hands, Chen Qi didn't know what to do for a while.

"Hey, there is nothing to do. I'll go collect some wood and boil some water."

There are a lot of wood in the woods, half-dry ones, and some withered and hanging on the trunks.

Here is the same as other tropical regions on the home planet, the competition among plants is more than fierce.


He boiled water in a copper pot and poured it into his own metal kettle. Chen Qi put a lot of wood next to the fire, and roasted them even more dry by the temperature of the flame.

After the water was finished and the fire was extinguished, Chen Qi carried them all into his shelter.

"Remember what I said, this place needs to store some firewood properly.

Because no one knows when it will rain. "

He won't stay here for too long, this is just a simple shelter, not a place where he wants to live for a long time.

It is useless to save too much wood, enough for a day or two is enough.


In the middle of the night, Chen Qi was awakened by a burst of dense and chaotic banging.

Having lived at home for so long, Chen Qi has gradually adapted to the quiet night.Now a little noise makes him sleep, and he is very irritable.

Frowning and slightly opening his eyes, Chen Qi froze for a second, then habitually touched the knife beside him.

With the knife in his hand, he calmed down. Only then did he notice that the sound that woke him up was the sound of raindrops hitting the tarp.

"Oh. So it's raining...

...Damn it! "

Chen Qi, who was lying down, got up again: "It's raining extraordinarily?! You're really raining!!"

Lifting off the corners of the tarpaulin, it was dark outside. In the tropics at this time, as long as you look up, you will see a sky full of stars in the night.

Now, the sky must be full of rain clouds, and Chen Qi didn't see a single star.

Stretching out his hand, a slight cold feeling appeared in the palm of his hand.

Withdrawing his hand, Chen Qi shook it twice.It seemed to be raining, but not very much.

This can somewhat comfort Chen Qi's mood. He was originally thinking of digging rocks tomorrow, but he ended up adding a wave of water that night.

He didn't want to dig as deep as others, but after it rains, the soil will be heavier!

It's just inconvenient.

"'s going to rain, and I can't help it~ It's raining when you're worried, and it's raining if you're not.

Download it as you like, I'm going to bed first. "

Shaking his head helplessly, Chen Qi lay down again.


The next morning, around 06:30, Chen Qi's biological clock started on time and he woke up.

After customary was in a daze for a second, he straightened his back and sat up.

Although the sky outside has cleared up and the air after the rain is even more fresh, the temperature in the early morning combined with a trace of moisture is far from being comparable to the hot and dry weather yesterday.

Chen Qi also liked the smell of green grass and moist earth that filled the air. However, after sleeping wet and damp all night, his back was really uncomfortable.

Clothes are sticking to the body damply, which is also extremely uncomfortable.

Whether it was during the live broadcast in the north, or these days when he went home, Chen Qi lived in a relatively dry place, and it really made him a little uncomfortable to have such a sudden encounter with him.

But, he can only endure it and let himself get used to it.

Unless he can build himself a very airtight brick house and get some kind of dehumidifier, otherwise, if he wants to live here, as long as it rains, no matter where he lives, it will be wet forever Theme of.

"Alas, helpless..."

Although he had made sufficient preparations in advance and closed the tarpaulin well, Chen Qi was still bitten by mosquitoes, and there were several big bags on his arms.

"It seems that we have something to do today."

While moving the wood outside, Chen Qi said to the fans: "Didn't you say you were going to dig the soil yesterday, and you all saw it, it rained in the middle of the night.

The work of digging precious stones can only be pushed back, until the water in the soil seeps down and is baked by the sun.

Today, our task is to find some mushrooms to eat, or hunt to get some prey to eat, by the way..."

Chen Qi raised his arm and pointed to the mosquito bag on his arm: "By the way, find something to prevent mosquitoes!"


There was nothing for breakfast, Chen Qi just set up the pot, built a fire, and then set off with a bow, arrow, knife and shovel on his back.

"After the rain, it is very suitable for the growth of mushrooms. Some mushrooms can grow overnight after a rain, and they grow very large.

In Sri Lanka, there seems to be bamboo growing. If you can get some bamboo shoots or something, you won't even have to go hunting.

Speaking of which, I don't even know if the bamboo shoots from the bamboo here can be eaten. "

Fans are very curious, bamboo shoots... aren't they just bamboo shoots?Is there anything not to eat?
Chen Qi followed the fans' questions, while walking around in the forest, looking up and down, using the knife in his hand to chop the branches and leaves in front of him to make a way, while explaining to the fans: "The main thing is, Some bamboos are poisonous.

I don’t know whether this toxin is present in the bamboo shoot stage.

These bamboos usually look strange, or have problems with their color, age, or height and thickness. "

He smiled at the drone camera: "Coincidentally, this kind of bamboo in Sri Lanka is a strange kind.

It is the tallest naturally growing bamboo in the world. It can generally grow to more than 20 meters, and it is normal to grow to 30 meters in height.

The thickness of this kind of bamboo is also exaggerated, with a diameter of more than 30 centimeters, a wall thickness of up to three centimeters, and each node is more than 45 centimeters long.

These bamboos are directly sawn off a certain node in the local area, and after simple processing, they are used as buckets.

Eh?Yes!It can be used as a bucket, which should prove that this thing is not poisonous... right? "

Chen Qi raised his head and looked at the treetops above him.

Bamboo generally grows in individual patches, and it is rare for a single tree to grow in the middle of a bunch of trees in a forest.

Chen Qi looked up and couldn't see this kind of bamboo that could grow as high as the 10th floor, which meant that at least in the area around him, there should be no such thing.


Although there was no bamboo shoots for the time being, the mushrooms in the forest did not disappoint Chen Qi.

"As expected of a plant kingdom, a place where we coexist with nature. There are so many types of mushrooms!"

Chen Qi was still in the books he bought, and deliberately studied fungi several times carefully, memorizing all kinds of illustrations, growth cycles, and developmental environments...

Unexpectedly, it is basically useless. There are so many common mushrooms he knows here.

"Living in the wild, sometimes what can kill me may not be those dangerous large predators, but ordinary food.

Like this one. "

Chen Qi picked up a mushroom with a red canopy, a white handle, and net-like knots on it.

"It looks like something a witch would throw into a cauldron to make poisonous mushroom soup!"

Throwing the mushrooms on the ground, and kept wiping his hands with the leaves, Chen Qi pouted and said, "In the wild, if you can only eat some mushrooms without catching prey, you must give priority to the mushrooms you know. .

It can’t be the kind that you seem to know or have eaten before.

It must be very familiar.

If you don't know any mushrooms, you must choose among the mushrooms you don't know. Don't choose mushrooms with bright colors and beautiful growth. "

Chen Qi spread his hands: "I don't know why, but generally brightly colored mushrooms are poisonous.

In addition, particularly long rods, regardless of thickness, are generally poisonous.

Odd-shaped and generally poisonous.

Tear open the mushrooms, those with a strange smell, those that secrete mucus, and those that turn into other colors are generally not recommended, because you can’t distinguish them, and it’s easy to eat poisonous mushrooms.

According to my experience, the mushrooms that usually grow in dark and humid places, under stones, or beside puddles are poisonous mushrooms.

Growing in relatively dry places, the mushrooms themselves are relatively dry, and the ones with a single color and unsightly color are generally not poisonous mushrooms.

For example, if they grow on clean grass, they are yellow and brown, and they are edible mushrooms. "

Chen Qi raised his index finger and looked at the camera very seriously: "Finally, don't take chances.

If you don't want to lie down and meet villains, it's best not to eat mushrooms you don't know. "

After speaking, Chen Qi returned to his shelter with a bunch of ugly mushrooms in his arms.


Cut the mushrooms with a knife, the juice from these fresh mushrooms is clear and colorless, and there is no weird taste.

Chen Qi dug out a lot of iron sticks that were originally used for binding from the box, and cut up some of the split mushrooms to prepare for barbecue.

There were also some that he tied on threads and hung on branches, ready to be dried in the sun and used as food reserves for the future.

For the rest, cook the soup directly.

"There are hazel mushrooms, yellow mushrooms, fungus, chicken mushrooms...they are all relatively common mushrooms. It doesn't seem bad to be able to eat a pure mushroom feast."

This live broadcast was chosen here mainly to give fans a lottery.

As an island country in the tropics, living on agriculture and famous for its natural scenery and natural scenery, Sri Lanka will not lack food locally.

All kinds of wild vegetables and fruits must be everywhere.Moreover, as a spice producing and exporting country, it is impossible to lack all kinds of strong flavors, such as onion, ginger, garlic, and other spices.

Therefore, Chen Qi didn't need to deliberately work hard on this aspect to create some program effects.

When he came here this time, he brought a lot of things. In that big box, there were some ready-made seasonings.

Chen Qi set up a fire and started a fire.

Mushroom soup is stewed in the pot, and mushroom skewers are held in hand. Sprinkle a little seasoning on top. The outside of the grilled mushrooms becomes dry and black, and after they start to "shrink" and become smaller, they are basically ready to eat .

A pot of delicious mushroom soup, a few skewers of very satisfying mushroom skewers, what Chen Qi ate was quite satisfying.

"It's so different here from the north. People living in the tropics have so much easier access to food!
I don't know if there is matsutake or something here, I haven't eaten it yet.

Matsutake is also a mushroom, so there should be one too!Must have! "

Chen Qi ate the mushroom in his mouth, but he was already thinking about better mushrooms in the forest.

His thoughts gradually diverged, and he thought of barbecue, stir-fried pork liver, pork ribs stewed beans, and corn soup...

It's not purely greedy, just thinking about it.

In this place, the things he thought of are very likely to be eaten...

Thinking of this, Chen Qi's already full stomach seemed to be even hungrier.

With a longing smile, Chen Qi roasted a lot of mushrooms to eat.

Fans once wondered whether Chen Qi ate some strange mushrooms to show such a smile, so weird.


After eating, it was almost eight o'clock.

If it is in the north, no matter what time it is, the temperature is only cold or colder, and the nose is frozen during the day and night, and there is no big difference.

However, in this place where the annual average temperature reaches 28 degrees, Chen Qi likes the temperature very much on rainy mornings.

It's cool, but not too cold. It's simply the most suitable temperature for humans.

But at this time, after the sun rises, the temperature begins to rise gradually.

"It's summer all year round, and there are uncomfortable places.

There must have been no fat people in this place.Because it's so hot! "

When it was cold, Chen Qi could hide in the house and light the stove to keep warm, but when it was hot, there was nothing he could do.

It's hot outside, but the air is pretty good anyway, a little windy.

If you run to a shelter covered with tarps to hide from the sun, it will be a different kind of heat.



Sitting in a cool place under the tree, Chen Qi looked at the mushrooms he hung on the tree with unfocused eyes, thinking about something.

He's going to be here for a long time.

There is no specified duration for this task, but there is a "quantity" requirement.

I can't escape the sweaty work during the day.

After all, he has to dig pits, dig earth, and sift stones.It's cool when it rains, but it's not easy to do this.

No matter how unaccustomed, how disliked, or how uncomfortable the heat is, he has to do it.

It's hot now, and it'll be hotter later.


After thinking about it, Chen Qi became angry.

Standing up, ran to the shelter to take out the tools, and took the shovel, saw, axe, bow and arrow, etc., Chen Qi pinched his hands on his waist like this: "It doesn't matter, it's boring to stay, brothers, let's dig a hole!

Find gems! "

Before seeing the reaction of the fans, Chen Qi turned his head and walked towards the long-abandoned gemstone mine he saw yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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