Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 151 Chen Qi is digging a hole again

Chapter 151 Chen Qi is digging a hole again
Nothing happened that night.

Early the next morning, Chen Qi got up before the sun came up.

He loudly greeted the fans in the studio who were always there at any time: "Brothers! Good morning!
Today you will know how useful my eyes are! "

This is the first sentence, Chen Qi's "resentment" can be imagined.

He lit the fire directly with the firewood placed on the stove. After Chen Qi lit the stove, he warmed up a bit, then packed his things and prepared to go out directly.

"It's better to hurry up today and skip breakfast! Hey, let's hurry up and go hunting deer!"

Taking off the wood from the top door and pulling up the wooden door, Chen Qi was dumbfounded.

It's not snowing outside, but it's windy.

"This... no wonder I think it's a bit dark outside today..."

Chen Qi looked up at the sky, where there was something that was not the sun.

Just now in the house, Chen Qi was too excited and busy with work, so he didn't hear the wind outside, this time he opened the door, and he could hear it clearly.

The strong wind was blowing, and the rolled snow on the ground also flew in a mess.

Chen Qi went out to experience it, and then came back soon.

"No, today, I can't go hunting."

Fearing that the fans would not understand, Chen Qi quickly explained: "You may not understand, I only found out after checking the information.

The wind near the poles is not the same as the normal cold wind.

The problem of wind speed is one aspect, but more problematic is temperature. "

Chen Qi pointed outside: "Normally there is no wind, or if there is a little wind, the normal temperature is around minus 20 degrees.

But now, I feel like a knife is cutting my face when I go out!Have you seen that little experiment with a rusty lock in Antarctica?

A rusty lock is placed outside, and the wind can blow it to a shine!

Cold wind cutting noodles is not just a psychological description.That really hurts. "

This is just one aspect of it.

Chen Qi got up again, opened the door again, and as soon as the drone flew out, it was swayed by the wind, changing the flight trajectory, and finally flew back.

"The wind outside is also carrying a lot of snow, which may be one of the reasons why this kind of wind blows people's faces so painfully.

Going out to a strange place in this weather is tantamount to courting death.

It wasn't just the problem of hypothermia that I had to contend with, but also the danger of getting lost.

You see, the wind has swept all the snow away to the northwest.If you go out at this time, the footprints left by the place you walked will disappear completely in a few hours.

There is no sun in the sky. If you get lost, you can't find your way back, and you can't find a place to hide from the wind and snow.

Death is almost the only possible outcome. "

The fans didn't expect that a windy day that seemed harmless could be so terrifying. In the wilderness, it's really easy to kill people everywhere.

"It's impossible to go far away. You can just walk around nearby."

In this kind of weather, it was certainly impossible for Chen Qi to go outside and light a fire to cook.

Fortunately, there was always firewood in his house. He found the shelf for the pot in the snow outside and brought it into the house. Chen Qi endured the smoke and had a breakfast in the house.


After eating, the wind outside still showed no sign of stopping.

Chen Qi practiced archery for a few rounds in the room, and then became in a state of having nothing to do again.

"Gan! If I had only known that I could have gone to bed earlier last night, I would have made these glasses during the day.

I have a lot of time now, but I can't go out! "

Of course, it is impossible to practice archery all the time. Chen Qi lay on his bed, chatted with his fans for a while, and then sat up suddenly.

"Yes! I can make something small!"

There are still many things in Chen Qi's house that are not fully equipped, and he has been unable to stay in the house because of various things before.

I always need to go out and run around, so naturally I can't calm down and do something.

This time, he has time.


"First, I need two basins! One for washing the face and one for washing the feet!"

To put it a bit embarrassing, Chen Qi has been here for almost 30 days, and his beard has grown very long, but he hasn't washed his face, feet...

Of course it didn't happen.

Apart from remembering to protect his teeth and brushing his teeth with charcoal every day, Chen Qi didn't seem to pay much attention to other cleaning and nursing tasks.

"Actually, I wish I had more oil on my face.

In this cold and dry environment, the local indigenous people would even take the initiative to smear some animal oil on their faces.

Of course, this is not for the sake of beauty or folklore, but purely to protect my face.

You know this even if I don’t tell you. "

That's why Chen Qi didn't wash his face before.

But now he has a lot of collected animal fats, some of which are edible, so he keeps them for cooking.

He didn't throw away some that were not so good at mouthing, and kept them in preparation for where they might be used.

That's how the oil lamp tray was born.

Now that there is this condition to smear oil on his face, Chen Qi has no need for that, and has been refraining from washing his face.


Just do it.

In the yard outside, there are a lot of wood, long and short, thick and thin, and there are many wooden blocks.

But Chen Qi didn't use the wood, but took a saw and prepared to go out.

"I won't go very far, just find a big tree nearby."

When Chen Qi was sawing wood, for various reasons, he chose some young trees that were not too thick.

The thickest piece of wood in the yard was only twice thicker than his thigh.

This diameter is obviously not in line with the diameter of the washbasin he wants.


Despite the strong wind, Chen Qi picked a particularly thick alder tree after walking not far.

"Extraordinary, I come out to saw wood in such a windy day. I am also a real warrior!"

Turning around to the side facing the wind direction, Chen Qi started sawing the trees.

In this way, even if the wind blows the tree trunk down when it is about to saw off, Chen Qi will not be in any danger.

However, we still have to be careful. If necessary, Chen Qi felt that it would be more secure to drive a wedge into the saw seam with an axe.

The rustling sound of sawing the tree kept coming. After Chen Qi sawed to a certain extent, he began to be careful, stood up from time to time, and pushed the tree with his hands.

"Well... let's go back and get the axe. Be careful, don't be ashamed."

Braving the wind and snow again to go back to get the axe.

When Chen Qi pushed the door out of the cabin again, he heard the sound of heavy objects collapsing not far away.

"I'm giao! The wind broke the tree! Fortunately I wasn't there at the time!"

The ax seemed useless, so Chen Qi put it at the door again, and went forward with the saw.

Of course, it was the tree that Chen Qi sawed just now.

"Well, the stubble is not too deep and the tree is not hollow, so that's OK."

After drawing a length of about [-] centimeters, Chen Qi saw the tree again, enduring the sting of the wind on his face.

Not long after, Chen Qi returned to the cabin with two big wooden pillars, holding one in his arms and kicking another in his arms.


"I don't have professional tools, so to make two wooden barrels, I still have to use the charcoal method."

The so-called charcoal method is to put red-hot charcoal directly on the wood, so that when the charcoal continues to burn down, the unwanted part of the wood will be burned.

During the process, new charcoal can be constantly replaced, or the process of charcoal burning can be accelerated by blowing air.

Finally, just fine-tune it with a knife or something.

This way, even without a chisel or the like, you can make grooves in the wood without damaging the overall shape of the wood.


The stove was burning every day. When Chen Qi was in the house during the day, the stove was burning for more than fifteen hours a day. How could there be no charcoal in this situation.

After scraping off the outer skin of the wooden pier, Chen Qi took out a few charcoals that were still burning from the fire.

After extinguishing the charcoal, Chen Qi put them on the wooden pier, and then, puffing out his cheeks, he began to blow air upwards.

Every time Chen Qi blows on the charcoal, the fading red color of the charcoal will light up again.

And from time to time, Chen Qi had to pick up the charcoal to get rid of the carbon ash outside, or just replace a few pieces of charcoal with a new one.

Soon, smoke began to rise from the soft alder wood, Chen Qi had no choice but to open the door, leaning against the stove to keep warm.


An hour later, Chen Qi's cheeks were already sore.

He also stopped blowing on the charcoal, and he didn't even try to talk.

After pouring out the charcoal that was no longer warm, Chen Qi used a knife to scrape off the black charcoal layer on the wooden pier that had burned a big hole, exposing the original reddish wood underneath.

Then, some machinery took out new charcoal from the stove and put it into the pit of the wooden pier.

So, after more than an hour, almost three hours later, Chen Qi's wooden basin was finally basically completed.

"Wow, it's a big deal, but it's finished!"

Chen Qi wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth, puffed his cheeks for the last time, and blew away the dust in the tub.

"Hand-made! Made of logs! One-piece molding! With our craftsmanship, it is not expensive at all if you are eighty years old!"

Chen Qi is still very satisfied with his handicrafts.

For some special reasons, Chen Qi didn't dare to take off his shoes and put his feet in for a try.Instead, he pressed his hands directly on the bottom of the pelvis.

"It's okay, at least put two hands on the bottom of the pelvis, there is more than enough space."

Next, it was more detailed polishing time. Before that, Chen Qi took a look at the weather outside, and the wind still had no tendency to decrease.

After closing the wooden door and adding some firewood to the stove, Chen Qi held his future washbasin and began to polish it carefully and remove burrs.


"Okay. This time, it's completely finished."

After a total of more than five hours, Chen Qi made a wooden basin through his own pure handicraft.

Although there was no such thing as varnish, there were still many black charcoal traces inside the basin that could not be removed, but Chen Qi was still very satisfied with this wooden basin.

"This thing may not be able to directly pour hot water into it. This is not treated old wood, it is newly cut wood. It is estimated that it has been used for a long time, and it may split by itself.

But it doesn’t matter, I’m only going to live here for more than a month anyway.

As for the basin..."

Chen Qi looked at another wooden block.

"That, let's talk about it later. As for when...

Not today anyway!I can continue to work, but my cheeks cannot continue to work! "

When other people use the charcoal method to make tools, they usually make a water cup, wooden spoon or something, and the larger utensils are just the groove of a stone axe.

Fortunately for Chen Qi, he just made a big wooden basin out!
At the end of the day, Chen Qi kept blowing on the charcoal, and his cheeks really hurt.

It can be seen that every trumpet and trombone player was an angel with broken wings in his previous life.


After finishing the wooden barrel, Chen Qi was not in a hurry to use it on the spot.

The wood is still new, so let it dry in the shade first.

Looking at the time, it was only noon now, but when I opened the door outside, although the strong wind had weakened a bit, it still didn't seem like the weather to go hunting.

Even if Chen Qi has the ability to withstand the various obstacles brought about by the windy weather, as a hunter who uses bows and arrows as his main hunting method, after such a strong wind, the arrow may not necessarily fly anywhere.

It's not sure whether the shot will get the prey, Chen Qi must have to work hard to find the arrow.

Just like that, Chen Qi lay in the cabin for a while. Although he had nothing to do now, Chen Qi's mind was still not calm.

He doesn't want to do the washbasin now, but there are other jobs...

"Forget it, I can't just lie down like this."

Chen Qi sat up again: "It just so happens that the wind doesn't seem so strong now, at this point in time...

Well, even if there is no wind now, it seems that it is not suitable for me to go hunting in such a far place.

As soon as one arrives at the place, it will be dark, and it will take nearly three hours to go back and forth. If you go far, it may take longer. Going out to hunt is not a good idea.

I can go get the succulent rack out first though! "

A shelf for storing venison must be built, because Chen Qi must hunt a deer.

Otherwise, the remaining 30 days for him would not be so easy.

If he hunted a deer, he would be able to persist in completing the task. If he couldn't hunt a deer, he might have to fail and return.

Therefore, it is not useless to make a wooden shelf in advance.


The outside field has been leveled out, which is what Chen Qi did when he thought about the venison rack before.

However, Chen Qi didn't do any of the actions of nailing nails, building frames, tying ropes and making grooves on the wood that fans thought they would see.

He just laid out a rectangular shape on the ground with a few logs, and then, at the four corners, started digging holes with a shovel.

Seeing this scene, some fans started to get "scared".

Chen Qi... didn't he want to dig a big hole like a log cabin in the ground again?

Reminiscent of the word "cellar" that Chen Qi kept saying before, many fans seem to have seen the live broadcast of digging soil for three days and cutting trees for two days.

At this moment, they didn't know whether to feel sorry for themselves or Chen Qi, the anchor.

In winter, dig a hole in the ground? !
Chen Qi, I really belong to you!
(Ps: Thanks to the book friend [Lonely Wutong Deep Courtyard Lock Qingqiu] for the reward. That... I will update it for you tomorrow.)
(End of this chapter)

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