Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 147 Thank you for the gift of nature

Chapter 147 Thank you for the gift of nature
After the heavy snow fell, one of the direct consequences was that Chen Qi had a little "problem" with his eyesight.

"It's a vast expanse of white now, if there is no sun, it would be better, anyway, the sun won't warm you up.

Once it’s a sunny day, the snow will reflect sunlight in various ways, and if you spend a long time outside, you will really have the risk of snow blindness.

Look at me, I can't keep my eyes open right now. "

Today is a sunny day that Chen Qi doesn't like very much.

He got up too early, and as soon as the sky started to light, Chen Qi came out hungry. From the perspective of the current position, he was walking from the southwest to the northeast of the river. sun.

"It seems that in the future, I will study to get a pair of glasses.

Haha, you don't understand this.Of course I don't want to burn glass to make some glasses.

ice?This classmate, your idea is very good, but in reality, it seems to be more nonsense than my burning glass.

Okay, you don’t have to guess, that’s when the time comes.You will know when the time comes, let me remind you, these glasses are mainly used to prevent glare.

And, I'm going to do it with bones.Tips over! "

At this moment, there is heavy snow everywhere, and anything that moves will be particularly conspicuous in the pure white snow, and there are no bears anyway, Chen Qi is no longer so "boring", and dares to talk more when walking A few words.

Pulling the sledge, Chen Qi strenuously walked in the snow, stopping from time to time to see if there were any small animal footprints left, or he looked up at the top of the tree, hoping to find some squirrels and birds .

"It seems that our side is really not ordinary barren.

Yes, there are alder trees growing everywhere here, which is actually not very popular with small animals.

It doesn't produce fruit, and the leaves are still tall, and it's not tasty. If I were a small animal, I wouldn't live here.

You have to go to the other side of the river! "


After trekking for more than an hour, Chen Qi finally reached the big slope by the river that he was familiar with.

"Fuck, I can't do it anymore, I need to rest for a while!"

Walking in the snow consumes far more energy than Chen Qi thought.

After walking for more than an hour, Chen Qi, a strong young man, was exhausted.

Maybe it was because he didn't have breakfast and his physical fitness was a little bit behind. Chen Qi just felt that the big soil slope in front of him seemed much steeper and higher than when he came last time.

Just put the sledge down the slope, and Chen Qi sat on it.

"This may not be my illusion, this slope has really grown a lot taller.

What plate movement!I said snow!The movement of the plates... There really was a mountain with a height of more than one meter growing overnight, how dare I sit here! "

Sand sculpture fans gave Chen Qi all kinds of bad ideas all the time.

Chen Qi also cooperated and responded to the barrage with high content of nonsense.Then the fans played more energetically and more foolishly.

After repeating this cycle, there were not many normal fans in Chen Qi's live broadcast room.

Otherwise, the atmosphere and attributes of the live broadcast room are all up to the anchor’s own guidance.

This is all doomed.


After resting for a while, in just a few minutes, Chen Qi stood up again.

Now the temperature is more than minus 20 degrees. Although he trekked here just now, he was tired and sweated, but after sitting on the sledge for a while, Chen Qi felt that the heat on his body quickly dissipated. up.

"I can't rest anymore, or I won't freeze to death in a while."

The sledge was not very heavy, and there was nothing on it, so when Chen Qi dragged it up the slope by the river, it didn't take much effort.

Going up to the top of the slope, the first thing Chen Qi saw was the big willow tree that didn't grow very well, and grew crookedly.

When he met Xiong here last time, Chen Qi was still hiding behind that tree.

"Brothers, it's meaningless for us to just step on the snow and walk slowly."

Chen Qi looked back at his drone camera and said, "Now we have advanced means of transportation! Don't we have to land in a hurry?!"

The high-end means of transportation that Chen Qi refers to is his dog not pulling the sledge.

There is one thing to say, in this kind of snow depth, in this kind of high and low terrain, ordinary transportation may not be as useful as this sledge.

"Slide a sledge, slide a sledge!"

Chen Qi excitedly pulled the sledge behind him to his side, adjusted the angle and direction, and sat on the sledge in a way of riding a donkey backwards.

"Let's see if we can rush into the river at once! It feels like this height is not too different.

This is all from my experience!
let's go!Wuhu! "

With the legs that were spread out on both sides kicking back, like a witch riding a broom, Chen Qi, from Wuhu and Wuhu, shouted, sitting on the top of the high slope by the river under the [-] o'clock sun above the snow field. Sledge, all the way down!
Then, decisively overturned.

"Damn it... suddenly there is such an old and tall tree root on this flat ground!

Is this reasonable! ! "

Chen Qi's sledge has a handle for pulling it, and thanks to this handle, the front end of the sledge was tilted up, so that when Chen Qi hit the tree root, he flew into the sky and slapped it on the snow.

Miserable is a bit miserable, but at least it's better than directly facing the roots of the tree, isn't it~

The one-meter-deep snow rescued Chen Qi, but he just got a little snow in his neck, and it was a bit of a struggle to "squeeze" himself out of the snow.

Although the car overturned and fell on a big horse, making his face covered in snow, Chen Qi still seemed quite happy.

Even, looking at his yearning eyes that kept looking towards the top of the slope behind him, this guy seems to want to do it again!
However, Chen Qi finally gave up on this tempting idea.

He shook his head and said, "It's more important to get some food. There is no such thing as a ski resort among the basic items that meet the survival requirements."


Checked the sledge, it was knocked to some extent, and it was a little loose.However, it was originally a crudely made product by Chen Qi, using ropes to rush the work. Although it has been upgraded several times, it is still an unqualified handicraft in essence.

If it breaks quickly, it can be repaired quickly.Just straighten the chassis and re-tie the rope and you're good to go.

Pulling the sledge, Chen Qi came to the river.

"Look, the deer's bones are still there. I bet that little raised snow bump over there must be the bones of that deer."

Thinking of this unlucky stag, Chen Qi thought of the bear from last time.

If it hadn't suddenly come out to disrupt the situation, Chen Qi's current food would definitely be enough for him to eat for many days.

A reindeer weighing four to five hundred catties!
Even if the inedible parts are removed and there are bones and so on, no matter what, there will be 200 catties of meat left!

200 catties of meat, for one person to eat, 10 catties a day is enough for 20 days!

With the 20 days so abundant, could it be that he couldn't get any other prey?
How could there be a food crisis?

"Extraordinary, I should have come to hunt this bear last time!
It robbed my prey and raised it to be fat and strong, and ran away for the winter.

I, a hunter, have encountered a food crisis instead!There is no such reason! "

What Chen Qi said was quite cruel, but if it was really a mission to find revenge on this bear, then Chen Qi would definitely not accept it.

Bears are indeed all bears, but they are not the same size.

That unlucky bear was hungry every day, and he was small in size. Chen Qi still had the courage to deal with it.

What if it was the one that robbed his prey...

Let's forget it then, when will it be time for retribution.


The river has also frozen over.

Just like the surface of the lake that Chen Qi had seen just now, the upper layer of the river is also in a state where the ice surface can be seen directly, and there is not much snow.

Compared with the lake, the river bank is more open, and there are fewer trees to block the wind, so the wind is stronger, and of course the snow cannot be preserved.

With the experience of walking around the lake on the ice just now, Chen Qi was a little more daring to go up the river this time.

After a few tests, Chen Qi got on the ice with both feet.

"You still have to be careful, the freezing of the lake and the freezing of the river are not the same thing.

Rivers flow.So it is more difficult to freeze. It is hard to say anything else, at least at this moment, the ice layer on this river must be thinner than the ice layer on the lake over there. "

With the bow behind his back, Chen Qi opened his hands and "moved" to the other side of the river bit by bit.

After reaching the river bank, Chen Qi gasped for breath.

"It can be counted... this special one is a little too hard.

Brothers, none of you know how scared I was when I walked to the middle of the river just now!
This is not a question of whether you can swim or not, it is a question of whether you can resist freezing or not.

Without any preparatory activities, to wake up the muscles, and just fall into the ice hole so suddenly, it goes without saying, basically, I am finished. "

Looking back at the river, Chen Qi was a little scared when he thought that he would have to walk on the ice again when he came back.

However, they have come anyway, so they have to go back anyway.

"I hope I can get some prey today, otherwise my grievances will not be in vain."


This is the first time for Chen Qi to come here on the other side of the river.

Although he has been to the big soil slope on the other side of the river on his side several times, he has also seen a deer whirlwind there, and hunted a strong stag with his own hands.

But Chen Qi knew it in his heart at that time: there are more animals on this side of the river.

"it is good!"

Chen Qi shouted: "The hunt has begun! We must get a Tyrannosaurus rex today!"


The forest on the side of the river bank was obviously much more lush than that on Chen Qi's side, and it was a bit inconvenient to walk with a sledge.

As a last resort, Chen Qi had no choice but to tie the sledge to a tree by the river and go into battle by himself.

After walking not far, Chen Qi saw a messy snow pit.

"What the hell is this? What kind of animal is wrestling here?"

Chen Qi thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't figure out what was going on. It wasn't until he walked a little farther and went around to the other side of the snow pit, that he saw two very deep footprints running away on the snow.

"This is... to be honest, I really don't know what this thing is.

It may not be two animals for a long time.The footprints are too deep and messy. They are made by running, not walking out. "

The snow was already deep, and the footprints of these two animals almost joined together, and unlike the footprints left in the snow of about ten centimeters, the snow was so deep that all the footprints left were wading out.

"Anyway, it doesn't look like a large animal, maybe it was left behind by a wolverine or a fox or something.

Never mind, I don't see blood, and they're running upriver along the river, we shouldn't be chasing them. "

Chen Qi still didn't intend to hunt down the footprints. If they were running deep into the forest, then by the way, they ran towards the river bank. If Chen Qi couldn't catch these two little things, it might be a waste of time.

"The gain outweighs the loss, and it counts."

Although it was regarded as passing by a possible prey, Chen Qi was still very happy to find traces of animal activities when he came ashore.

This proves that his judgment is indeed correct. There are more prey on this side than on his side.

It was not in vain that he walked for more than an hour.


The trees here are mostly cedar and pine.

The former can provide food for animals such as deer and porcupines, while the latter is a favorite of some birds and rodents such as pine trees.

"No wonder there are so many animals here, it naturally has such conditions to meet the needs of living materials."

In such a snowy field, Chen Qi didn't have to worry about getting lost at all. The "sidewalk" he waded out by himself was the best sign. Therefore, Chen Qi walked very smartly, walking in whichever way he wanted.

"Look at that tree, does it look like a crow or something?"

On a pine tree that was half dead, there were a lot of black birds squatting on the dead branches. They didn't move or sing. If it wasn't for the fact that there were so many "tumors" growing on the dead tree, it would be strange. And Chen Qi never forgot to look up at the top of the tree, maybe he missed it.

However, the crow in Chen Qi's impression is not a quiet bird, and it seems that they don't have the habit of standing in groups.

"Whatever, maybe the native crows are more reticent."

With the bow and arrow always in his hand, Chen Qi directly raised the bow and arrow, aiming at the black bird on the top of the tree.

I never thought that these little things looked silly, but they were actually very vigilant. As soon as Chen Qi raised his hand, they all flew away with a whimper.

According to the cries made by these little things when they flew away, Chen Qi was finally able to conclude.

"This is definitely not a crow, how can a crow have such a good voice.

never mind.Anyway, these birds are dark and not tasty to look at. Their meat must taste like grapes. "

Persuade myself, Chen Qi has a way.

Generously letting those unknown birds go, Chen Qi continued walking in the woods. After walking for less than 10 minutes, Chen Qi suddenly saw a small thing that swished past in front of him.


Chen Qi didn't even have time to aim, so he lost his target.

Turning his head to look over there, the shadow of the tree kept shaking. A "big pigeon" with a gray body, white stripes and light gray spots on its feathers was standing on a branch of a spruce tree, squatting there as if no one else was there. .

"Free range chicken... bah bah bah! Spruce grouse! This is a good thing!"

Chen Qi was immediately excited.

This kind of stupid roe deer, which is famous in the bird world, is delivered to your door, how can you not take it? !
The fat spruce grouse sat proudly on the branch, turning a blind eye to Chen Qi who was slowly moving forward step by step.

Walking to a distance of about ten meters from it, Chen Qi practiced the most and was most sure of this distance.

Let go of your fingers, and the black arrow shoots out, clean and neat, and hits with one blow!

Chen Qi happily ran over, picked up the grouse on the ground, and happily said to the camera of the drone: "Brothers, I have good news for you.

This silly thing, it is gregarious.In other words, there must be many other grouse in this spruce forest!
In the past, when humans were still living on their mother planet, the local hunters in Canada never brought home a grouse.

When you spot a grouse, it means there's another one not far away! "

Chen Qi raised his head and looked around.

Sure enough, on another tree less than ten meters away, another grouse, like the one just now, squatted on the branch with the presence of God.

"Hey, thanks for the gift of nature!"

Chen Qi held up the bow and arrow, and touched the front again.

(Ps: Thank you [Lonely Wutong Shenyuansuo Qingqiu] book friend for your reward. It’s late today, and I will add an update for you tomorrow!)
(End of this chapter)

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