Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 144 It's Cooling Down Again

Chapter 144 It's Cooling Down Again

A porcupine that has been skinned looks like an ordinary piece of pork bought in the market.

The red part is lean meat, and Chen Qi has seen too much of this color on deer.

There is not much in a whole reindeer that is not lean.This is quite in line with the needs of the market and meat lovers, but it does not meet the needs of Chen Qi.

A person like him who lives alone in the wilderness and has no solid food supply needs fat, and fat meat can better provide him with calories.

Using a knife to cut across the porcupine pork, Chen Qi did not deliberately separate the fat from the thin, but neatly cut off a lot of pork belly outside the "ribs".

"The fat and thin ones are the real good ingredients! The special ones, I am already greedy now, and I am getting more and more greedy.

Am I about to become a vampire?Hahaha. "

Fans could tell that Chen Qi was in a really good mood right now.


There is not much porcupine pork in total, and the skin only looks more than ten catties in total.

According to Chen Qi's own experience of buying chickens, ducks and geese in the vegetable market, the weight of the bones should account for [-] to [-]% of the weight. That is to say, judging from Chen Qi's current appetite and hunger, this porcupine may not be enough for him. Food for two days.

But this is also very good.

"In the future, I can walk around, explore everywhere, and hunt.

In the current forest, the only thing that can threaten me is the pack of wolves.If there are one or two alone, let alone whether it dares to come and attack me, even if it does come, I will definitely not be afraid. "

Chen Qi gestured to the bloody dagger in his hand: "When others say this, you can say that they are bragging, but when I say this, it is more convincing~"

This is not a lie, after all, Chen Qi really has the experience of single-handedly fighting a wolf and successfully killing him.

After one such experience, Chen Qi's fear of wolves was basically gone.


The water outside boiled quickly. Chen Qi filled the water and lit the stove in the house. He put all the weeds on the stove and roasted them. After a general inspection, there was no danger of fire coming out. , Chen Qi took out the pan.

"We're going to use it today!"


Porcupine fat is a good source of fat. When Chen Qi was a child, living in the countryside, he often ate a solid oil "boiled" from pigs: meat oil.

When he was poor, Chen Qi's favorite thing to eat was pickled chili mixed with lard and rice, and he could eat two big bowls at a time.

Of course, the fat of the porcupine can also be used to boil oil.

He took out two pieces of wood from the firewood pile, manually controlled the fire and lowered the flame, Chen Qi put a few pieces of fat meat as big as the width of a finger into the pan, and then used his own branch chopsticks to press the fat pieces on the surface of the frying pan. "Smudge" the bottom of the pan around a few times.

There was a sizzling sound. After Chen Qi waited for the fat to melt, he used branch chopsticks to pick up the fat that had shrunk a lot and looked a little wrinkled.

"Everyone should have eaten this thing, or have seen it before, at least they will know that there is such a food, a dish.

However, the name of this thing seems to be different in different places, and I don't know much about it. However, my family calls this thing: Youzila!

Mix this thing with some chili, or simply sprinkle some chili powder on it, or a noodle seasoning packet, taste it, ho!That is a fragrance! "

Chen Qi's pot rack can only hang three-eared copper pots, and there is no place to put pans, which is one of the reasons why he seldom uses pans.

He went back to the house with the pot in his hand, checked whether the fire was on or not, and kicked the firewood on the stove a few times. Chen Qi took two pieces of streaky porcupine pork that he had just cut out on the wooden pier, and put them on the stove. into the pan.

"Where's my salt? Where are the other seasonings? It's all in the bag?!"

Chen Qi, who was carrying the pot, worked around the house for a long time before he got all the seasonings together.

Back outside the house, and continued to roast the pot on the fire, Chen Qi smelled the smell of meat, and said regretfully: "Although this place can already be said to be a world of ice and snow.

But, things like wild sand onions should also grow.

blame me.When it didn't snow a few days ago, I was somewhat timid.

If at that time I took advantage of the fact that the snow hadn't covered the ground so tightly, I went out and walked around more, then I would definitely find a lot of vegetable seasonings and so on.

To find those things in the snow, you must be a local aborigine, the kind of person who has many years of real life experience.

As for me... unless the snow is removed piece by piece, there is no way. "

Although there is always meat to eat, food problems have never really troubled Chen Qi, but always eating meat is really not a healthy living habit.

He raised his head and glanced at the sky, which had turned completely dark.

There is not a single star in the sky, it's not that Chen Qi's eyesight is wrong, it's simply that the sky is full of dark clouds now.

"It could actually snow again tomorrow and then cool down again.

I can't even find it at this time, and the snow will be thicker tomorrow, let alone think about it. "

Chen Qi was already very diligent.

Since coming here for more than 20 days, Chen Qi has never rested a day, and has been busy working every day.

Although he eats a lot every day, his weight has still dropped, and he looks much leaner.

"Haha! The meat is ready!"

No matter how many layers of cooked meat are more delicious and suitable for tasting, if you still think about eating raw meat in the wilderness, it is definitely not a wise idea.

When there is no fire source and the food is too poor, it is still reasonable, at least you can't just watch yourself starve to death.

But there is a fire, there are conditions to cook food, and they want to play with flowers, so if something happens, it is really their own fault.

"These wild animals in the wilderness, when it comes to taste, don't think about it, they must not taste as good as those that have been domesticated.

Eh!Don't be stubborn with me yet.

Those former wild animals domesticated by humans as food, including cattle, sheep, pigs, horses, chickens, ducks and geese, have all evolved through generations of taste evolution, as well as the evolution of feeding methods.

Among other things, in terms of fat mass and standard body weight, wild and domesticated are completely different.

Not to mention, there is such a problem as bacterial parasites.

So, don't think too much about the so-called game.besides!Do remember, if you can get it very cooked, you must get it very cooked! "

After Chen Qi finished speaking, he refused to say a word, because his mouth was busy eating.

As a small animal, the porcupine is not as big, and its meat is not as compact as the reindeer, which is more able to run and is more willing to move.

Moreover, because they eat fir leaves all year round, they always like to stay on fir trees. The meat of porcupines has a special taste.

"Hmm... It looks like some kind of special spice is used, it tastes good!"

Even if the greasy Chen Qi didn't say these words, just watching him eat a piece of thick pork belly the size of a palm in three mouthfuls, it was so hot that he sizzled and raised his head to vent his anger, and he didn't want to spit out the meat. Look out: the taste of this stuff may be really good!

Bored and antique: "I'm currently on a business trip in Mars City [-], is there any place near here where I can eat porcupines?"

For Al Lucia: "There is no porcupine, but there is a pipe for making bamboo rats near my house, which is on the hot pot street in City [-]"

Dubi with short legs: "Bamboo rat? What is that?"

Changing the name can win the lottery: "I'm eating ribs, not greedy at all (fake)"

Time Messenger 007: "Why eat porcupines when they are so cute! I want to adopt half of one."

Yudandan: "Good guy! You can't eat too much, right!"

Priest Yuanqi: "You, you can always come up with some new tricks for me!"

Gentle or not: "Chen Qi didn't go hungry or tired today, bad review!"

Doctor Hannibal: "I'm more curious about what the staff are eating now (manual dog head)"


Chen Qi has always been eating very fast, and eating very cleanly.

After he finished eating the two slices of meat in the pot, Chen Qi went to the house to get another slice and fried it.

After eating three pieces of meat, Chen Qi was a little full.

"Hmm... I've been eating venison these days, and it's rare to see some oily meat. It seems like I've eaten too much."

Each piece of pork belly that Chen Qi cut was as thick as a finger. Although it was not too big, he could get three slices from the whole porcupine, and he ate them all in one meal.

It was getting late, Chen Qi looked at his watch, it was already past 40:[-], if he didn't know that there were no bears in the forest now, Chen Qi would never have sat here for such a long time.

As always, clean up the "kitchen" after eating.However, today Chen Qi did not kick the snow into the fire like before, but kept hitting the extinguished fire with wood.

Chen Qi didn't stop until there were no sparks left.

"What? To save the wood ash, of course."

This time, Chen Qi didn't make a fool of himself, and directly explained to the fans: "Isn't there a bear skin in the house.

That thing can't be used just by picking off grass roots and leaves.

Tanning leather, although I don’t know how to do it, I still need to do the processing that needs to be done.

I don't make it too troublesome, just get some plant ash, mix it with water, and simply rub it.

Just don't have such a big smell. "

After packing up his things, when he wanted to enter the house, Chen Qi suddenly remembered that it might snow tomorrow, so he went into the house again and filled a pan with a whole pot of wood ash into the house.

Anyway, they all need to be scrubbed. Chen Qi has been brushing his teeth with charcoal ash these days. If he really eats some plant ash, it won't have any effect.

When he was a child roasting sweet potatoes, potatoes and even sparrows in the stove, Chen Qi had never eaten plant ash.


Back in the cabin, the stove was still burning.

Collect the weeds that have dried to a little brittle on the stove, and replace them with the remaining ones.Chen Qi was beside the stove, more than half a meter away, threw himself on the bed.

"It looks like there is a lot of weeds. I pulled a whole sledge and came back full. After laying it out, why doesn't it feel like there is not much at all?"

Chen Qi's idea is to make a "bed" about 1.5 meters wide and two meters long. It doesn't need to be very high, and it should be enough if it is [-] to [-] centimeters thick.

With this thickness, even if the ground gets damp, it should be enough for Chen Qi to cope with the rest of these days. Besides, isn't there a stove beside him?

Even if the humidity returns and the cold air below is soaked up, as long as the stove is kept on fire, it will dry out quickly.

Originally, I thought it might be enough to pull two sledge grass.However, half of the grass for Chen Qi's sledge has been paved, and the bed of weeds is barely paved with two or three layers. Even, Chen Qi can still see the green grass below through the gaps between the withered and yellow weeds. moss.

Looking at the remaining weeds on the stove, Chen Qi made an estimate. If he wanted to get himself such a thick bed according to the plan, the capacity of the current sledge would have to be pulled at least ten carts. car.

Things like mowing the grass will definitely go farther and farther. If you calculate it this way, wouldn't it cost more than ten hours on the road? !
"Damn it! I don't necessarily have more than ten hours in the whole day from dawn to dark!"


Don't waste too much time on the way back and forth.

That dog doesn't pull the sledge, so it has to be upgraded and expanded to try to pull back more things with relatively few trips.

But that's all for tomorrow.

What Chen Qi has to do now is to quickly transport some firewood to the house before it snows outside, lest it will be covered with snow, wet or otherwise, and it will be difficult to light it.

The newly spread weeds on the stove had to be roasted for a while, so Chen Qi scraped the grass and went out to transport wood into the house.

Chen Qi used an ax to split the large alder wood. This kind of wood is relatively easy to burn, so there is no need to split it into small pieces.

If Chen Qi were to do that, it would really be embarrassing for him.

There are still a lot of pine trees left. Near Chen Qi's cabin, there are only these two kinds of wood. There are other kinds of wood by the lake, but there is no need to get them.

Holding one pile at a time, when Chen Qi went out to transport wood for the third time, a snowflake fell on his face as soon as he opened the door.

"It's so fast..."

With the light of the fire in the room, Chen Qi saw large flakes of snow falling to the ground.

This snow seems to be bigger than the first snow.

"The temperature drop is about to start, and we have to get more wood tomorrow.

In the future, this stove may have to burn all the time. "

After just a few words of emotion, Chen Qi quickly sped up his movements and carried the remaining firewood into the house.

"There will be a lot of things in the house in the future, and we may have to go outside to get a shed for firewood."'s something for the future, so I don't want to think about it so much today.

A few pieces of wood were added to the stove, and Chen Qi took the dry grass that had been baked on the stove and spread it on top of the layers that had just been made, more or less making a bed that was several layers thick with straw mats.

Putting a relatively large piece of firewood on the stove to bake, Chen Qi lay down on his straw mat bed.

"Oh! Warm! Comfortable!"

He was also tired, plus he had eaten enough, lay soft, and was still warm by the fire. Chen Qi didn't even have time to say goodnight to his fans, so he fell asleep so deeply.

In the cabin, there was loud snoring.

(End of this chapter)

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