Chapter 14
"As we all know, snake meat should be eaten cooked, because the way of eating like stewing cannot solve the parasites and other things in this kind of wild creatures.

So, we have to deal with it, hahaha!Coincidentally, now that there are tools to deal with this snake, it will also happen to be cooked and eaten when the fire is lit. "

During the live broadcast of "Vigorous" and "Animals", Chen Qi skillfully cut off the snake's head with a stone knife and buried it in a small pit dug out with a stick.

At the same time, Chen Qi did not forget to explain to the audience in the live broadcast room: "In the wild, especially in the wild where there are large predators nearby, if there are parts of your trophies that you can't eat or don't want to eat, don't throw them away. .

The sense of smell of animals is quite sensitive to the smell of blood.And those offal, intestines and other things that you can't eat or don't want to eat, the beast will not dislike them. "

After burying the snake's head, Chen Qi stomped on the soil firmly: "So, if you don't want to be visited by a large group of wild animals when you sleep in the middle of the night, it's better to dig a hole and bury them. .”

Picking up the body without the snake's head, the length of the dead corn snake was still longer than Chen Qi's height of 1.8 meters.

"Usually, the length of this kind of corn snake should be around 80 to 120 centimeters, and the longest one seems to have a record of 182 centimeters.

This one... obviously broke the record. "

Chen Qi is 1.8 meters tall, and when he lifted the snake up, a part of its tail fell to the ground. This corn snake is already more than two meters tall.

"Corn snakes were very popular pets in North America. At the beginning, many people released them or caused corn snakes to escape from indoors due to mistakes, and gradually became one of the resident animals in the wild.

This one should be the offspring of those corn snakes that ran into the wild. "

As Chen Qi said, he took the corn snake and put the snake's body on the root of a broken branch.

Use a not-so-sharp stone knife to cut a T-shaped opening at the position where the snake's head was broken, grab the snake skin on both sides, and pull down hard!
Half of the snake's skin was completely torn off, and it faded to the middle of the snake's body.

When fans saw this scene, they also sent barrage to:

"Seeing such a docile animal being treated like this, tears flowed from the corners of my mouth in spite of myself"

"I've only heard about eating snakes, but I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes today"

"Can the host bring me a copy? It's paid."

“I would rather eat crocodile meat”

“I would rather eat Tyrannosaurus Rex”

“I would rather eat Charizard”

"Betting that the anchor will not be able to make a fire for a while, and can only eat raw"

"I remember your id, wherever you go, you are always gambling."


Chen Qi also saw this barrage, smiled and wiped his hands with weeds or something, buried the part of the snake meat that he couldn't finish eating into another pit, rolled up his sleeves, and prepared to educate those who didn't believe it his fans.

Of course, by raising the fire and hitting the face.

"There are many ways to make a fire with bare hands in the wild. Of course, I'm talking about bare hands, that is, the kind that don't use the tools you bring."

Chen Qi picked up the straight branch he broke off just now, looked at it twice, threw it away, and picked up a drier one, then sat on the big rock and started his own fire teaching.

"The first one is the one everyone is very familiar with: drilling wood to make fire!"

Use two stones to set up a dry log, and put the sawdust and bark that I just scraped off the dry wood with a stone knife in the middle of the suspended log.

"Drilling wood to make fire is actually not directly using a wooden stick to drill fire on another piece of wood, but using the scorched Martian charcoal drilled out to ignite the kindling you prepared in advance.

Like these, dried bark segments, dry sawdust-like stuff. "

Putting the small wooden stick in the middle of the blocks, Chen Qi breathed out: "Start!"

There was a slightly ear-piercing sound of rubbing, and Chen Qi frantically rubbed the small wooden stick in the center of his hands, from top to bottom, top to bottom again...

"The anchor's hand speed... is gone in ashes."

"Damn it, I understand, my crotch is cold"

"Shouldn't it be hot?"

"Is this open too?"

"I have to leave beforehand"

"Brothers in front, let me tell you something, you are a little too thirsty"

The fans teased Chen Qi unscrupulously, while Chen Qi held back his energy and kept rubbing the wooden sticks there.

After 2 minutes, Chen Qi spread his hands and let the small wooden stick fall on the stone.


Chen Qi pointed to the place where the bottom of the small wooden stick was in contact with the wood block, it was already scorched black, but there were no sparks or charcoal as Chen Qi said.

"If you continue, you should be able to succeed. However, my hands don't seem to allow me to continue trying this method."

Spreading out his palms, the fans in the live broadcast room saw the blood blisters on Chen Qi's hands.

In just 2 minutes, Chen Qi was in so much pain that he couldn't continue rubbing.

This also exposed the fact that Chen Qi seldom did this kind of work before and was a layman with only theoretical knowledge.

However, Chen Qi was not discouraged, and still said cheekily: "Obviously, the wood of these trees is not suitable for this method. Let's continue to try the next one."

As for the barrage in the live broadcast room, Chen Qi selectively went blind.

"These igniters are still used, but we have to change other tools."

He ran to the nearby forest again, and after a while, Chen Qi came back dragging a cane.

"This method can be regarded as an advanced version of drilling wood to make fire. The point is that I don't need to rub my hands all the time."

Next, the audience in the live broadcast room saw Chen Qi painstakingly wrapped the torn cane around the wooden stick just now, and then tied the two ends of the cane to a flexible branch, tied them tightly, bent into a bow.

"Ta-da! Done!"

Returning to the stone just now, Chen Qi wiped the sweat from his face to prevent the sweat from dripping on the sparks and failing. Then, he pressed the top of the wooden stick with a piece of stone and held the wooden stick with his other hand. The bow twitched back and forth.


"Okay, I get it now!"

"I know too"

"I know what you two know"

"Well, playing cotton, I read it in the book"

"This is... freeing your hands."


After the fans understood Chen Qi's operation, they also felt that Chen Qi would definitely succeed this time.


First, the force was unstable, and the stone slab I was pressing always fell to the ground, and then the wooden block underneath rolled over and over again, and then the rattan broke again and again.

Finally, Chen Qi threw the wooden bow to the ground cursingly: "Use the next method!"

This time, Chen Qi still chose the wooden block, but he modified it a little bit, scraping a groove in the middle of the wooden block with a stone knife.

Then he used the wooden stick to grind back and forth along the groove like crazy!
at last!

Under the watchful eyes of the audience, the wooden block pressed in the middle of Chen Qi's crotch emitted blue smoke.

Chen Qi quickly increased the strength and rubbed it more than a dozen times, then quickly put down the wooden stick, covered the wood chips that ignited the fire and the torn bark on it, and blew gently.

While the light of the spark was flickering, the spark was blown brighter and brighter by Chen Qi, and gradually ignited the sawdust and bark that wrapped it.

Chen Qi's third fire up was finally successful!

(End of this chapter)

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