Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 134 This Bear Is Really Starving

Chapter 134 This Bear Is Really Starving

After all, the snow still affected Chen Qi's exploration to a certain extent, and his judgment of the length of the lake shoreline was not so accurate.

"Oh, good luck, I've walked across lakeshores with almost the same area and no difference in size before, why...

Not so tired! "

Just as Chen Qi went from a short side on the left side to the right side around the long side, he felt that he could no longer move his legs.

"This snow field is too much work."

At this time, Chen Qi was holding a big tree and rubbing his eyes with his hands.

His lashes froze a bit.

This place is not the same as near Chen Qi's cabin, there are very few alder trees, but more poplars.

"Brothers, do you see that, isn't that over there a pit?"

Chen Qi, who was panting for breath, suddenly tilted his head, squinted his eyes and looked at a certain position obliquely in front of him. After a while, he asked this sentence with a little suspicion.

The angle of view of the drone's camera kept zooming in, and the fans also saw the place Chen Qi was talking about.

It was a meadow, and there was a dug hole on the slightly raised soil.

It looks like it's pretty deep.

It snowed here not long ago. If the pit had existed long ago, Chen Qi would not have been able to see the pit. It should have been buried by snow.

"This thing was just dug up..."

Chen Qi instinctively locked on to the big bear who attacked Brother Si Hai and then came to his house almost instantly.

There are many animals that are good at digging pits. Some of them simply live in burrows, and some build their caves in underground pits. Some dig pits when they are very hungry. Some voles eat voles. Rabbits eat rabbits, and roots eat roots.

Bears have this habit.

"Brothers, look, the hole has been dug and opened up, it must not be a warm home for some small animal.

There are no trees nearby, so there is a high probability that it will not be for tree roots or something.

and so……

That should be a rabbit hole.Then, do you think it was the bear who dug that rabbit hole~"

Many of the fans also guessed the answer given by Chen Qi.

As far as the number of creatures on the river bank is concerned, it is basically impossible to support several bears.

If a bear dug it, it must be the bear!
Over there, the bear knocking on the door in the middle of the night!

Go check it out!

The fans were even more anxious than Chen Qi, and urged Chen Qi who was still standing there, doing nothing.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

Chen Qi moved his fingers, and he took out a pair of thin gloves with fingertips exposed from Brother Sihai, and he didn't know what the two of them were thinking.One came without gloves, and the other came with a bare finger.

Simply divine.

"Of course I want to go and have a look~ Isn't this here?"

Chen Qi put his hand to his mouth and took a deep breath.

"When I go back today, I must wrap something around the handle of this bow.

It's so fucking cold! "


After "scanning" in a few steps, Chen Qi walked slowly to the vicinity of the big pit, and saw a tattered rabbit from a long distance away.

Hmm... there is only one rabbit whose head is connected by a piece of skin.


Not only Chen Qi, but also the fans in the live broadcast room.


Bunny is so cute, why eat it!
No chili? !


"Uh, it's obvious."

Chen Qi's expression was quite calm. After all, the animals he killed with his own hands were quite a few.

How could a person who had divided the deer leg by himself and carried it for over an hour be frightened by a rabbit's head.

Chen Qi kept turning his head to look around, and said in his mouth: "This place has the ability to directly poke a rabbit hole, dig to such a deep place, and force the rabbit out of the hole, it seems that there are only bears.

Extraordinary... Why does this scene seem familiar to me! "


Yakumo Rabbit is not bald: "You look familiar, so f*ck familiar!"

My wife opened the door and I was outrageous: "Can you be so familiar, how did Brother Sihai send you home, forget it!"

The hotpot is on the run and the shrimp dumpling: "Damn it! That's right! Brother Sihai was attacked by that big white bear when he was inspecting the prey killed by the bear!"

Duixue Butcher: "Chen Qi: Danger!"

Birch Street in the memory: "Where the hell do you put it! Run!!"


After the fans heard Chen Qi's words, they immediately thought of the scene they saw on the Internet, the scene where Brother Sihai was attacked by a bear.

The appearance of that insidious bichon frize suddenly rushing out from a dark corner with its mouth wide open is an image that many people will never forget for quite a long time.

Huge red and black mouth with thick bear teeth!

"Don't be afraid, I am not afraid of what you are afraid of."

Chen Qi looked down at the barrage, then raised his head again, looking around.

"Although I'm not a delicate person, but there are people who planted trees before, so I won't suffer the exact same loss again.

Now it is basically certain that the bear who came to the cabin the night before yesterday should be the bear who dug the rabbit hole.

From this point of view, it is really hungry, and it is miserable..."

Speaking of this, Chen Qi felt very strange.

Today's parent star, after 50 years of cultivation due to the departure of humans and the increase in the oxygen content in the air, is obviously an era of extremely rich biological populations.

Not to mention other places, just here, across the river, there are obviously a lot of things to eat, and there are a lot of prey to hunt!
The herd of deer that Chen Qi saw by the river last time, as well as the big bear that ate more than half of his prey, all serve as strong evidence to support this point.

Since you can live better there, why do you have to come here to live such a hard life?

It doesn't make sense!
Could it be that in this wilderness, what else could threaten a bear?

At this moment, those mutated creatures imagined in Chen Qi's mind when the live broadcast first started, those skeleton soldiers who drilled out of the soil, the brontosaurus that ran over from another world, and the alien lifeforms that landed on the earth through meteorites ...

It all came to mind.

"Fuck! What are you thinking!"

Fans are already familiar with Chen Qi's sudden silence and then piapia slapping himself.

Bao Buqi thought of something strange again.


Holding the bow and arrow, Chen Qi crossed the rabbit hole and walked to the woods behind Caodianzi.

"Here, there are its footprints."

Chen Qi clenched his hand into a fist and put it in the bear's footprints. Last time when the bear came to the door of his cabin and almost broke into the house, it also left a lot of messy footprints at the door.

At that time, Chen Qi clenched his fists in the same way and compared them.

Now comparing the hatchbacks, Chen Qi was finally very sure that today's footprints were left by the bear last time!
"Guys, tell me, should I chase after him or not."

There were those who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, so they made Chen Qi go to Xiong's lair to block the door.

Most of them are more rational fans, and they still want to watch Chen Qi's safe and long-term live broadcast.

At critical moments, Chen Qi never lacked courage.This, they have seen.

Chen Qi dared to set fire to a giant snake that was about as thick as a bucket.

Chen Qi dared to fight the lone wolf with a knife.

Courage is long gone without proof.

Now that the bear is going to hibernate soon, why bother to do this kind of thing again.

It's not necessary at all.

Let the barrage be "noisy" for a long time, but Chen Qi didn't stop it, and after thinking for a long time, Chen Qi said: "I still decided to go find that bear.


not today. "

Chen Qi explained to the fans: "I have wasted too much energy today, wading through the broken snow all the way here, I can hardly lift my legs.

Mentally, I was somewhat tired and had trouble concentrating.

On the contrary, the big bear, you see, the rabbit hole was obviously just opened, and there is only one rabbit head left, I guess it is because it ate more than one rabbit.

The enemy's state is fierce, and I will reverse it.At this time, it seems that it is not too smart to take the initiative to lean on other people's faces.


Chen Qi looked at the camera of the drone, and said in a straight voice: "Tomorrow! Tomorrow, I will come to hunt bears!
It crippled Brother Sihai's leg, and even tried to break into my house and send me a stretcher. Of course I want revenge!Are you right? "

very good.Chen Qi's reason is very strong, but also very rascal.

Fans certainly wouldn't believe his obviously deceitful statement.

However, they couldn't find out when they asked Chen Qi, because Chen Qi didn't watch the barrage anymore.

The anchor does not watch the barrage at all times during the live broadcast, which is what Chen Qi can do.

Without Chen Qi's participation in the live broadcast room, the fans just played their own games.

After a long discussion, they finally reached a consensus.

Chen Qi's b... is really too narrow-minded.

I'm so careful that I don't want to die...


"Okay, it's been more than two hours, go back, if you have less time, it will take two hours.

You forget, the stove is done, but our chimney hasn't been done yet.

There is no opening for smoke, so I have to smoke bacon every day! "

When walking over there just now, Chen Qi also paid attention to the sides of the road he passed, whether there was any suitable wood for him to peel off the bark.

Chen Qi still prefers birch trees.However, birch trees generally do not seem to grow too thick, and poplar and willow trees of the same age as birch trees may grow as thick as two birch trees.

However, there is no way to do this. Here, the work of the ventilation duct really depends on the birch tree.

Fir trees can also take on this role to a certain extent, but the fir trees that Chen Qi saw here are really not even a single one is too thin.

If it doesn't move, it's forty to fifty centimeters in diameter, and if it doesn't move, it means that it can't be hugged by a person.

As for pine trees, that's even more nonsense.Where can I find pine bark that can be rolled into a barrel?

"Brothers, we have found it. Since it has been on this side of the river from beginning to end, it must be its active area around here.

Tomorrow, let's come the same way and kill it!
Now, time to go back and work on the stove.Just now, on the left side of the road, is there a trip to the birch forest?

Go over there and have a look. "

Stepping on the footsteps of when he came, Chen Qi "marked" this place, turned and left.


The bark of the birch tree was much stronger than Chen Qi imagined.

Although he had seen birch trees in his previous life, when he lived in the countryside, people in the village regarded birch trees as worthless broken wood, and they were unwilling to use such uncontrollable burning things for fire.

Therefore, for Chen Qi, the birch tree was something he had known from the beginning and only became familiar with later.

"Do you remember the chaga that you got the other day?

That thing can be known from the name, and it only grows on birch trees.And the birch tree, which seems to have no economic value, actually has a lot of good things on it.

Although it neither blooms nor bears fruit, the birch sap from the trunk of the birch tree is a real good thing.

This thing seems to be known and drunk first in Europe. They call birch sap natural beer.Of course, this is just about the taste. Birch sap not only has a certain anti-inflammatory effect, but also can effectively suppress high blood pressure, and can also prevent vascular diseases such as heart disease and cerebral hemorrhage.

In the first few years... it seems that there are studies supporting that this thing can suppress cancer.

In this regard, I still don't know the truth of this statement, and we dare not jump to conclusions.

Anyway, I haven't heard any news about this thing being harmful to the human body. "

Chen Qi was cutting the bark of the tree with a knife and mumbling, and the fans started shopping online.

This thing is so powerful from what Chen Qi said, so get some and try it.

After searching online, I found out that there are more than 60 common currency per thousand milliliters, which is a bit expensive as a drink.

But thinking about the "natural beer" that Chen Qi said before, and converting it into drinks, it is not expensive.


In the live broadcast, Chen Qi had already peeled off a piece of birch bark that was almost one meter long.

As a result of being very careful when doing it, the birch bark is intact, like a piece of hard paper rolled into a paper tube.

Chen Qi estimated that it was more than one meter long, which should be enough for him to dig a hole out of the earth wall.

At that time, paste some mud, wrap this bark tube, and connect it to the earth wall at the end of the stove. His stove should be able to light a fire.

At the "tail" of the stove, Chen Qi has already reserved a rectangular opening, and it will be done when the time comes.


With the bark tube in between, Chen Qi was a little distracted on the way back.

To tell the truth, his mind was not about the stove now, but about the bear.

Dealing with a bear, even one that is malnourished and out of shape because of injuries, is not easy.

And in the remaining time, it is obviously not reliable to dig a large enough trap.

and so……

Chen Qi looked down at the bow in his hand.

After all, it still depends on this thing.

(Ps: I was delayed in queuing up for nucleic acid today, so I will update it first. I will make it up in the third update tomorrow.

Another: I have already been on the battle list.Classified Top [-]→_→)
(End of this chapter)

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