Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 118 Chen Qi's Stories

Chapter 118 Chen Qi's Stories
Fortunately, I saved some wood and branches last time, otherwise, in Chen Qi's state at this time, he would definitely not have the energy to saw branches and wood to make a fire.

The mental state is enough, but the body can't stand it.

In the final analysis, he is just a healthy ordinary person, and he does not have enough advantages in terms of physical strength.

special code!Be sure to buy some attribute potions next time!Even if it is more expensive, even if it is added randomly!

This only relies on self-improvement, and the four-dimensional growth is too slow. Maybe it will be so "reasonable" for a period of time, and the live broadcast will give away the head.


Chen Qi pawed at the fire, his mind was full of going home.

To be honest, he was a little homesick.

This is not a matter of weak will, or inability to endure hardship, or timidity.

The encounter with the big bear today was just a trigger point, a "straw".

No matter who is alone in the wilderness, there is no entertainment every day, it is all work, work, work, and exposure to danger at any time, it is boring and dangerous, and it is so tiring!Days like this have been going on for a long time, and there will definitely be instinctive resistance and avoidance.

There's nothing to be ashamed of.

Chen Qi said it openly.

"Ah... I miss the hot bath water, the cold beer, my big bed, the game I haven't cleared, and my girl...cough!

Eh?When the meat is cooked, eat and eat. "


Yuxinwei: "Oh~~!"

Me and the black cat: "Oh~~!"

Canteen Spicy Sauce: "Oh~~!"

Computer accessories retailer: "I found a problem, the anchor sometimes does not turn off the live broadcast at night, and sometimes turns off"

My special collector's edition: "About two or three days in the middle"

Mayor Lawen: "The anchor never washes his face, but he washes his hands frequently~"

Xiaojin sells coal: "The anchor should pay attention to his body, it is still very dangerous in the wilderness"

My Good Juice: "Be sure to handle the ones that are prone to flavor and don't attract the beast!"

You are too baby: "If you attract..."

Canned food will also expire: "Hiss... I seem to understand what you are saying!"

Shio: "Although it looks fine, there is actually a big problem! You don't really care about him at all"

Prophet Weibo: "Every time you shit, it is a ruthless destruction of nature. The toilet paper used by a person in a year is enough for a few trees. Do you care? No, you only care about yourself"

The bones will eventually melt into sand: "How many trees... what are you using that paper for! I'm too embarrassed to expose you!"


Chen Qi's dinner didn't end satisfactorily in a kind of... weird and inappropriate fan communication.

In the later stage, Chen Qi had to close the barrage and give a lot of people a silence package in order to maintain the purity of the live broadcast room.

After eating, at about six o'clock, Chen Qi became ill. He was sleepy, tired and exhausted, and his whole body ached.

After holding on to brush the pot with snow, Chen Qi got into the tent after everything was dealt with, setting the record for the fastest shutdown of the broadcast since his live broadcast.


the next day.

The live broadcast room opened early, just after six o'clock, which was just when the sun had just risen.

"Morning everyone!"

Chen Qi's spiritual head is very good, which has something to do with his high spiritual attributes.

"This morning, we are going to make some more things. It's not that I'm hungry, but that I'm going to take the food to the homestead by the lake.

Today, if there are no accidents, I plan to not come back all day! "

Chen Qi actually woke up earlier. After all, when he went to bed yesterday, it was a little too early.

After waking up, Chen Qi moved his arm a bit, and it was much better, and there was no major problem anymore.In the end, it is just the accumulated fatigue after a day of intense work. A person in his 20s really recovers after taking a break.

After waking up, Chen Qi took a look at the place where he buried the venison, it was very good and intact.

This was the aftereffect of being robbed of food several times in a row. Chen Qi was really afraid that when he opened his eyes, he would see two big silly birds eating his food again.

Of course, what I am more afraid of is not seeing silly birds, but bears.

Worrying a bit, Xiong is still reluctant to come to this place.


"The progress of the work has fallen too far. Originally, I should have completed part of the task yesterday, at least let you know why I dug a hole on the slope.

Now, not only has the work progress been delayed, but also..."

Chen Qi pointed to the one behind him, which inexplicably looked like a tomb, although it was also a soil bag with deer buried: "I have enough food for more than ten days, but the premise is that I can keep them until then, so , the content of the work needs to be added.

I need a place to smoke venison!This can be done in a wooden house, and a place to store venison is needed, which is extra work. "

No matter how remote this area was, there would still be many large and small things haunting it at night, Chen Qi didn't want to sleep with the venison, it would not only feel weird, but also not safe.

Whether it is for venison as food, or for Chen Qi, a living human being.


Simply cook the venison in a frying pan. Chen Qi has no time to boil the fat from the deer. He and Brother Sihai did not bring much oil together. It is a completely non-renewable resource. Chen Qi Still dare not let go of the use of hands and feet.

Simply as long as it is cooked, whether it is delicious or not, in short, it is salty and light, and it will not kill people, as long as it can fill the stomach.


This way, of course, the work will be completed very quickly. After eating, bring all the necessary tools, and pick up the copper pot containing the meat to leave, it is only before seven o'clock.

"Take it away directly in a copper pot, and fetch water when you come back, it's perfect!"

Having said that, Chen Qi still hated fetching water and delivering things back and forth, it was too troublesome.


I'll be able to save that time when I get the cabin out!

With such thoughts in mind, Chen Qi only felt that he was full of energy!
"It's over! Ollie!"


When he came to the homestead, all the things Chen Qi left the day before yesterday were still there, and so was the shovel.

It was cold and unable to roll up his arms and sleeves, so Chen Qi put down his things and stopped fishing, just jumped into the pit and started working!

"I don't need to tell you about this pit. This is the ground level of the homestead. As for why I chose it here, if I work fast enough, you will be able to see it tomorrow."

He always remembered that he still had a place to save food, and Chen Qi didn't have time to talk, but was working hard.

During this period, because the platform took care of Chen Qi's live broadcast room, which had been hanging on the category homepage, it naturally attracted a lot of new users.

They looked at the advertising slogan marked by the platform, what kind of wolf slaying maniac, and escaped from the mouth of a bear, the title of the live broadcast room [Living alone in the wilderness for 60 days, the ultimate challenge! 】It is also very attractive, and the popularity of the anchor's live broadcast is also high. As a result, a person who can only see his back is digging a hole with a small shovel.

Possibly setting a trap?

look a little longer...

This is a pit of more than ten square meters!Are you going to catch dinosaurs?

Just this thing, what's so good about it!I'm afraid they are trying to sell dog meat again!
Escape from the bear's mouth, escape through the iron fence, right?

However, there are indeed a lot of bullet screens, and many of them have titles and special effects. At first glance, they are high-level paid bosses.


This is not the invited navy.

Therefore, among the barrages of "Chen Qi doesn't talk", "He turned off the broadcast again yesterday", "Gamble..." and so on, there are often a few doubtful barrages mixed in.

What is the host doing?
Is the anchor digging holes in the park and no one cares?
where is the bear
What is a rabbit...

Etc., etc.

The most of them, of course, are concerned about the content of the live broadcast, and suspect that Chen Qi, the anchor, does not meet the barrage of the live broadcast title.

When the fans saw that someone doubted Chen Qi, of course they would not agree, and gave explanations in a hurry, doubling the number of bullet screens, but of course there was no serious explanation.


Wasteland law: "This is a master of archery!"

Qu She: "Ask a moment later and open the shoe box spaceship to blow up your house!"

Enthusiastic citizens of Gotham: "Life is only lost to rabbits, the only defeat!"

Head of Sov Le: "The carp spirit in the water is also a tough opponent!"

It's just that the light is weak: "Unforgettable Killer Bee eyes closed throat!"

Ink Big Zongzi: "The Thief of Monkey Mountain: Chen Qi"

Ask the Amazing Leopard: "Grudges never last: Wolverines know what I'm talking about"

Gardenia will last forever: "Chen Qi's autobiography: I confronted the kitten all night, grabbed the ground with my head, and scared it away!"

Electronic lattes can’t be drunk: “Jungle Snake Man: All snakes are under my control, eat the ones that can be eaten, and kill the ones that can’t be eaten for fun”

Don't Call Me Bao'er: "Chen Qi Almost Biography Injures a Wolf: The Beast's Deception"

By the stream of Wanhua Road: "Amazing perseverance: walking is closer, but I have to cut down trees, build boats, and walk by water to tire myself"

Rambling little nerves: "Unfinished great cause: I have a promise with the barrel"

Three thousand strokes of ink draw you: "My brother Qi's quotations in society: Thank you brother Sihai for sending me that, that, and that."

I'm so hot: "The snowfield scavengers, the silly bird heroes are so hot again, let me take a look at the bear, what the hell am I..."

Dancing emotion: "That is the [-]-meter champion of a piece of rotten wood"


There are many fans who have watched Chen Qi’s live broadcast and have followed him from the first day to the present. This is also due to the fact that Chen Qi’s live broadcast content has always been good and the user stickiness is high.

These fans were unscrupulously playing memes in the live broadcast room, making the new users who were already confused and unable to understand Chen Qi's live broadcast even more confused.


I don't understand it, but it seems very interesting!

Those who like to watch live broadcasts are actually mostly young people, and those who watch live broadcasts for a long time need time.

Immersed in the Internet for a long time, of course they are very familiar with things like "messages". They are keenly aware that a person who can create so many memes by himself must have something!

And at this time, after Chen Qi had been working for half a day, it was time for him to rest.

After coming to the pit to drink some water, Chen Qi was also ready to interact with the fans, but kept silent. This is not what a qualified anchor should do.

But seeing those messy "famous scenes" in the barrage, Chen Qi still couldn't laugh or cry for a long time without saying a word.

You... This makes me praise you, or hate you.

"Cough! Friends who are new to the live broadcast room, don't listen to their nonsense, let me introduce myself.

My name is Chen Qi, an ordinary outdoor anchor. I am not in the park now, but near the zero-degree line of Jiama on my home planet.

This time I want to challenge to live alone for 60 days in this bear-infested area, and build a log cabin that is strong enough to meet the conditions.

Yesterday I personally hunted down a reindeer weighing hundreds of catties. Unfortunately, half of my prey was snatched away by a bear that came out suddenly.

In the future, I may encounter it again, please click and pay attention to ensure the most authentic and thrilling content! "

What Chen Qi said was basically true, but the way he narrated was a little cautious.

Everyone heard him say that the bear that suddenly appeared took away the prey, and they made up a lot of pictures of the Colosseum in their brains, so they paid attention without hesitation. Someone asked Chen Qi when he was going to hunt the bear, and someone asked him I am tirelessly asking what stories those stalks represent.

But at this time, Chen Qi pretended not to know.

"That's too much to say, everyone can go to my fan station, or directly search for my name on the platform. In the past, people have been uploading live broadcasts. You should be able to see what you want to watch.

I still have to work hard to build a house now, so I can't explain it to you, everyone forgive me! "


After digging the pit all morning, Chen Qi stood at the edge of the pit and compared the height, then went to the part below the soil slope with the "roof" to calculate the "story height". It felt that it was almost the same.

"Okay! Put aside the digging work for now!"

After leveling the ground at the bottom of the pit and dealing with floating soil, Chen Qi climbed out of the already deep pit.

Chen Qi climbed out of the pit and stretched his shoulders: "When I fix the length of those trees, let's start the next step!"

Those small pine trees that had been repaired by Chen Qi in advance had no major problems to deal with.

At the beginning, everyone was wondering, although there are so many such thin trees, what can they do? Next to the top of a tree, a layer of earthy ground was laid like a floor.

"Hey, it's okay to say it's flooring. But it's not for aesthetics, but for cold protection.

Although the temperature is not cooling down now, it seems that there is no need, but the elders of the family used to live in the north, and they must have told you the words "frozen to death".

That is not a description, but a simple description, the kind that is straightforward.The winter here can really freeze people to death!In addition to wind and snow protection, the coolness of the ground is also a major reason.

Of course, the wood is not the whole measure. I will also lay a layer of moss branches or something, and then cover it with soil.

That's right!The last layer must be soil!

As for the remaining thin trunks, hey, you will know tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.Now, I have to get busy with other things. "

After finishing speaking, Chen Qi, who had laid the "floor", jumped out of the big pit again, carrying a hand saw and a chain saw, ignoring all kinds of pine trees around him, and walked towards those scattered alder trees.

Old fans know that Chen Qi will definitely not speak for a while.

Well, let's see.

They were also very interested in Chen Qi, the cabin that was still under construction.

(Ps: I finally wrote this chapter. I have an epidemic recently. Everyone, you should also pay attention to protecting yourself, and wear a mask at all times.)
(End of this chapter)

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