Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 113 Hungry Stomach Can Be Transferred

Chapter 113 Hungry Stomach Can Be Transferred
This must not be a problem with my archery skills.

Chen Qi thought so.

"See! Archery! Hey, it doesn't hurt your life, but you can get what you want!
Are those two silly birds driven away by me? !What is a master of archery! "

As long as I don't admit that I'm a badass, then I can become a fairy and a ancestor in my own world!

The two big birds were scared away by Chen Qi's arrow, but Chen Qi did not win the battle to defend his food.

As we all know, owls, snowy owls and night owls are all standard nocturnal animals.

Even if it occurs during the day, it is a rare phenomenon.

Although Chen Qi didn't wake up too late, no matter how early he was this morning, it was still daytime.

The two birds didn't know how long they had been eating around his food reserves.

Maybe, this is not the first group at all, but I don't know how many pairs have lined up to eat.

Angrily, he came to the edge of the pine tree, untied the rope, and put down his food reserves.

Chen Qi stepped forward to take a look, ho!
Good guy!This whole thing is a bone removal operation!

The wolverine, which had a lot of meat left yesterday, now has its entire breastbone and ribs exposed.

It was not very clear from a distance just now, but now that it is close, it can be seen at a glance, the dense white.

"These old boys, they ate all night, this is it!"

Chen Qi moved the wolverine's bone, and the side that was attached to the ground had a similar effect.

There was no meat left in the whole wolverine, so of course it couldn't be a feat that could be gnawed by just two birds.

"Now this thing can no longer be used as food at all.

It doesn't matter if there is any meat left, that's another story, this thing was plated by the big bird, and it was plated all night!

I dare not eat meat or not! "

Chen Qi regretted it now.

If he had known that there were such meat-eating raptors here, and there were so many of them, Chen Qi would definitely not begrudge that little physical strength, and really just dig a hole or bury it.

Gotta~!This last meal of wolverine meat was also missed.

Chen Qi guarded the body of the wolverine with an arrow stuck in it, thinking for a long time.

"I need a place to store food!"

Chen Qi's eyes were bright: "A cellar! Or some other space!
Hmm... It's better to be some distance away from where I sleep, but where I can observe and hear a little movement.

It can't be too far from the lake..."

Chen Qi fell into thinking again, until his stomach rang again.


Chen Qi slapped his forehead in pain: "I came here to eat! Now the food is gone! You stupid bird with such a special code! Sooner or later, I will dress you in skewers and roast you like pigeons!!"

Incompetent and furious, this is probably the case.

Although what Chen Qi said was quite harsh, the actual situation was that those two birds and possibly more birds were full, and Chen Qi was the only one who was hungry.

"Brothers, today may be more difficult. Finding food in this kind of place is not an easy task, but now I don't even have the last food in reserve.

So, drink some water.Drink some water to cheat your stomach, and let's get something to eat.

certainly.The first choice is still fishing! "

There was no piece of meat on the wolverine that Chen Qi could enjoy, but he still wouldn't throw away the wolverine.

At least, it can pick off some meat and save it for fishing.


Back at the camp, Chen Qi reluctantly dug a hole for the wolverine that had taken the meat, and buried it far away in another place.

There are many carnivorous things in the forest, and they won't mind the little scavengers before winter comes.Of course Chen Qi would not fail to pay attention to this. Compared with chopping wood and burning the wolverine carcass, it was easier to dig a hole.

It's just a small hole, so digging it with different hands won't tire your arms.

Bringing the fishing rod, the knife, and the bow and arrow, Chen Qi thought about it and untied them all.

"I still have to get some water first. Brother Sihai has a big pot. I think that thing can be used to store water."

Chen Qi never wanted to use Brother Sihai's big kettle, but if it was just used to store water, then there would be no big problem.Anyway, before the last mouth, the water has to be boiled once.

With only a knife for self-defense, Chen Qi walked towards the lake with Brother Sihai's big kettle in his hand.

"I'm going to bring back enough water today to cover my water needs for two days because if possible I'm going to be out all day today, hunting, finding other food, exploring the surroundings, looking for other animals to show up traces and the like.

Tonight, I definitely don't have the heart to carry a pot of water back. "


There was still no danger by the lake, and Chen Qi even felt a little... Cursing himself, he walked close to the waterline edge of the lake for a while, but he didn't find any suspicious person's footprints.

Only his own, today's, yesterday's, long ago.

"There must be another lake near here! Or a river or something. The water level is gentler, the water bank is wider, and the view is better.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain that there is not even a single footprint of a small animal on the lakeside. "

Chen Qi looked across the lake and came to the other side of the lake.

Maybe, the footprints are all over there.

After all, the side he chose was actually the side close to the edge of the forest, and it made sense that few small animals were willing to come.

"Even in a place like this, there are voles, lemmings and all that stuff, and these rodents are found all over the world.

The two eagles I saw today are the best proof.

With such a large body and such a good appetite, without enough food support, there is no way to feed such a large raptor.What's more, those two may not be the only ones who came to eat my food reserves yesterday. "

On Chen Qi's side, starting from where he first landed, to where he set up camp, and to Brother Sihai's camp, the entire periphery of the forest was filled with stones, stones, and stones.

This is also the reason why the spread of the forest stops here.

In this case, even rodents would not like this terrain.


"Two extra-large birds flew out of the forest!

They flew to the edge of the forest just to eat my food reserves!grass! "

Chen Qi still couldn't forget that his food was eaten by birds.

His hungry stomach kept reminding him of this.


Carrying the water bottle, Chen Qi came back from the lake, and Chen Qi was looking forward to the day when his cabin would take shape.

If nothing else, at least it will be much more convenient to use water.

Unfortunately, he had to put his progress on hold today.Even if there were no physical problems or fatigue problems, his food crisis would not allow him to continue working with peace of mind.

"Stupid! I should have brought the fishing rod there just now! Maybe if I go back again, the fish will already be hooked!"


Canned hunk: "And then you catch the fish and send it back?"

King Mebius: "Then I went back and exclaimed that I was stupid, I should have waited for the two fish to be sent back together"

People who have not yet succeeded: "There is no need to go to such trouble. Just bury the fish →_→"

Which House Lamp Is For Me: "Then Wolverine Haunts?"

You will follow your husband into battle: "Then three arrows will determine life or death?"

Monkey Sailei: "The Snowy Owl family requests to join the battle!"

Wang Goudan, who did not want to be named: "If you think too much, just a few archery skills from the anchor dog, the possibility of two blind cats hitting a mouse to death is infinitely close to zero"

I hope she is happy: "Then the anchor Three Arrows decided to be lonely and gave herself to Wolverine to open meat"

I'm sorry I'm undercover: "A man's body was left in the snow like a dog chewed it"

Both she and time are ruthless: "The Snow Owl family once again requests to go to war! →_→"

The future is promising: "Hahahahaha! Damn you, you're laughing so hard at me, you're all dead!"


Daily ridicule.

"Fishing rod, fishing bait...this special size bait was originally meant for me to eat...

Knives, bows and arrows, flare guns... Well, you have to bring these things too. Although the possibility of encountering a bear is low, you must be on guard! "

After putting down the bucket, Chen Qi bustled around and took all the things he could and should bring with him.

"Set off!!"

The first stop, of course, is the lake.Chen Qi still wants to fish here.

After setting up the fishing rod with ease, Chen Qi felt that it might be very late when he comes back today, maybe...

"Another fish with a gaping mouth will come out of the lake!"


I walked over to the "construction site" and took a look. The shovel was still there, the tree was still there, the pit was... of course it was still there!
Nodding in satisfaction, Chen Qi took a deep breath, turned and left.

Start a new journey of discovery today!

What a red chicken!


In the wilderness forest, Chen Qi was alone, like a scout, walking cautiously on the soft soil in the forest.

"There are no other animal footprints here, so I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing."

There are no large animals, which proves that it is relatively safe here.

But Chen Qi came to hunt today!

After walking for half an hour, I didn't see anything. This is not a good sign.

"Yes! Look over there!"

Chen Qi, who discovered the situation this time, suddenly rushed out without saying a word. The drone's camera angle changed, and fans saw what Chen Qi was pointing at.

"A squirrel!"

The fans sent out all kinds of question marks in the live broadcast room, nothing more than doubts. With Chen Qi's archery skills, shooting such a small squirrel from such a long distance is a little harder than winning the lottery.

"Hehehe... Who said I was going to catch that squirrel~"

Chen Qifu lowered his body, carefully took off the bow and arrow from his back, slowly put the arrow on it, and drew the bowstring.

"However... there is no harm in trying..."

The bowstring resounded!

The sound of snatching trees sounded soon.

Chen Qi's arrow wasn't too far off. At least, he hit the big pine tree behind the squirrel.

But of course the squirrel ran away quickly.

"Missed? What didn't hit. I just sent that little guy home.

Don't you guys know that a small thing like a squirrel is also a big food store~"

Before getting up, Chen Qi observed his surroundings, which he had forcibly developed into a habit.

No danger.

Chen Qi got up, walked to the edge of the pine tree, and carefully took down the arrows. These are "non-renewable resources" with a limited amount, so they should be used sparingly.

Putting the bow and arrow back behind his back, Chen Qi patted the big pine tree in front of him.

“Actually, the most annoying thing about climbing trees is things like pine trees.

Not to mention straight up and down, there are still few branches, and they will not grow in very low places.

Moreover, the pine tree is very dirty, not in the usual sense.But this. "

Chen Qi touched the grease on the pine tree with his hands.

"Amber, you all know it. It's actually this thing. This piece is relatively hard, so it's okay.

If it had just been secreted from the tree, my clothes would be ruined.Moreover, the tree is too thick to climb well. "

But, that's also climbing.

When Chen Qi looked up, a little squirrel was looking down at him on a certain branch on the top of the tree, and then turned around and hid inside the tree when Chen Qi patted the tree.

There must be a squirrel's nest here!
I buckled the bark of the pine tree with my hand, and then carefully peeled it twice with a knife.

"If you want to climb a pine tree, no matter how skilled you are at climbing it, you'd better make sure that the bark is connected to the trunk before you climb it."

The tree is in very good condition.

Chen Qi's tree-climbing skill has already reached two levels. This should be related to the fact that he grew up in the countryside in his previous life and often climbed trees to dig out bird eggs.

Chen Qi didn't have gloves, so he must have suffered a bit with his hands today.

Bend your legs, clamp the tree trunk with the inside of your knees, pinch it with your hands, stabilize it, and then use your waist to drive your legs and shrink upwards!
Chen Qi "squirmed" upward steadily for a while.

Ten minutes later, Chen Qi had climbed to the middle of the big pine tree.There are many branches here, which has become a problem for Chen Qi.

However, although it was tiring to hide and hide, the safety was guaranteed.

Under the watchful eyes of the little squirrel that fled to the top of the pine tree, Chen Qi dug his evil hand into the tree hole where it stored food.

"Pine nuts! There are so many small nuts! What are these, I don't even recognize them?"

The drone can't fly to the place full of branches and branches to take close-up shots of Chen Qi's "work" scene, so fans can only hear Chen Qi's startled cry, and then vaguely see Chen Qi using One by one, he took out things from the tree hole and stuffed them into his pockets.

It seems that one more pine tree will starve this winter.

"Oh? Brothers, I seem to see over there, there is a place reflecting light..."

Chen Qi's own vision was also affected by the branches and he couldn't see very far, but the drone couldn't.

Lifted directly into the air and gained altitude.

The fans took a step ahead of Chen Qi and saw the scenery in the distance.

The jade belt turns into scales and meanders.

There is indeed a river there!

And, there are animals by the river! !
"It's over guys! Ollie here!"

Chen Qi got down from the tree at three times the speed, held the bow in his hand, and rushed towards the river.

A single shot can't hit a target, but what about a group?
Am I still unable to cum? !
(End of this chapter)

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