Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 109 Letting You Eat My Fish

Chapter 109 Letting You Eat My Fish

Barren mountains and ridges, inaccessible.

Chen Qi placed it by the lake, and the fish buried in the ground was dug out by something!
At this time, when the sun was setting and the earth was slowly being shrouded in darkness, Chen Qi looked at those black forests that could not be penetrated by sight, and always felt that there was something in there, hiding behind a certain tree, or crouching in the cold forest. On the snowy ground, who was plotting evil, with a miserable smile, drooling, looking at himself with green eyes...

Fuck!Can't think about it anymore!

Chen Qi shook his head twice, emptying out the "inspiration" accumulated from reading horror novels in his previous life. If he continues to think like this, he will definitely scare himself into a psychopath.

Isn't that the same as that who! !

"Calm down! The first thing I need to do now is to calm down... Huh..."

Chen Qi kept reminding himself to calm down, and then stared at the pit on the ground like a stake, brainstorming in his head.

At the same time, the live broadcast room was also very lively.

After all, Chen Qi's encounter was too topical and shocking.

Don't spit fast!

The law of the wasteland: "I understand this, the staff took it away, they are hungry for wild game"

With a heart of salty fish in his heart: "God, what a staff member! Trick!"

What about my sunny day: "Yes! What kind of shit staff, it was obviously poached by a big bear"

A pretty guy came uninvited: "I think so, the staff is okay, if it's a bear..."

Just want to make money: "If a ghost..."

Dolili: "If the fox..."

Qin Shihuang Ben Huang: "It is the fox and it will come back to repay"

A total of 22 strokes: "Then I guess it won't be repaying by turning into a beautiful woman, but probably cooking porridge→_→"

He looks ugly and lives a long time: "I really admire him now, how dare he continue to stand there!"

Yihu Sake: "It's me, I didn't say anything, I turned around and ran away, let me tell you this, I can run faster than Brother Sihai!"

The big fish is not my pleasure: "Why don't you catch another one quickly? It will be dark in a while!"

Gaolianghe Two-wheeled God of War: "This one is even more heavyweight!"

Left hip gambler: "Bet on a firework, Chen Qi will be taken away by wolves to nurse the child"

Tourist 3314256: "This one is even more of a concubine"


Compared with the fans in the live broadcast room who were clamoring and making a mess, Chen Qi was undoubtedly calmer and calmer.

But these are all appearances, and Chen Qi's heart is still a mess.

If it is really a bear, then this is not good news.

One of the important reasons why Chen Qi chose to make his cabin near this lake is that it can provide him with a relatively safe and stable source of food and water.

This largely avoids the various dangers that Chen Qi may encounter on the way to go out and go deep into the forest in search of food, including getting lost, accidentally injured, trapped, including...

Encounter large carnivorous predators.

Like, bears!

Compared to wandering around, Chen Qi still believes that hiding in a fixed place is less likely to encounter danger.

But now he hid for a long time and hid directly at the door of Xiong's house, but it's okay!

The bamboo basket is empty!

Do not!
Not necessarily!
At this time, Chen Qi's powerful mental power helped him a lot. Even though his heartbeat was still fast, he had indeed calmed down and was able to think.

Still not saying a word, Chen Qi frowned and carefully observed the vicinity of the pit.

No deep footprints.

However, it is still not completely sure what it is. Although the land by the lake is soft, with the weight of a bear, stepping on it will inevitably leave deep footprints, but the bear is also likely to come from the other side. He dug the fish and left without going to the lake at all. Reasonably, this is also possible.

Pursing his lips, Chen Qi looked around, then squatted down, silently, carefully observing the pit.

When he buried the fish, the hole he dug was not very deep, because Chen Qi subconsciously felt that this was enough caution, so...

He carefully identified the subtle traces around the pit, and after a while, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Not a bear. Definitely not a bear!"

Pointing to one of them, which looked like a mark made with a small hook, Chen Qi said: "You may not have an intuitive impression, but I can tell you that the length of the paws of adult bears is basically more than ten centimeters, and the width is about 25 centimeters. Between fifteen and twenty-five centimeters."

Chen Qi covered his face with his hands, and looked at the camera of the drone through his fingers: "This claw is bigger than my face!
Moreover, the claws of the bear's claws are even, at least when pressed on the ground, they are even, if the bear digs the fish out..."

Chen Qi drew a few lines on the ground with the back of his knife, pointed to them and said, "Then, what we see will be traces like this, a pit with a diameter of at least twenty centimeters, and every gully is Deep and wide.

And this! "

Chen Qi was full of confidence: "It should have been dug out by foxes, ferrets, or some medium-to-large birds.

The reason for mentioning birds is that I didn't see any footprints nearby, which also ruled out the suspicion of oversized animals such as bears.

So, it's either very light, or it can fly at all.


Chen Qi picked up the fishing rod and said, "That's the crime that Conan kid used the fishing line to commit without evidence or clues."

After excluding the only terrible answer, Chen Qi no longer cared what the remaining real answer was.

To be honest, as long as it is not Conan, everything else is easy to say.

Taking a long breath, Chen Qi finally remembered that there was still a poor fish hanging on his hook.

After being pulled ashore for so long, in this extremely dry air, the big fish would have dried up and died long ago.

When unhooking the fishhook, some fans were still "reluctantly" advising Chen Qi that it was a bit dishonest not to let the staff show up.

And more people are asking him, who is Conan divine.

To this, the answer Chen Qi gave was: just a primary school student who will never die.

I don’t know how many episodes it’s been until now. Is Xiaolan still waiting for him? Does the man in black have any other talents who can rebel? Has he finished elementary school...


On the way back, Chen Qi, who was holding a knife in his right hand and a fish in his left, obviously relaxed a lot.

He brags about how reasonable his analysis is, and how calm and rational his attitude in dealing with problems is. If fans hadn't told him that the dynamic picture of his lips trembling and his double-strand fighting had been posted on the Internet, Chen Qi is impossible to stop.

"So how free are you all, why are you posting everything online!

Why didn’t I see the dynamic picture of me jumping to avoid the bear’s claws and fighting a lone wolf with a knife!Is it because you don’t know it, and you are still jealous of my great achievements like a god of war! "

Chen Qi bickered with the fans in the live broadcast room, complaining about his petty emotions.

Then the fans taught him another lesson.


Law of Wasteland: "Got it, let's make a dynamic picture of someone being slapped in the mouth by a fish"

Female communication disorder: "If you know it, let's make a dynamic picture of someone running out of anime effects scared by a crocodile"

Everyone is a Cao thief: "Got it, let's make a dynamic picture of someone confronting a little wild cat"

Knowing mahjong at the age of three: "Understood, let's make a dynamic picture of someone watching a tiger fight, shrinking his head and shrinking the afterimage"

Azu stop: "Then I will be responsible for packaging them and uploading them to the input method, and let everyone use them for free!"

Huadu Lanruo: "You people, really...why can't I make dynamic pictures~"

Cheng Juzi is good: "Anchor anchor! There is a little thing in front of you!"


When Chen Qi saw this, he looked down. Why did this person suddenly mention this?
Why are you swearing at people? It's just a small thing!

Chen Qi was "obsessed" for a second, then suddenly came to his senses, and looked up in front of him.


There, there was a little brown-black thing with smooth fur like water, which was staring at Chen Qi closely.

To be precise, he was staring at the fish in Chen Qi's hand.

"Ha, it popped out by itself!"

Seeing this little thing, Chen Qi knew how the fish he buried in the soil disappeared.

The scheming frog keeps touching its belly: it is the murderer!

"Arctic Wolverine!"

As a carnivorous animal that lives on the edge of the Arctic and in the jungles of the sub-Arctic region, although it is obviously a member of the weasel family, it got the name of a wolverine.

This has something to do with its nature, which is as cruel as a wolf and has a body like a badger.

The reason why Chen Qi judged that his fish was dug out of the soil by this little thing was of course not just because it appeared near the crime scene as a "suspect badger".

These guys, of course, are not in the habit of returning to crime scenes.

The real reason is that this thing with a weight of about [-] to [-] kilograms has a very mixed diet. It not only climbs trees to eat birds on trees, but also picks out bird eggs to eat, digs holes to eat lemmings, and eats lemmings by the river. Steal" fish to eat, even when there is nothing to eat, go straight to vegetarianism, eat some berries, dig some grass roots and so on.

"The fish I buried in the ground by the lake must have been dug out of the soil by this all-rounder!

I said why didn't I see any footprints? This guy is famous for treading snow without traces, because his legs are short and his feet are big. When he steps on the snow, the pressure on the soles of his feet is less than [-] times that of a deer. one!

Speaking of which, do you know why this little thing weighing less than fifty catties dared to stand in front of me for such a long time, but it was not afraid of me at all~"

Chen Qi squatted down slowly, put down the fish in his hand, and the little thing over there was also staring at the fish in Chen Qi's hand, moving his eyes.

"You may think that it is eyeing the fish in my hand and wants to get something for nothing again."

Chen Qi slowly released the bow and arrow on his back, and stuck the knife on the ground.

"However, this little guy's main food is a reindeer much bigger than me!"

Chen Qi took the arrow, and slowly adjusted his figure: "This little thing, it won't be afraid of me, it stands there, it wants to hunt me...

eat me! "

As Chen Qi kept whispering bb... whispering science popularization, the little thing actually lowered its body bit by bit, probed its head, and touched Chen Qi's side.

Wolverines are extremely ferocious and greedy animals. Although they are small in size, they can usually run more than 40 kilometers a day and night to find food. In addition to "getting something for nothing", although Arctic wolverines are greedy, they sometimes go back and steal other animals It hunts dead prey, but usually only hunts guys larger than itself.

"Otherwise, it's not enough to eat..."

After saying this, Chen Qi flew out with an arrow!

Without looking at the result, Chen Qi subconsciously drew another arrow, aimed twice based on feeling, and shot again.

The first arrow was actually aimed quite accurately, almost hitting it at a distance of more than 20 meters, which is considered Chen Qi's super-level performance.

However, there is actually no essential difference between almost hitting the target and missing the target by 800 meters.

After being preempted by Chen Qi, the little thing not only didn't turn around and ran away, but as if it had been aroused fiercely, it roared at Chen Qi, didn't approach slowly, showed its claws, and started Run to Chen Qi!
At this time, Chen Qi's second arrow arrived again.

Still missed.

Moreover, the first arrow almost hit the target, and this second arrow fully proved that Chen Qi's first arrow was purely luck, and he didn't know where it went.

Without even thinking about it, Chen Qi drew out the third arrow, drew the bow and shot it, then directly abandoned the bow, stepped back with his right leg, and drew out the knife he had stuck in the ground just now!

With a short distance of 20 meters, for this kind of wild animal, it came almost in the blink of an eye.

Not counting the arrow that Chen Qi attacked first, and the second arrow that the opponent started to run after the arrow was shot, Chen Qi was considered fast if he was able to shoot the third arrow.

At a time like this, what accuracy is required?

Although the opponent came running in a straight line, although the opponent's target was not too small, although the distance was always getting closer, and when the arrow was shot, it might have been within ten meters of Chen Qi, but Chen Qi still believed in the knife in his hand.

As for bow and arrow, Chen Qi, who is purely a beginner, doesn't believe he can shoot...

"...A shot?!"

With the sword in his hand, Chen Qi thought that he would definitely not be able to get lucky today. After all, his sword skills were actually like that.

But even he didn't think of it, this is so...

Actually won!

Hey ~ good!I hit it, I hit it!

Five or six meters away from Chen Qi, a wolverine was still trembling with an arrow inserted obliquely into its side neck, blood had already flowed from its body onto the snow.

The third arrow Chen Qina shot hastily, the blind cat hit the dead mouse and hit the wolverine.

After being stunned for 1.325 seconds, Chen Qi calmly put away his right leg and stood up straight.

Caressing the knife in his hand, Chen Qi said flatly, "I don't know when, the day will come when you will see blood seal your throat."

After installing the b, Chen Qi made a breakthrough in a second, ran to the wolverine with a playful smile, stepped on its head, and pulled out his own arrow.

"Let you steal my fish!!"

(End of this chapter)

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