Chapter 13
Yang Dilei doesn't know how to complain anymore, because there are too many complaints.

Are you serious about going there?Leaving aside the two-month journey, it's different if you walk together without taking a teleportation array, right?

Indeed, now everyone is sitting in the teleportation array, and no one really walks in a hurry.

It's just like other people taking a high-speed rail flight when traveling far away. It's really different for you to walk all the way there.

But what do you think I am hiking XZ?
And your fill-in-the-blank question, isn't that still a multiple-choice question?Leaving a blank for three options in one sentence is called a fill-in-the-blank question?
Do you think this is a cloze test paper for English?Then I still have four options.

As for the [-]% probability of custom filling in the blanks, looking at Qian Huan in the system that hasn't finished cooling down yet, is there any need to talk about it?

Can you explain to me what those three options mean?Nima, there is no less than 1000 experience points.

God TM's in-place spiral ascending to heaven, isn't it still powerful?

Can you transform into Ultraman Tiga by turning into light? It’s the kind that biu biu biu shoots lasers.

5000 experience points will give a transgender pill, I might as well cut it myself.

The third teleportation, the reward is too scary.Why did your teleportation kill someone?

Are you teleporting the head over there?
Yang Dilei's face is extremely ugly, can I not choose?

The facts tell him that it is not possible, because he has tried it before, and then there is no more.

That's right, there is nothing underneath, as if it had never existed.

Although you don't have to go to the toilet because of your cultivation, it's not just for going to the toilet.

That's right, here, fairies really don't know how to poop.Absolutely 360-degree perfection without dead ends.

Fortunately, it recovered after three days, but Yang Dilei didn't dare to try again.

What if you can't come back?All by fingers?

Seeing Yang Dilei's suddenly ugly face, Shen Long's premonition became stronger.

Because Yang Dilei had such an expression when he was in the teleportation formation.

"What's the matter, Brother Yang? I know where Xuantian City is. Yu Jian goes there and walks Chenghua Avenue to Erxian Bridge."

Xuanji thought that Yang Dilei didn't know the way, so he opened his mouth to explain.

"No need, brother will take you flying today, hold on to me."

When Shen Long heard Fei, he turned his head and wanted to run away, but Yang Dilei grabbed him back.

So Yang Dilei hugged left and right, and the winner in life was confirmed.

"Brother Yang, I haven't gotten into the car yet!"

Liu Qingqing hurriedly spoke out, and seeing Yang Dilei hugging left and right, she was sure that this person's sexual orientation was very problematic.

Is my destined person gay?God are you kidding me.

No wonder you never talk to me or look at me, the reason is finally found!
Could this be the reason for my rough marriage?
Yang Dilei shrugged, indicating that there was no room left.

Besides, I don’t know what will go wrong on this trip to Helix Ascension. It’s the first time I’ve chosen the option of 1000 experience points. What if something happens to me with you?
Liu Qingqing's face was reddish, she rubbed the corner of her clothes shyly, and then, as if she had made up her mind, she jumped directly onto Yang Dilei's shoulders, riding her legs on his neck.

Liu Qingqing kept telling herself that Brother Yang was gay, he didn't want to take advantage of her, so don't be so shy.

As for Yang Dilei, he was also panicked, he had never been in such close contact with a girl before.

And girl, did you understand something wrong? Didn’t I shrug my shoulders to let you ride up? Did you fail in reading comprehension?

Feeling the subtle touch from his neck and shoulders, Yang Dilei's face also turned rosy, which was too exciting for him, a virgin of two lifetimes.

"Brother, can you think about it again? I can call you Dad, let's take the teleportation array."

Shen Long is still making the last effort, because he feels that there won't be any good juice to eat this trip.

Huiyuan is impossible, fruity oranges are enough, even orange powder is fine.

Yang Dilei has calmed down now, because the little deer that was bumping around in his heart has been killed.

"Don't worry, it will pass soon after you close your eyes and your heart."

Hearing Yang Dilei's words, Xuanji also began to hesitate.

What does it mean to close your eyes and turn your heart? Is this going to land mines?
Liu Qingqing also gradually realized that something was wrong, but she couldn't go down in this posture now, Yang Dilei's hand was still holding onto her leg.

"Get ready, let's go!"

Yang Dilei directly chose to ascend to the sky in place, and a horrible thing happened!
No response!

Several people stood in this position for 1 minute, nothing happened.

Yang Dilei felt a crow flying overhead, leaving behind a row of ellipses.

"Brother Yang, are you still leaving?"

Liu Qingqing bent down and put her head close to Yang Dilei's head and asked suspiciously.

I don't know either. The system doesn't respond. What can I do?

Do you need a spell?
"Tai Shang Lao Jun is in a hurry like a law!"

"Open Sesame!"

"Waibi Waibi, Waibi Babu!"

“are you good Malaysia!”

. . . . .

The other three have black lines on their heads, you are just singing rap here.

"How about we still go to the teleportation array?"

Shen Long asked cautiously, and then secretly looked at Yang Dilei's face.

Yang Dilei's face is very bad, what the hell is going on with the system, can you leave and return it?Do you have to shout: Spiral ascends to the sky, with boundless mana?
"Energy harvesting complete, ready to take off!"

Hearing the system prompt, Yang Dilei was speechless.

Why do you act like chasing your girlfriend, at least give me a progress bar, I almost gave up, you know?

"It's really coming this time, hurry up!"

Yang Dilei released the vitality of Yuanying's middle stage with all his strength, and enveloped them all, just in case.

The option of 1000 experience points, how could it be possible for you to reach your destination so easily.

One second, two seconds, three seconds. . . .

"Brother Yang, what's wrong?"

Before Xuanji finished speaking, he felt a strong force throwing them into the air, and the four of them huddled together and twirled and jumped in the air with their eyes closed.

That feeling was like the feeling of the rotating device when the pilot was testing it. After only ten seconds, Xuanji couldn't stand it anymore and vomited all over Yang Dilei.

Yang Dilei's hands trembled, and he almost couldn't help throwing out Xuanji.

Shen Long's face was also full of saliva and snot, his face was distorted and deformed, like a wrinkled old pumpkin.

As for Liu Qingqing, she was riding on Yang Dilei's neck, her entire upper body hugging Yang Dilei's head tightly, her frowning tightly showed that she was also feeling very uncomfortable.

Yang Dilei suddenly felt something soft sticking to his head, which just covered his eyes.

What is blinding my eyes?I can't see it.

As Yang Dilei was blinded, the balance he barely maintained was also messed up, and the four of them flew out like willow leaves in the wind without any rules.

As the four of them left quickly, a familiar voice came from the air: "I hate you!!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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