Opening Awakening Weapon Box

Chapter 148 Seeing the Real Thing

Chapter 148 Seeing the Real Thing
Xibo was silent, and the conversation with the young master made him suddenly seem to have returned to the enthusiasm he devoted himself to research back then.

The collision between problems and the rapid movement of thinking sparks are why he loves scientific research so much.

But with the improvement of strength, the things that need to be studied in the past seem to be very simple now, except for issues such as characteristics and disasters.

And with the young master's continuous questions and answers, it seems that these questions that have troubled him for hundreds of years are slowly being solved.

"Why did the second characteristic disappear?"

"I don't know. For so many years, the characteristics of Tianren City have been a proposition that we have been unable to research. Whether it was the research team I established myself back then, it is still the threshold of deep crime."

Xibo said.

It is said that the research team he established by himself is actually only him. During the disaster period, there were wars everywhere, everyone was in danger, and it was too late to save their lives. Don't know 'guys, to study what do not know the characteristics of existence.

Are they sick, or is the guy out of his mind?
Everyone thinks that they are very smart, but for the evaluation of this matter, the person involved will only draw his own conclusions, and he will judge others while not believing other people's evaluation of himself.

"So, let's identify the invariants and variables."

As the young master said, Xibo also began to think along this line of thought.

"Since the Celestial City was established, no one has changed it. This is the first characteristic: 'indestructible', and later, because of the outbreak of the Calamity Era, under the background of the entire era, it was discovered that the second Feature: 'Immunity to Disaster'. If it is said to remain unchanged, it seems that only the eternal city remains."

The young master gave an affirmative smile, but shook his head slowly, very lightly.

But he didn't say anything to interrupt Xibo's thinking. For a wise man, when he was about to come into contact with the truth, it would be quite rude to tell him the answer directly.

The young master does not approve of this kind of behavior. Therefore, what he is doing now is step by step, leading Xibo, who has studied Tianren City for an unknown number of years, to approach the unknown piece he expected step by step.

"Right or not?"

Seeing the young master's facial expressions and movements, Xibo knew that he was getting close.

Invariants and variables.

Just like the unknowns and definite numbers in an equation, if it is an ordinary equation, Xibo's wisdom can solve it easily, and even have time to draw a picture that may not be very beautiful. After all, he himself is not very good at painting.

But the issue of Tianren City, everything is unknown.

If this is an equation, it must be from the very beginning that people will be dazzled when they see the formula, and they don't know what to do.

And what the young master is doing now is to make him recognize this formula step by step.

It's not to improve his knowledge reserves. After living for so long, he is already a living dictionary.

He basically knows all the knowledge in the world, and the knowledge that has not been widely known in the world is not a minority among him.

It can be said that the current Xibo is not only a guide to science and technology, but also a history book about the entire continent.

The young master is letting this technology guide slowly find the other shore that he has always wanted to find. This is what this scientific research fanatic has been pursuing in his life.

If it is said that after knowing the truth of this matter, Xibo will feel no regrets and just drive west, then the young master will not say anything, he can only say that people have their own ambitions, he does not support or oppose, but just watches.

But it is a deal to exchange something that the other party has always wanted for something that is not very important to the other party and that he wants to know more now.

A perfect equivalent deal.

At least in the eyes of the young master, it is like this, to exchange something that is not very important to him in exchange for something that is extremely important to him, or more important.

Here's the deal.

The deal was tacitly understood by the two of them.

Since coming here, Xibo has been watching the whole audience. If the master in front of him has an idea, he can't resist him directly. It's just a decent way to hand over the information he knows.

He can play soul search at this level, but others can't?
Obviously, this is a false proposition.

He didn't know if the young master would, but due to the circumstances, he could only assume that he would.

So for the information given, he had already made up his mind, but he didn't expect that the other party planned to take him to find his ideal land first.

Then, as a report, offering your own "gift" will appear to be full of sincerity.

Before the young master's guidance, Xibo thought that he had already found out all the invariants, and only needed to find the X at that position, and finally solve it.

But now he knew that the invariant he was looking for was right, but not all right.

In other words, he may regard all the formulas as invariants, and the hidden X from now on will be among the invariants.

"The structure of the Celestial City, the Temple of Immortality, and the Promenade of the Celestial Man"

Xibo recalled the structure of Tianren City, and constructed this city that he had studied for hundreds of years and almost engraved in his mind step by step in his mind.

Soon, the entire Celestial City was established in his mind.

It was a quaint and majestic city, symbolizing the incomparable legend of the once heavenly man.

The Bell Tower of Jingshi, known as the City Lord's Mansion with the same name, represents Xihe of the sun
This is an invariant in Xibo's own cognition.

And now, he needs to find the variable from this invariant.

That is to say, no additional variables can be introduced.

But Xibo glanced at the young master opposite him, who was still smiling, looking forward to his guess, waiting to announce the correct answer at any time.

No variables are introduced, but isn't this guy in front of you the biggest variable?
The first feature: indestructible, or immortal, it has no effect in front of the opponent.

Even the big hole that has never changed since ancient times, the other party has easily
Xibo's eyes widened suddenly, as if he wanted to understand something.

"The variable is the hole!"

He exclaimed, the current Celestial City appeared in his mind, overlapping with the previous Celestial City, and then deleted the place where the two completely overlapped, and the result was the X that had been hidden for hundreds of years!

"Clap clap-"

This is the sound of the young master applauding, with undisguised admiration in his eyes.

"As expected of Xibo, which promotes the development of the times. That's right, it's that hole."

He posted the answer.

But the truth behind this answer is that Xibo has no reserve of knowledge at all, and the young master can only explain this knowledge point slowly like a lecturer.

"The hole above the Immortal Temple is the variable you have been looking for, and it is because of it that the second characteristic of Tianrencheng is brought about. It is also the existence of the first characteristic, and this second characteristic can It has existed for so long, and it is only now being destroyed.”

Xibo didn't speak anymore, he looked at the young master expectantly, waiting for this unknown to take him to see the real thing, just like the red-haired strong man who sacrificed himself back then.

The young master picked up the teacup, took a sip, and the next thing was a long speech.

"Before explaining the principle of this second characteristic to you, you first need to understand one thing: the world is made up of yin and yang. Even if it wasn't before."

Xibo frowned, and quickly understood.

The world has been upgraded. In the former world, except for the legendary existence of heaven and man, there is no god level, not even a demigod level.

Not to mention that demigods are basically everywhere now, and once Douluo grabs them, the power belongs to the young people of the new era.

Everything, everything is showing a point

——The world is upgrading!

And in recent years, this speed is still accelerating!

"Yin-yang and two-qi, I will change my research in this direction."

Xibo said.

"Well. Although it is difficult for you, because it basically touches the essence of the world, the so-called real thing is something that is difficult for you to touch, but for me, how to drink tea Generally, when you are thirsty, pick up the water glass and take a sip."

As he said that, he snapped his fingers, and a new teacup was created out of thin air on the table, and the tea in it was still what they were drinking now.

This cup of tea was placed in front of Xia Bo who was sitting next to him, who had been afraid to speak.

"Try it."

The young master motioned to him.

Xia Bo pursed his lips, glanced at his father-in-law, and in the expressionless eyes of the other party, he picked up the teacup.
". Exactly the same!"

Xia Bo opened his mouth in shock, his eyes were full of disbelief, he had treasured this tea for a long time, and it was extremely hard to find in the market.And this kind of tea, how much you put in will also determine its taste, the difference is thousands of miles away.

But now, he drank tea that tasted exactly like the one he brewed.

Xia Bo picked up the kettle, then put it down.

In his realm, in fact, he can know whether there is no shortage of tea just by thinking about it, but he used his body to really feel it.

Xia Bo looked at his father-in-law, "This was created out of thin air!"

He was still in disbelief.

Xibo was also a little shocked. In comparison, Dongfangyue and Qinghan were much better. They seemed to have never seen it at all, and continued to drink their tea and eat their favorite desserts.

In other words, they are used to such scenes.

When the hoverboard appeared, they didn't see any storage device, nor did the breathing mask at the back. Such things are not common, and most people don't have two.

Xibo and the two turned their gazes to the smiling young master.

"As you can see, this is the real thing in this world. I don't know who I am, but manipulating yin and yang is as simple as breathing for me, and I don't even need to make this movement."

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers again.

"As long as I think about it, I can use Yin and Yang to convert anything I want. Of course, I need to know the principle first. But if anything away from this thing is placed in front of my eyes, I can see the Yin and Yang that make it up."

As his words fell, a figure appeared in front of the five people out of thin air, it was Xia Bo.

However, compared to Xia Bo who was sitting, this Xia Bo's eyes had no expression at all, full of sluggishness, and he just stood there, motionless.

"As you can see, everything is composed of yin and yang, and people are the same. But in comparison, although yin and yang are still balanced in the human body, the proportion of yang is greater, so I personally prefer to use yang gas."

The young master snapped his fingers, and the lifelike but expressionless Xia Bo disappeared.

Like those burned corpses, they disappeared without a trace.

"I personally think it's impolite to create a human being, so I didn't create a 'human', but just made the body out, so that you can understand directly, sorry."

The young master smiled and called Xia Bo, who hurriedly waved his hands to indicate that it was okay.

Xibo on the side frowned, thinking about what the young master just said.

Just a shell?

"That is to say, if you want, you can generate a soul?"

The young master nodded, "That's right. The soul is also composed of yin and yang, but in most cases, it will show a singleness. When a person is alive, the yang soul of the soul is transformed into a yin soul after death. When the soul is not dead, the soul Out of the body, the yin and yang will switch back and forth, so the soul out of the body is extremely easy to die for the living, and the non-strong should not try it."

"Once the balance of yin and yang in a person's body is broken, irreversible changes will occur, which is what you call disaster."

Xibo widened his eyes.

The truth of the disaster just surfaced? ?

Is this a bit sloppy? !
The young master didn't care about that, "If the calamity you are talking about is the group of guys who faced down there and even piled up the smell of corpses, then the so-called calamity is as simple as that."

"But don't underestimate this world. At present, I can't find a way to reverse it. And for human beings, although it is normal for the yin qi to rise continuously, it is rare for the yin qi to grow rapidly. The situation is that people die suddenly."


Silence, long silence.

After throwing out the setting of yin and yang, it seems that everything can be explained by yin and yang, even the fact that people are alive can be explained by yin and yang.

Under the young master's explanation, the researcher of the Xibo family, who is addicted to research, felt for the first time that his previous research was so strange and so far away from the truth of the world.

The human body is composed of yin and yang.

But the soul, since it became active, is purely conscious yang energy, and the lifespan of a person will continue to decline, because the yin energy in the body has eroded the yang soul, making it gradually transform into the yin soul.

And when the soul completely turns into a ghost, the person will die, and the soul will turn into Yin Qi and return to the world.

This is also the reason why a living person's soul leaving the body for a long time is tantamount to courting death.

The soul is yang qi that is extremely easy to absorb yin qi. It is innate yang qi. In order to achieve balance, it will constantly absorb yin qi.

Putting it in the body can ease the process of the soul's yin extraction.

But if it is placed in the outside world, it will quickly absorb Yin Qi, and then achieve the effect of turning the soul into a ghost, and finally die suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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