Crossing to Marvel's Beria

Chapter 56: A large number of monsters attack after 1 seconds.

Chapter 56 A large number of giant beasts attack in five seconds.

Like the end of the world, what happened?
Taylor didn't have time to think so much, his companion was still waiting for him.Soon Tai Luocheng took off again on the Panlong. In the Panlong, he asked the pilot inside, what happened in California?
"Mr. Tan, this matter started half a month ago."

"When Mr. Chen came out, he wanted to enter the pyramid with us, but for some reason we couldn't enter the pyramid suddenly. We tried all the methods but couldn't enter the pyramid, so we returned, and only Mr. Chen was waiting."

"On that day, the giant beast came out. At that time, Mr. Chen and you were still in the pyramid. At first, it was only one. The American military took three days to finally deal with the giant beast. But within a few days, I don't know why. Suddenly a dozen giant beasts appeared, each stronger than the first one."

"The United States can't deal with it. The Spear Bureau has a way to deal with it, so they want to help, but I don't know what happened to the president of the United States. He refused to give up, and actually fired five nuclear bombs, which wiped out the giant beast. .”

After learning what had happened, Tai Luo asked the driver, "Why don't you rule over Mr. Chen."

"We notified, and Mr. Chen has also arrived. But the President of the United States ordered the military to attack Mr. Chen. In anger, Mr. Chen moved the residents with force and left."

"What? How is this possible? Do you know the reason?" Taylor asked in puzzlement. This is really ridiculous. How could the President of the United States make such a decision?And the president is crazy alone, is the Secretary of Defense and the people in the nuclear bomb operation control center also crazy?
The driver shook his head. He didn't know why the President of the United States behaved like this, and it wasn't his turn to know, so what if he knew.

The President of the United States is not crazy to make such a decision, but for another reason.

When Plasma Electric Ji returned to the Monster Association, she met a very weak and disgusting monster in the sewer, more disgusting than the golden black sperm, and his strength was still very weak.

When Plasma Electric Ji wanted to kill this guy who made her sick, she found that things were not simple.Afterwards, he was taken to the Weird Association, and after confirmation, he found that this disgusting and weak weirdo could actually use the parasites he got out of his mouth to control other people's minds.

However, because this weirdo is relatively weak, he can only control a few ordinary people, and he can only control three, but this is enough. The Weirdman Association looks at their neighbor above them, our American President, Mr. Eric.

As for why there are so many giant beasts, it is because the rat told the news about Ultraman to the breakthrough point of the parallel universe, and knowing that there are creatures as powerful as Ultraman on the earth, it is necessary to send more and more powerful creatures. The mighty beast came and beat them down, and that's what happened next.


"We want the truth. We want the truth."

"Why risk our lives?"

"We want an explanation!"

"President ×× get out of office!"


On Washington Avenue in the United States, similar voices were heard everywhere. A large number of people marched on the street. Most of them were people who lived in California before. They asked the president to come out and explain why he attacked Ott Man, launch the nuke.

The people in the parade were so mighty and majestic that they almost rushed into the White House.

Not only these homeless people who almost died parading on the street, but also some people spoke out on the Internet because there were too many people outside and they couldn't squeeze out.

In the White House, facing the parade of people, their Mr. President looked calm, as if the people who marched did not exist, and he was still calm about what happened next.

Under the pressure of the public, the U.S. Congress was convened. After deliberation and voting, it was decided to let the current president Eric step down, and the vice president would take over the president to give an explanation to the people outside.


When he came to the pyramid, Taylor took the comatose Stark and the others to the Panlong for treatment. Hulk didn't know if the reason for being tired had changed back to Banner.

Then they left. As for the wreckage of the robot, the Panlong was not that big, and only took away a little bit.

Back on Earth, immediately put the people of Stark Photon Group into a special mechanical cabin.

This mechanical chamber, according to the researchers, is called a medical chamber. The medical chamber emits special energy, and the medical liquid that cooperates with the research can save lives as long as there is one breath left.

As the researchers said, Stark and the others woke up one after another in a short while.

After waking up, Steve found out that there was still such a thing, so he asked the researcher: "Why don't you take out such a good thing, and now so many people die because of injuries, which is not good." All looked at the researcher.

"Hehe, Mr. Steve, you are joking." The researcher picked up the small glass bottle containing the medical solution on the medical warehouse and said with a smile: "The cost of the medical warehouse is about 50 yuan, but this medical solution is different. A small bottle like this costs 200 million yuan, and the materials of the medical solution are very rare."

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the small glass bottle in the researcher's hand, and then at the medical cabin.The small glass bottle in the researcher's hand, plus the five on top of the medical cabin, makes six.In this way, they spent 1000 and 2000 million yuan alone. Except for Tan Keyong, the other ten people used it. That is to say, their medical expenses totaled [-] million yuan.Thinking of this, they couldn't help swallowing, wanting to say something.

"Oh, my God! My God!"

The researcher also smiled at their surprise.

Tan Keyong suddenly remembered what Chen Chen said, half a month.Just ask the researcher what is going on with the researcher.

The researcher replied: "Oh, this. The pyramid is actually a separate space, which is equivalent to a small world. Its time flow is very slow. Compared with the real world, it is about 1000 times more. One minute outside is almost a day."

"What? Didn't a lot of things happen outside?" Natasha said in surprise.

"Well." Tan Keyong glanced at the crowd and said, "A lot of things have indeed happened, and they are still big things."

(End of this chapter)

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