Chapter 30, Loki.

The blue energy suddenly stopped and formed a circle in front, and the center of the circle turned out to be another scene.

On the opposite side, the sky was full of yellow sand. If it weren't for the wind and sand blowing under his feet, Nick Fury would have thought it was an illusion.

"This is?"

"On the opposite side is the Sahara Desert. This is a space tunnel. This is the real purpose of the Rubik's Cube. I guess the energy gun made by Hydra is not dead, but has been sent to other places. ’” Dr. Enric explained for Nick Fury.

Oh, no wonder there aren't even bones left, Nick Fury thought.

Dr. Eric went on to say: "If the energy is enough, we can even travel between the stars, and we have thoroughly studied it through many tests, and there is a rock on the moon."

Nick Fury's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Why did you start the experiment without notifying me?"

"The last experiment was actually an accident. It was started accidentally. The stone was also brought back and found to be a stone on the moon." Dr. Eric explained.

"Okay then." Nick Fury accepted Dr. Enric's words and asked, "Where did Barton go?"

Dr. Eric turned off the instrument and said, "You said Eagle Boy, he is in the Eagle's Nest." He said, pointing above his head.

Hawkeye slid down the rope on the wall and walked over to Nick Fury.

After Dr. Eric turned off the instrument, the space tunnel has not disappeared. Nick Fury asked Dr. Eric: "What's going on?"

Dr. Eric looked calm, and replied: "Don't worry, this is normal. The Cosmic Rubik's Cube itself is an energy source, and it will shut itself off after a while."

Nick Fury looked at Hawkeye, who nodded.

After a while...

The space tunnel is still not closed.

"now what?"

"Hey, that's not right!" Dr. Eric was also puzzled.

"The energy of Dr. Eric's Rubik's Cube is very active, and it is getting stronger and stronger." Assistant XX said.

"Hawkeye," Nick Fury called.

Hawkeye shook his head and said, "There is nothing wrong with the people here, but I don't think there is a problem with us."

"our side?"

"Hmm." Hawkeye said his conjecture: "The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is the gate to the universe, so this gate is bidirectional, and both sides can be opened."

As soon as Hawkeye finished speaking, he started accumulating energy again.

"Well then~"

The masculine energy shoots out from the Rubik's Cube again, the space tunnel begins to change, and the yellow desert turns into a bright starry sky.


The space tunnel exploded directly, and a man in armor appeared with a ferocious smile on his face.

"Sir, please put down the spear in your hand." Nick Fury said to the man who suddenly appeared.

long hair?Loki looked at the psychic scepter in his hand, and then shot an attack.

Hawkeye quickly pushed Nick Fury away, and Loki's attack fell through.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents on the side immediately opened fire on Loki.Loki jumped up against the bullet and inserted the Psychic Scepter into a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

Pull out the psychic scepter, back a block, the shot was bounced back, hit the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, and then the operation was as fierce as a tiger, and it was solved in a few strokes.

At this moment, Hawkeye stood up and wanted to attack Loki, but Loki grabbed his hand.I wanted to get rid of Hawkeye, but Loki discovered the difference in Hawkeye.

"You are different."

Loki pressed the spiritual scepter against Hawkeye's chest.

The soul warrant exudes a wave of energy, which slowly enters Hawkeye's body.Hawkeye's eyes went black, but then returned to normal.

Loki smiled evilly and let go of Hawkeye's hand.Hawkeye also put the gun back into the holster on his lap, and Noki continued to control others with the scepter.

Seeing this, Nick Fury was shocked. He took out the Rubik's Cube from the instrument, put it in a special box for storing Rubik's Cube, closed it and wanted to leave.

"Put the box down, I really need him." Loki stopped Nick Fury.

"Is there a need to be so nervous?"

"Of course it is necessary, otherwise, what am I doing here, traveling?"

"My name is Loki, and I come from God's Domain. I shoulder a great mission that you can't understand." Loki introduced himself.

"Loki? You are Sol's younger brother." Dr. Eric said.

When Nick Fury heard Thor, his teeth itched for a while. The tens of billions of air carriers were destroyed by Sol, although another one has been built now.

"I have no grievances with you," Nick Fury said.

"The ants have no enmity with your students." Loki immediately replied.

"You mean you want to trample us to death." Nick Fury asked.

"What I actually bring is good news, a world without worries."

"What are you worried about?"

"Freedom, freedom is the biggest lie in life, if you accept this, your heart." While speaking, he used the scepter to control Dr. Eric behind him: "You can get peace."

"Your so-called peace reminds me of its opposite."

Loki wanted to continue, but the controlled Hawkeye reminded: "Boss, Commander Fury is stalling for time. This place is about to explode. We will be buried under the stone pile, hundreds of meters deep!"

"Like the Egyptian pyramids," Nick Fury added.

"The portal he said has collapsed, and there are still 2 minutes before the completion deadline." Dr. Eric, who was controlled, also said.

Knowing that this place is about to be destroyed, Loki said to the controlled person, "Let's go."

"Okay." "Boom!"

Hawkeye replied, and immediately shot at Nick Fury, then picked up the box and followed Loki.

Come outside.

Hawkeye said to Hill who was guarding outside: "We need to use these cars."

Hill looked at Loki and asked, "Who is he?"

"They didn't ask me to tell you." Hawkeye said without looking back.

Rocky sat in the back of the pickup, and Enrique walked to the co-pilot.

Hawkeye didn't say anything, and Hill didn't ask too much. After all, he was an agent, and Hawkeye was also one of Nick Fury's most trusted people.

While they were about to leave, Nick Fury's voice came from the intercom in Hill's hand. "Hill, did you hear that? Barton has rebelled."

Hawkeye, who heard the sound, raised his hand and shot.

But Hill turned around in the ground and dodged the bullet.Hawkeye took a few shots, then walked into the car, started it, and drove the car out.

Hill came out of hiding and fired several shots at the car Hawkeye and the others were driving.

Nick Fury's voice continued to come from the intercom: "They took the Rubik's Cube, stop them!"

(End of this chapter)

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