Crossing to Marvel's Beria

Chapter 165 System functions are missing!

Chapter 165 System functions are missing!
"Oh! You're saying that to turn Falcon's bird back, you need to find Dr. Pym? Aren't there any Pym particles left?" Steve asked.

"No..." Scott shook his head and denied.

Many people in Ott immediately stared at Scott, and they found that Scott was speaking unnaturally.

Steve said: "Scott, we will definitely rescue Dr. Pym, but now we have to rescue Falcon's companion first."

As the red-winged thrush grows in size, it needs more food and nutrition than usual.But this is a bit abnormal, even a tiger doesn't need as much food as a red-winged thrush needs now.

They were worried about what might happen, so they planned to transform the red-winged thrush back first, and then went to rescue Dr. Pym and others.

They came to Hank Pym's house and found the secret room easily. Then Stark easily cracked the code, entered it, and found the dart used by Scott.

With one dart, the red-winged thrush returned to its original size.

They found something else, another Ant-Man suit, but they didn't move it.

After all, it belongs to someone else, and it belongs to a lady.

After recovering the red-winged thrush, they began to look for traces of Hank Pym and others. At the same time, they also learned that Darren Claus, a disciple who had turned against Hank Pym, had also disappeared.

The person who took them, no need to guess, must be for the Pym particle.

The monitoring of Pym Technology Company and Hank Pym's disappearance became the first choice for the Altec Alliance.

However, after searching, it was found that all the monitoring at that time had been deleted, and even Stark's artificial intelligence Jarvis could not be restored.In addition, Scott said that they were attacked by robots, and then Hank Pym was taken away.

It can be seen that the power of science and technology is so advanced that no one can do such a thing except the secret departments of various major countries and some special organizations.

This made them think of Hydra when they first suspected the target, because Hank Pym developed the Pym particle very early when he was working in S.H.I.E.L.D., but few high-level people knew about it except inside S.H.I.E.L.D. .

Hydra almost turned S.H.I.E.L.D. into Snake and Shield before.

In addition, the client who sells the Hornets suit to Daren Klaus is the Hydra man.But it was stopped by Hank Pym and the others.They guessed that the Pym particles of the Hydra team should not give up, so they took Darren Cross away.

By the way, Hank Pym was also kidnapped by the way.

After all, Darren Klaus wanted to sell the Hornets suit to Hydra before. Although S.H.I.E.L.D. eliminated all the Hydra in it, who said that Hydra can only be found in S.H.I.E.L.D.

After in-depth investigation, they found that the Hydra in S.H.I.E.L.D. was only created by Red Skull, not orthodox.

Orthodox Hydra doesn't want to rule the world at all, but the ultimate goal is similar.They wanted to welcome their master, the first Inhuman, the Hive.

Then let the hive rule the world.

Following the suspicious clue of Hydra, Stark and the others began to investigate.



Zhang San even forgot a little bit. As for the system's lottery draw, Zhang San couldn't remember how long ago he used it.

Ellie's disappearance was strange. Although he had asked Chen Chen to investigate, it was impossible for Zhang San to wait.

Zhang San opened the system and clicked on the system store.

(The crow calls)

After waiting for a long time, the system did not respond.

"Hey~, what's going on here? Could it be that it's broken after not being used for too long? The system will also be broken? No way! It's not sure."

Zhang San clicked on the system store again.

(The crow calls)

Still no response.

Check out the properties!
View properties. "

Name: Zhang San

Race: Human (Light)

Spirit: 64+

Physique: 81+

Abilities: Belial Geno Thunder, Belial Defense, Belial Death Scythe, Dissum Beam, …

Light: 200000
Backpack: Ultra Bracelet, Ultimate Combat Device,…

Subordinates: Bai Bin, Tang Fei, Zhao Ye, Cyclometra, Gomora, Gorzan, Red King, ...

"That's fine, let's take a look at the lottery draw." Zhang San clicked on the lottery draw interface again, and this time the reaction was quick, jumping to the lottery draw interface all at once.

Although he jumped over, Zhang San was going to give it a try. There was only 20 yuan, which was enough for two five-level lottery draws.

Although the lottery drawing interface was opened, Zhang San was not sure whether it could be used. Zhang San directly clicked on the lottery draw and prepared a double draw.

Zhang San got two things.

There are two drawings, Zhang San picked up the first one to check.

view properties

Compound No. [-] Formula

Provenance: Black Robe Pickets, Water Company.

Function: Let babies use it, there is a chance to have superpowers.

Remarks: Can a superhero without suffering be a superhero?
view properties

The first generation of artificial intelligence robot, code-named K-1
Origin: Secret development of Tianan Scientific Research Bureau

Function: handling cases for the police
Remarks: The highest level of smoking is to use your eyes! ! !
Zhang San looked at the two items, and they were both good.Of course, the most important thing is to see if the lottery system can still be used. After confirming that it can be used, it is necessary to find out why the system store cannot be opened.

He vaguely felt that the failure of the system store to open was related to Ellie's disappearance.

As it became stronger and stronger, Zhang San's perception, it can be said that the sixth sense became more and more sensitive.Especially after the mental power is strong, it seems to be able to perceive what will happen in the near future.

Zhang San called the system, but the system simply ignored him.

The previous systematic answer was all their work. After eliminating Beria, now they can't interfere with the universe at all. Even Zhang San's current situation must be reported by Gu Yi and the others.

So the system will naturally not respond.

Zhang San turned on the system here.

In Chen Chen's office of Photon Group, a system panel appeared in front of Ellie.

It's just different from Zhang San, Ellie opened the system store here, as for Guang, because Zhang San drew two five-level lottery draws, it has become zero duck eggs.

Ellie looked through the system store, looking for what he needed. He wanted to make a big bomb, a big bomb that could directly destroy the universe, so that he could start his next plan.

Before, the reason why they wanted Zhang San to kill Beria so much was because Beria knew their purpose, and they wanted Zhang San to destroy all the worlds that merged into it.

Then destroy this universe.

In this way, they can use the power of all the world's destruction to deprive Zhang San of his existing power.

But now, part of Zhang San's power of existence has been deprived by Beria wearing Ellie's body.Therefore, they are doomed to fail.

Beria is ready to be the final winner.

 Sorry everyone!

  One may be updated from time to time this month.

  But the next month will resume daily stable updates.

  Sorry everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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