This ninja is not Naruto

Chapter 99 New Level Planning

Chapter 99 New Level Planning
Bingsan and Uchiha Tsuki were walking on the street, pedestrians on both sides of the road were whispering.

Passerby A said: "Have you heard? After the major changes in ninja levels, the school model will also be greatly changed. Now the school can directly teach D-level ninjutsu."

Passer-by B said: "Yes, the fourth generation treats us civilians really well."

Passer-by C said: "Of course, the fourth-generation master is a serious civilian ninja. Everything you have achieved is your own hard work. The fourth-generation master is the benchmark for our common people and the sun we are chasing after."

Bing San curled his lips and said to himself: Without the third generation, Orochimaru would have died in World War II like a qualified cannon fodder.

Uchiha Tsuki pinched Bingsan's arm, and asked Bingsan: "Bingsan-kun, what do you think!?"

Bingsan curled his lips and said, "That's not true. Without the help of Midai and Danzo-sama, the teacher would not have achieved what he is now."

Uchiha Tsuki's face darkened, and he said: "Is this what I said, did you not listen to me carefully!!! You&$%#....Hmph!"

C[-]: o_o!

Half an hour later, when Beesan was puzzled and Uchiha Tsuki was furious, the two went home separately.

When Bingsan returned home, he was in a daze, what did I say?Bingsan scratched his head.In the end, he still had no idea, Bingsan thought about it and let it go.Then I went to see Zi, and Zi felt very happy about Bingsan's arrival.

Little people, rolling around on the tatami.The little snake on the shoulder, just wrapped around Zi's neck so peacefully, closed his eyes and meditated.

Bingsan and Zi played for a while and then went back to sleep.

Early the next morning, Sandai sent someone to inform Bingsan that the school officially started today.Ask Bingsan to watch the ceremony.

This year's ninja school is very special, because it is the first time school has started after the merger of the three villages.It is also the first time to start school after the major reform.It is worth mentioning that Orochimaru also arranged the Ghost Lamp Clan into the garrison and acted as Uchiha's deputy.

Now the Uchiha and the ghost clan are patrolling in one-on-one teams.

Uchiha Fugaku and Ghost Lantern were also present today.Not only because of their positions, but also because their children are in school today.

Uchiha Itachi is five years old, and Ghost Lantern Xiaoman is also five years old. They are both the children of the patriarch of the clan.Both are rare geniuses, and they are the sons of the first and second in command of the security force. It is normal for the two to be compared.

In addition, many familiar children appeared in Bingsan's field of vision.For example, Zabuzhan, a member of Genbu's special recruiting team, met Shui Wu Yue Xing's cousin today, Shui Mu Yue Bai.Another example is Junmaro, the snot-nosed kid watching the excitement below.Another example is Terumi Mei who is pouting.The shark looking around next to it has a dried persimmon ghost.There is also that kid with a silly face named Changjuro.She's only two or three years old now.

Since the surrender of Mist Ninja, many Mist Ninjas of the younger generation have more fear than hatred towards Konoha.Due to Mizukage's policies, Mist Ninja has always been under high pressure.

And first, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen slapped half of a green skin to death, and then the three generations of Mizukage ran away and died.After the death of the third generation, the fourth generation is a puppet.The watermelon mountain river boy who was in charge of the family was killed by Dashemaru, and the village was almost flattened by Bingsan, and then the fourth generation died in battle.

For Wu Ninja, Konoha's four-generation master-student duo is simply a Mizukage killer.And the glacier hasn't melted yet, so they can't be afraid.Therefore, many Mist Ninjas are thinking of "pleasing" the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru, and those who are sent to school are the best children.

As for Terumi Mei, she has already become a Jōnin, so she is naturally not a student.Although she is not very strong as a ninja, especially she is still an airport.But Terumi Mei's identity is special enough.She is a descendant of the elders of the country of water.So I was sent here by Orochimaru to watch the ceremony.

As for the other children, Bingsan only had some impressions and almost forgot about them.The scale of the school has expanded, and this year the number of children enrolled is six times higher than usual.

This can be regarded as benefiting Bingsan, and Dashewan finally got some nutrition from Hualongchi in Longdi Cave.A batch of small meatballs were produced. Although the newly produced small meatballs are mentally retarded, the essence of assisting chakra sensing is still there.So this time, the entire Yanshuang Empire recruited students, and it could basically be said that no one would be rejected.

The children who enter school this time will be given a meatball as a pet. It is estimated that the small meatball will be standard in the future.It's also good to be a biochemical pet of a psychic beast.And it is distributed in a large area, and the enemy will not care too much.By the time they react, the number of ninjas on Konoha's side may swell to a considerable number.

As for school expenses?This is simple, the bad idea given by Bingsan, to charge tuition fees on an annual basis.In the past, ninja schools charged a one-time fee.But it turns out that if you want to go to school, you have to have chakra first.For civilians, the most difficult step is to condense chakra. It is not a problem of method, but a problem of body.

As for the ninja due to the merger of the three villages, it will also be reassessed, and the original four levels will be directly expanded to seven.

The first is the students of the school. In the last three years of the school's internship period, they are collectively called preparatory ninjas and wear forehead protection.Tasks are distributed by the school.After they have worked for three years or have enough contribution, they can apply for an upgrade to become a ninja by consuming the contribution.

Ninja, on the basis of wearing forehead protection, add epaulettes.Led by the leader of the team, you can take on tasks of C~E level.Genin can upgrade to Chunin by consuming a certain amount of contribution.

And every year the epaulets add a star.Five stars are replaced by one moon.Replace five moons with one sun.

(Calculating the ninja's ninja age is nothing more than practical use.)
Chunin, add two tassels to the brochure.And Chunin can accept tasks below A level alone.

Chunin captain, after the Chunin passed the assessment, he became a captain-level Chunin.Chunin captain, add an armband.The Chunin Captain can lead the Ninja Team to accept missions below A level, and each mission can get additional contribution points.

Especially Jonin.Chunin or Chunin Captain can be promoted to Special Jnin after passing the assessment.The special jonin carries the badge issued by him, and the badge varies according to the special jnin's proficiency.In particular, Jōnin can apply for a C-level ninjutsu every month, and a B-level ninjutsu study every year.

Jonin, Chunin, Chunin Captain, and Special Jnin who have passed the tactical assessment, cultural assessment, and strength assessment, are upgraded by consumption contribution.After completing the assessment, a Jōnin can apply for an S-level ninjutsu, which can be received when the cumulative contribution of the newly promoted Jōnin reaches the specified amount.And you can consume contribution points in exchange for all ninjutsu of A level and below.Jonin must complete an S-level mission every year, otherwise he will be downgraded.

The captain of the ninja, who has completed the assessment of the captain of the ninja, can become the captain of the ninja after passing the assessment.The captain of the ninja can command two squads of ninja to form the ninja squad.The upper ninja class consists of one upper ninja, two middle ninjas, and eight lower ninjas.Every year, the ninja captain needs to lead the ninja squad to complete two war missions at least.The jounin squad leader has the right to teach A-level ninjutsu to his disciples, but he needs to register at the exchange office.

Shadow, no matter what level you can challenge the shadow level.As long as 300 people or more than ten ninja captains can witness a head-on draw or defeat the current shadow, they can be qualified as reserve shadows.After completing the assessment of shadow, and the contribution reaches a certain level, you can advance to the shadow level and get the title of shadow. (It's just a title, not equal to power.)
(End of this chapter)

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