This ninja is not Naruto

Chapter 80 The Origin of Sheet 1, C and 3

Chapter 80

Orochimaru gently straightened Sandai's body, adjusted his clothes, and then slowly said: "Teacher, Bingsan is not the child of Elder Danzo. He is my only masterpiece after years of experiments.

He was debugged with the cells of Danzang, the first generation, and you and me.

Originally, I just had a whim, wanting a subordinate who can use five attributes and has an infinite amount of chakra, enough cold-blooded and firm. "

When the third generation heard this, their eyes widened.You who pointed at Orochimaru "you you you" several times, but finally didn't say a second word.

Orochimaru continued: "At the very beginning, this child's cells collapsed countless times. In order to maintain his body's stability, I injected him with a large amount of Xiangxue's cells.

Xiangxue is the princess of Longdi Cave and the only heir of the Snake Immortal.Xiangxue was born with the ability to balance chakras of various attributes, and was born with the body of a celestial being.

Later, Bing Sanjun gradually turned into a snake. In order to make him change back to a human form, I tried many methods.In the end, he found a breakthrough in Jiraiya, the idiot.

Jiraiya's cells are very special, his cells are upright and peaceful.They can coexist no matter what organisms they are injected into.

Because the first-generation cells are too erosive, I injected a large amount of Jiraiya and the first-generation reconciliation cells into Bingsan. Jiraiya's cells were used as fuel to promote the first-generation cells. Relying on the powerful phagocytosis of the first-generation cells, I forcibly exited the snake. state.

Bingsan slowly regained his human form, but failed in the end.He grew into a fleshy mass with saplings.I cut off the part where the sapling was growing, and then tried to keep him alive.

Later, behind my teacher's back, I secretly dug up the corpse of the second generation, and injected almost all the cells of the second generation into C[-]'s body after purification, so as to stabilize his vitality.

In desperation, I didn't want to give up, so I went around arresting all kinds of blood-stained children in an attempt to bring him back.

In the end, a child named Xin gave him a chance to live.

The child's cells have unparalleled fusion, no matter what, as long as it is pressed on his body, it can fuse well.

Xin was devoured by Bingsan, and finally slowly recovered into a human form, but his body was extremely unstable, without any trace of wisdom, just eating, growing, and developing instinctively.

I went through all the information, and finally had to take a risk.I used the principle of the special ninjutsu reincarnation invented by the second generation, plus Kato Dan's spiritualization technique, and Uzumaki's sealing technique, to transform a special technique.

Through the sacrificial mask of the country of vortex, a soul is pulled from the kingdom of the dead for Bingsan to devour.

After many years of hard work, he finally turned back into an intelligent creature.

However, he is facing the pain of cells swallowing each other all the time, as well as the pain of tearing his soul.

I was at a loss what to do at first, so I gave this child to Danzo.He lied to him that this was the mediator between him and the first generation of cells.

In fact, it is not. It is a miracle that I have harmonized with 33 substances.The reason why it is called Bingsan is derived from this.

After my various tests, it is very difficult for this child to live to be ten years old, but for some reason, he has not only survived until now, but also has many incredible powers.

When I first found out, I was so excited that I didn't fall asleep for a long time.Then he broke down again and I used every technique I could.

In the end I succeeded and I failed.

His body became resistant to all foreign substances.His blood is as corrosive as a biological toxin.His bone marrow is no less dangerous than devouring the flesh and blood of a tailed beast.His soul is powerful and chaotic.

I can't make any changes to him.He can only let him grow up on his own. "

Hiruzaru Sarutobi pointed at Orochimaru and said tremblingly: "You are crazy, you are really crazy. It's my fault, it's all my fault, it's because I didn't teach you well."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said tearfully, "Oshemaru, have you lost even the last of your humanity? It's my fault, it's all my fault."

Orochimaru let Sarutobi Hiruzen grab his clothes, and Orochimaru said in a very low mood: "I'm just pursuing my dream, what's wrong. Why can't you understand me."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the strong third generation, may really be old.I cried so much that I didn't know why I was sad.Perhaps, as he said, the most proud disciple went astray, and he regretted it.

After Orochimaru finished speaking, there was a long silence.He said sadly: "I just don't know how long this child can live. I have no way to make even the slightest change to his body."

Orochimaru sorted out his thoughts, and continued: "Teacher, I just want to tell you what I'm telling you. I always know what I'm doing, and I'm not confused by power. I'm not so unscrupulous, I just want to complete my dream."

Hiru Sarutobi cried for a while, his eyes became firm and he said: "Oshemaru, I will keep watching you and will not let you do anything wrong again. I will let you go back to the right path, even if it is my old life .”

Orochimaru helped Hiruzaru Sarutobi tidy up his clothes again, got up and walked towards the door.He took the Hokage hat without any hassle.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi pointed at Orochimaru and shouted hoarsely: "Oshemaru, you will be the fourth Hokage from today. But I will keep staring at you until I swallow this breath."

After Sarutobi Hiruzen exhausted the last bit of chakra in his body, he passed out on the bed with a plop.His voice, accompanied by the last chakra, floated to the entire camp.All the whisperers in the camp stopped, and everyone who had just been restrained by Bingsan also completely calmed down.

Now, Konoha can continue only if Orochimaru becomes the fourth generation.Otherwise, defeat will only happen overnight.

Early the next morning, a message spread throughout the ninja world that Konohahara Sannin and Leng Jun Orochimaru were ordered to become the Fourth Hokage in the face of danger.

Since then, Konoha has entered the era of the fourth generation.And our Bing Sanjun is being played around like a toy by the White Snake Immortal.

Finally, the Immortal White Snake, who had played enough, swished him and threw him into Hualongchi.

All the snakes in Longdi Cave are surrounded outside Hualong Pond.

Wan She drooped her head and sighed aside, Xiangxue sat cross-legged on Wan Snake's head, gnawing at a scale of Wan Snake with her tiny head, Wan Snake sighed because she felt wronged, and did not dare to move too much, for fear of the small scale on her head. The princess didn't bite and fell.

Bingsan sank to the bottom of the pool with a grunt, and there were stone statues standing at the bottom of the pool, but I don't know how many people have successfully mastered the White Snake Immortal Technique.There are at least a few hundred people who lost their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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