This ninja is not Naruto

Chapter 8 The Inexplicable Conflict

Chapter 8 The Inexplicable Conflict

Early in the morning, Danzo stood at the door, looked at the wet Bingsan, squinted his eyes and shouted: "Come back for dinner!"

Bingsan, who was still running, paused, wiped the hot sweat from his brow, and shook the dew off his body.Slowly slowed down and returned to his room to change clothes.

During the meal, Danzo frowned slightly and said, "I've arranged for someone to protect you secretly, but don't run around. It's not safe outside!"

"Understood, my lord." Bingsan put down the bowl and chopsticks, stood up and got ready to go to school.

As soon as he left the house, he ran into Asma with a bruised nose and a swollen face.Bingsan was very surprised and went up to ask Asma what happened.

Asma said inarticulately: "Hmph, the old man only knows how to compromise with those people, and doesn't care what we think!"

The corners of Bingsan's mouth trembled, Asma seemed to have clashed with our three generations of adults.

In a school, I heard the students talking and saying:

"Have you heard that Kakashi has also applied for graduation."

"Kakashi is only a little over five years old, why is he about to graduate?"

"Kakashi's father committed suicide in fear of crime. Kakashi seems to have been stimulated, so he is about to graduate and become a ninja."

Bingsan narrowed his eyes, looked at Lu Jiu who was looking up at the sky beside him and asked: "Lu Jiu, what's wrong with you?
Saying goodbye to Chu Ge being drained of inventory? "

Lu Jiu rolled his eyes and said, "Don't talk nonsense, kid, I'm a good boy who keeps himself clean.

It was my family who asked us to graduate and go home as soon as possible! "

Bingsan narrowed his eyes and thought: Is the situation so tense that it could explode?or what happened?Could it be related to Hatake Sakumo's death?
Bingsan was about to continue asking, but the teacher pushed the door open and everyone had to sit quietly.

In the afternoon, a group of children stood on the playground waiting for the draw.

But all of a sudden, Asma, with a bruised nose and a swollen face, jumped out of the crowd and pointed at Ri and shouted at his brother: "I want to fight you one-on-one!"

Hinata pointed at Asma's funny face and said, "Hahaha, it's up to you? You can't even challenge my elder brother even if you don't know how to perform three-body skills.

Brother, let me teach this brat a lesson. "

Although they are two brothers or twins, they are not at all alike in appearance, and even less alike in personality.

Hyuga Jiuye looked at Asma and said, "Hey, don't always make trouble for me. You don't need to pay attention to this kind of troublesome guy."

Uchiha Feng also said: "That's right, I don't even think about what I am, but I still want to challenge us. Go home and eat milk."

Asma's face turned red with anger, and she didn't know what to say.The teacher just shook his head, and then said: "Come quickly and draw lots."

Bingsan shook his head, these boring guys!

When the lottery was drawn, Bian San got Tian Yi, and Uchiha Feng happened to be Ji Yi.The two stood facing each other, ready to fight.

Asma suddenly shouted: "Bingsan, as long as you teach these bastards a lesson, I will recognize you as the leader!"

Bingsan cursed inwardly: You are the leader, and your whole family is the leader!
Bingsan looked at Feng Uchiha, but didn't speak.Because Bingsan is really not interested in fighting them.

Suddenly, for some reason, the children seemed to have found the freedom fighters of the organization, and started shouting loudly!
Uchiha Feng and Hyuga Jiuye, who are defined as villains, have a bad face.

Bing San's complexion is not very good, this big brother in the lead is so unlucky, I don't want it!
Standing opposite, Uchiha Feng's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he said under his voice: "You guys, you all wait for me.

I have decided, kid, I must teach you a good lesson, let you know the huge gap between the noble blood and you lowly commoners. "

After all, without waiting for the teacher to start, three wooden shurikens were thrown towards Bingsan.

Bingsan turned sideways and lowered his head to avoid the shuriken, and stretched out his hand to block his left side.

Put your right hand into a fist in front of your chest, this is the fighting gesture Yongren taught him.

With a slap, Uchiha Feng's right fist was blocked by Bingsan's left hand, and Bingsan kicked Uchiha Feng with his right leg.

Feng Uchiha kicked Bingsan on one side, and Uchiha Feng grabbed Bingsan's left arm and swung it vigorously, Bingsan was pulled forward and fell forward.

Uchiha Haru bumped into Bean with his left knee.

Bingsan quickly blocked it with his right hand, and with another slap, his knee hit Bingsan's right hand, and Bingsan caught it.

Bingsan took advantage of the situation and adjusted his center of gravity to jump away to one side, creating a distance.

It was just a round of fighting between the rabbits and the falcons, and Bian San was repelled by the angry Uchiha Feng.

Uchiha Feng slightly adjusted his posture, took out the wooden kunai and said, "Is this the only level you have, even if the Shimura family has become a high-level executive for a while, they are just nouveau riche."

Bingsan just rubbed his sore wrist, did not reply, and the second round began.

Bingsan was a little annoyed, he obviously didn't say anything.

Bingsan quickly threw out a handful of wooden kunai, and rushed straight up.

Uchiha Feng quickly shot down Kunai, and then fought with Bing San.

Bingzo received two punches, Uchiha Feng received a kick.The two distanced themselves again.

Fortunately, Orochimaru remodeled Bingsan's body a second time, otherwise Bingsan would not be able to keep up with Uchiha Feng's speed.

Now the speed and strength are enough, but it is only because of lack of experience that he suffers a little.

The two distanced themselves again, Bingsan's face was bruised, Uchiha had a shoe print on his stomach.

The two fought against each other for two rounds and separated again. This time Uchiha Feng did not talk nonsense, but stood still and began to seal.Si, Wei, Shen, Hai, Wu, Yin.

Uchiha Tsuki, a little black-bellied loli, frowned and said:

"It's Hao's fireball technique. It seems that my brother is going to be serious. That little man won't die."

When Bingsan found out that the other party was starting to form seals, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, clasped his hands together and shouted: "Water escape; water archery!"

After Uchiha Feng's seal was completed, he stared at Bing San and shouted: "Go to hell! Fire escape; the art of fireball!"

The teacher narrowed his eyes and murmured in a low voice: "How is it possible, there is no seal? This child!"

A fireball with a diameter of about [-] centimeters spewed out from Uchiha Feng's mouth, and instantly hit Bingsan's water arrow about half a meter long.

In an instant, the entire playground was filled with fog, and the children hurriedly watched this rare ninjutsu duel with wide eyes!
It's just that the high temperature and thick fog filled the air, making it hard to see people clearly.

Bingsan took advantage of the situation and gritted his teeth, resisting the scorching sensation, rushed to Uchiha Feng and squatted down. With his right foot as the center, the force came from the ground, transmitted to his waist, passed through his right arm, and swung his right fist upwards with all his strength.

Bing San yelled: "Great gas!"

There was only a thud, and the crowd began to get restless.

A child asked anxiously, "Who will win!"

Another child said a little downcastly: "It must be Uchiha, after all~"

The children's words stopped abruptly when the teacher blew away the fog. The children opened their mouths and looked at the hot and red Beesan standing there, and Uchiha Feng lying on the ground with bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

Bingsan shook his clothes, the slight pain in his body made him feel comfortable all over.

Bingsan stretched out his hand and said, "I'm sorry Feng, I won!"

Uchiha Feng slapped Bingsan's hand away and gritted his teeth to get up. At this time, Hinata Kuye pulled Uchiha Feng and said to Bingsan: "You are very good! Do you want to join us?"

Bingsan shook his head slightly, and a group of children came to their senses and shouted loudly: "Brother in the lead, brother in the lead!"

Bingsan stood awkwardly in the field, he didn't want such a title!

(End of this chapter)

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