This ninja is not Naruto

Chapter 52 The Undercurrent of Konoha Village

Chapter 52 The Undercurrent of Konoha Village
Early the next morning, Danzo looked at Bingsan, who had twisted his body into a twist, tied his legs into a bow, turned his neck several times, and was bare buttocked and sticking out his tongue. He shook his head with a look Leaving Shimura's house with insufficient SAN value!

Bingsan licked the corner of his mouth in embarrassment, trying to explain, but Danzo had already gone away.

Bingsan's face was flushed, his body was limp as if he had been squeezed dry, and he wandered around Shimura's mansion.

Tomoko looked at Bingsan with horns on his head, a bone mask on his face, his neck stretched out and his tongue sticking out, his legs and feet dragging on the ground 180 degrees opposite, with a perverted look on his face.He was so frightened that his face turned pale on the spot and he passed out.

Bingsan restrained his desire to destroy and his mind full of coquettish operations, quickly canceled the virtualization, and ran to the clan elder with Sophon in his arms.The elder's medical ninjutsu and embroidery are unique in Konoha.

After returning, Bingsan controlled the body that turned dozens of times of chakra at once, and reluctantly performed a ninjutsu.

Bingsan couldn't help but nodded when he saw how the torrential water rumbled away a large area of ​​trees.

Tsk tsk tsk, it smells like Haidun.

According to Bingsan's guess, he has almost half the chakra level of the second generation.

It can achieve almost one-third of the original goal.

If you turn on the virtualization, it is almost on par with the normal second generation.

Bingsan couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: "I'm an open one and one-third of Mitsuo, but I dare not go to Qianshouban, so what did the first generation eat to grow up!"

Genin looked at Bingsan who grinned and cut off his own hair, which grew back in an instant, and couldn't help touching his own Mediterranean Sea.

After Bingsan made a false flash at the rockery, he nodded in satisfaction and left.

Gennin came out from the dark and murmured: "This power is simply a tail beast cannon!"

In the evening, Gen Ren found that their young master was holding a cold rice ball and blowing it there. He touched his forehead and thought: "Is it possible that the strong are different? A rice ball with a temperature of about [-] degrees Still hot?"

Bingsan returned to the house with a constipated face after a day of testing.Bingsan found that he had become stronger, but couldn't explain it in words.

While Gennin was watching Beongzo complaining about himself at home, Danzo and Orochimaru were plotting in the Hokage Building.

Danzo pressed his hands on the table, leaned forward, raised his head slightly and squinted at Orochimaru, and said, "It's not impossible for me to support you!
But the seat of the fifth generation, the old man wants it.In addition, there is no need for Anbu to exist anymore! . "

Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth, squinted his eyes and said softly, "I have no objection to leaving the seat of the fifth generation to Csan!
However, the dark part cannot be canceled, but I can double the size of the root. "

Danzo squinted his eyes: "Then I want at least a team of Wooden Ninjas."

Orochimaru said calmly: "Yes, I can also bring you a small team of ice escape ninjas."

The two were plotting under Sarutobi Hiruzen's ass, how to take his ass away, oh~ it's time for the position.

The third generation who lost the crystal ball left by the second generation, as if he was blind, was still busy deploying supplies and collecting ninja tools.Didn't know about it.

After a while of py, the two left separately.Orochimaru continued to go to the mission announcement office to cheat money with a rosy face, while Danzo, with the team's Gennin, went to Hinata's house with great fanfare.

After the remaining Hyuga branch guards reported the situation of Hyuga Kuye truthfully, Hyugaga's situation was very bad.

Third Elder Hinata walked around around Hizuru who was sitting there quietly drinking tea.

Hyuga closed his left eye and knelt at the door, listening quietly.

Elder Hyuga sat down in the lower position with a disheartened face and bowed his head, without saying a word.

Only reddish eye sockets and a trembling body prove that this nearly 60-year-old man who has lost two sons and a grandson is hovering on the verge of eruption.

Rizu put down the teacup and said softly: "Third Elder, this kind of thing has never happened before, if we just accept it like this, then the clan will become very dangerous in the future.

Once the method of breaking the caged bird is revealed, the consequences will be disastrous! "

The third elder said quickly: "Rizu, I understand your concerns.

However, we watched these two children grow up, so he won't talk nonsense.

Besides, that was also Jiuye's choice, it was Jiuye's love and gift to his younger brother as an elder brother! "

Richa frowned and said: "Third elders, the spells on their heads were all planted by the clan uncle himself. It is enough to show the clan uncle's attitude.

Besides, Uncle Clan, it's not that I don't care about people, this rule was set by Uncle Clan's parents and our ancestors.

As the makers of the rules, how can we restrain the people below if we violate them? "

The great elder's face was ashen, and the sad look made the old man, who was originally rigid, open his mouth, and finally said nothing.

Not only did the old man remember, but Rizu also begged himself to let go of the day's difference back then!
Now answering his request to save his grandson's life with the original words is simply setting himself on fire.

At this time, Danzo broke in and said, "I'm not interested in your Hinata affairs, and I don't want to care about them.

However, Hyugagai is Besan's teammate and the hero who killed the third Mizukage.

As an elder of Konoha, I will never allow you to persecute a Konoha hero! "

After Danzo finished speaking, more than 100 root ninjas surrounded the scene behind him.

Danzo glanced at the scene and continued: "You Hinata don't have any objections, do you, Great Elder?"

The head elder's face trembled. At this time, a branch family ran in and whispered in Rizu's ear: "Master Patriarch, we are surrounded by Anbu (root). There are estimated to be 500 people!"

The Great Elder strained his ears to listen, then stood up with great vigor, and said with a reddened face, "Elder Danzang said very well, we Hinata are willing to listen to Elder Danzang's adjustment.

Nizu, what do you think? "

Hyuga Hyuzuki's face trembled, and he glanced at his third elder and then at Hyugako, biting his cheek and said: "Since Elder Danzo has spoken, then we will definitely give Hyuga the face."

Rizu stood up, walked slowly towards the door and said, "From today onwards, you will be separating your family and preparing for the Grand Elder Hinata Jiuhe. You, do you understand?"

Hyugako bowed his head and kowtowed, and said with a slightly choked voice: "The head elder Hyugajiuhe has met the patriarch!"

Danzo nodded slightly, and the scene became very harmonious for a while.

In the evening, Orochimaru, who had just returned from Kurama's house, and Danzo with Hinata Kyuga met the battered third Sarutobi Hiruzen again in the Hokage Building.

The third generation smoked a cigarette and said: "Ji Lai also asked for help again, this is the third time this month."

Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth and said maliciously: "At the beginning, the old man ordered the general."

Orochimaru saw Sandai's aggrieved look, and suddenly felt much better.

The corners of Orochimaru's eyes curled up, and he said in a cheerful tone: "Mirinin shouted the slogan that whoever can defeat us is the fourth generation, and it is normal to be crazy."

Danzo waved his hand and said, "If I had let the old man go, he would have killed the Water Country and flattened the Mist Ninja Village."

After Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the smiling good apprentice and the good partner who looked at the show, he couldn't help but feel that the smoke in his mouth was even more bitter.

(End of this chapter)

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