Chapter 48
"Wood escape; the art of big trees."

"Ice Escape; Smashing Ice Strike"

I saw two children fighting in a blank field.A child with a Chinese character face with black and white hair and big eyes and another child with an oval face and small eyes with black hair and black pupils are fighting with ninjutsu.

It is Jiayi and C[-].

This wooden escape user was sold to Danzo by Orochimaru at an exaggerated price.

Danzo was looking forward to more children, so he named him Jiayi, which means that the first one will have more meanings.

It’s just that he didn’t know that after discovering that Bingsan’s cell infectivity and the infectivity of the first-generation cells could be neutralized, Orochimaru took the money to study how to live forever, and he didn’t mean to follow Danzo’s idea at all.

I saw a withered sapling growing rapidly on the field, winding towards Bingsan.

Bingsan's smart avatar let out a bored breath, and simply spit out a mouthful of ice before it was shattered.

Ice Smash is a variant of Water Archery. Increase the amount of Chakra, turn the water polo into a flat shape and then turn it into ice, and it will turn into several pieces of crushed ice.Hence the name.

Danzo frowned at the side, looking at Cizan, who can be called a huge amount of chakra, and easily abused Jiayi, who was only less than a ninja.

Danzo sighed slightly, but his mood was not that bad.

After all, Bing Sanzhuyu is the first, and it will not be bad when A grows up.After all, Jiayi is only six or seven years old.

Danzo miscalculated again. In fact, Jiayi was already ten years old. During the war years, children were malnourished. He was only 1.3 meters and ten, and he was skinny and wrinkled, so he naturally looked small.

Yuanzang sighed slightly and said, "Bingsan, Jiayi will be your direct subordinate in the future, so get along well."

Perhaps deep down in Danzo's heart, he really regards Bingsan, a cyborg who looks [-]% like him, as his own child.

Bingsan sighed slightly, thinking: It's good to have someone to follow.At least be safe.

In order to praise and kill Bingsan, Onoki lyb not only publicized the situation of Lao Zi's defeat, but also gave Bingsan a new name: Shimura Wusou!
He even fired a reward of 1000 million in the dark world.

As for why he did it, it's very simple, because Sand Shinobi is already peeing his pants poorly.

There is an unwritten rule in the Dark Realm: the bounty hunter must pay half of the bounty first.Sand Ninja has no money.

After Bingsan's smart avatar finished training his younger brother, he went to the Hokage Building to find Orochimaru.

Bingsan witnessed with his own eyes that lyb III used a Hokage robe sleeve and added a few nice words to make Orochimaru the commander in chief.

The reputation is so great that he made great contributions and was promoted to Assistant Hokage.

Oh, naive!This is how the third generation engaged Hatake Sakumo in those days.But lyb made a wrong calculation, Orochimaru is not interested in the army, he is more interested in money.

But Orochimaru is not Hatake Shuomo. Both Orochimaru and Danzo belong to the practical school, not as naive as Hatake Shuomo.

Orochimaru is now staying at the task release place every day.Doesn't he feel good about posting the mission to roll the ninja wool? The money he earns can be used to buy equipment and materials. Isn't he happy.

It's not like Shuomo Hatake, who was stupid and went to train Anbe.After exhausting himself, he got nothing, and was finally forced to death by Danzo and Hiruzaru Sarutobi.

When Bingsan arrived, Orochimaru was bargaining with a daimyo envoy from a small country.

Bingsan completely followed the character of Orochimaru and Danzo, and he was a thorough hard worker, so he didn't care about your face or disgrace.

The other party looked at this child with bared teeth, who would turn his face if he didn't pay more, and slowly put a question mark on his head.

However, after listening to the explanation of the entourage next to him, he knew that this child was actually Shimura Wusou, the water-flooded rock ninja and snow-buried sand ninja, and immediately expressed his willingness to add money.

(mmp, unscrupulous merchants are bullying shoppers!)

This unscrupulous pair of mentors and apprentices forced a B-level water diversion and canal opening task to an A-level price.

It is also called to look at the face of the other party's cooperation for many years, otherwise it will not be ignored during the war.

When the other party left with a flushed face, Orochimaru secretly changed the mission scroll to b-level again.

On the other hand, Danzo's iron rod, Yamamakakaze, is recorded.Shan Zhongfeng saw that it was Bingsan, his master and apprentice, and shook his head, pretending not to see them.

When Hiruzaru Sarutobi was busy with war affairs every day, the two master and apprentice made money during the day and experimented at night.

The days passed like this day by day, until a huge turning point occurred on the front line.

That day, when Bingsan was still cheating with Dashemaru, Bingsan's expression suddenly changed.He nodded to Dashewan and disappeared with a bang.

The person who sent the task jumped in fright.Orochimaru quickly exaggerated and said that the front line was tight or something, and asked for a lot of mission money.

When Bingsan was channeled by his own body, the entire camp had already been ignited by the flames of war.

Bingsan secretly guessed: It seems that Uchiha Madara and Kuroze have found candidates, and there is no need here.

Surrounded by thick fog, you can't see your fingers.With a slight induction, a little weak chakra filled the fog.

Bingsan's speed clone quickly seals, ninja method; snake phantom body.

Then stand behind and observe the situation.

The power clone took out the scroll on his body and threw it to Hinata, who opened the scroll.

Inside is snake venom and antidote carefully prepared by Orochimaru.

Then the power avatar held "Xiguo Wushuang" and Hyuga Heyi stood beside Bingsan on the left and right.Everyone else is scattered and in a mess.

Bingsan and Zhi clone quickly sealed and shouted: "Ice escape; blizzard."

After the ninjas around heard it, they quickly gathered in the direction of Bingsan.

The heavy snow began to flutter all over the sky.The fog, whipped up by the snow, soon began to lift.

Mist ninja has entered the camp.The leading man in the middle has long black hair fluttering around, and a pair of pure blue eyes are star-studded.

Wearing a rain god cannon, a water shadow hat, and a strangely shaped knife on his waist.

It's Mizukage III.It's unbelievable that this blind man with his eyes closed all day actually led the team to charge.

Akimichi Torikaze and the lunatic from Taketori's family fought together again.

Deputy Chief Kurama actually covered his stomach with his hands and confronted the shark's mouth again.

Jiraiya faced Pipa Juzang and Xiguashan puffer ghost with one enemy and two faces.

Namikaze Minato went out to patrol and is not here today, and the Ikabuta team was entangled by Qing and his subordinates.

Hyuga Kuye and Bingsan are not far away, but three guys with bone knives are watching.

The agile clone scanned the scene carefully.The entire camp was surrounded, and it was unknown what happened to the patrol team outside.

How could he be directly surrounded without warning? Could it be that Namikaze Minato died in battle?
This posture, maybe it will be completely destroyed here.

At this time, Mizukage Mizukage spoke from the opposite side: "Not bad ninjutsu, worthy of the cold Shimura Musou.

Are you interested in joining Mist Ninja? Only in Mist Ninja can your talents be brought into full play. "

One's own high-end combat power is being held back, but the opponent's Third Mizukage has no opponents.

Besan, who was facing Mizukage III, was full of bitterness and thought, "I'm just a baby, why are you looking for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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