Chapter 46

That night, Bingsan heard the news that the front line was going to change commanders, so he summoned his small team.These include Hyugagai, Nara Shikahisa, Akimichi Dingza, Yamanaka Kaiichi, the wind attribute team and the root guard team.

Due to the serious injury of Younv Qugen, she didn't follow. The captain of the Anbu team who protected Bingsan this time became Younv Ryoma.He is good at sneaking into assassinations, but the downside is that he is often forgotten.

Bingsan sat in his seat, leaned forward and said with round eyes, "That's how things are, at most one week, Zilai will come here, everyone prepares for themselves. Remember to keep it secret."

One got up and left, leaving Hinata alone.Bingsan looked at this once enthusiastic classmate with a strange expression, somewhat puzzled.

Hyuga said with his lips together: "Thank you Bingsan for your trust. From now on, I will go through fire and water."

Bingsan was slightly surprised, what happened.It was only when I saw a little green leaking from the hinge that I realized that this guy was caught by a caged bird.There is no way for him to lie to the Zong family or refuse the Zong family's request.

Bingsan got up and patted him on the shoulder and said, "I've always believed in you as if I believed in my own hands and feet, ah!"

Hinata's eye sockets were slightly red.After he graduated from class, because of his recklessness and disobedience to command, all his teammates were killed (Naruto said you are so stupid).This made him no longer able to find teammates who trusted him, and at the same time he became silent.

Before going to bed that night, Bingsan smoked as usual, and Bingsan glanced at a black scroll.It was Bingsan's first time seeing a black object, and he was very curious.After a closer look, I didn't understand it.Bingsan decided to consult Orochimaru tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Bingsan's intelligence avatar found Orochimaru, and Orochimaru was lazily wearing a kimono and sitting on the desk eating breakfast.

According to the usual time, Bingsan was either exercising desperately or hoarding chakra, and this was the first time he came to him early in the morning.Orochimaru wasn't surprised, just waved his hand and asked Bingsan to eat together.

Orochimaru is usually gentle and elegant, with the appearance of a scholar.He is very polite to everyone and has no airs.

Whenever he enters the fighting state, he will become bloodthirsty, cold, and cruel.

Compared with fighting Orochimaru, he prefers to do research quietly by himself.

Bingsan walked over, saluted and began to eat together.After eating, Orochimaru said, "What's the matter, Mr. Bing San?"

Bingsan nodded and said, "Teacher Orochimaru, are there any energy creatures with dark attributes in the ninja world?"

Orochimaru was a little puzzled, because the ninja world did not have a division of light and dark attributes.This is the first time I heard about it, so I thought: "Is there a dark attribute? The currently known attributes in the ninja world are water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, and yin and yang. But I know that in the kingdom of ghosts not far away, there is a power called Wraith , It is suspected to be a variant of Yin attribute and natural energy. The Kingdom of Wind has a power called Dragon Vein, which is suspected to be a variant of a mixture of Yang attribute and natural energy."

Orochimaru paused and said: "Natural energy is a kind of chakra without attributes. It can be seen everywhere in nature, but some places are full, and some places are thinner. Some people can absorb this chakra and their own energy. Chakra fusion to form a new power, this power is called Xianju. But this kind of power is very dangerous, not everyone can use it. "

Orochimaru stroked his chin and remained silent for a while, then said: "As for light and darkness, the power of dragon veins can be called light, and the power of wraiths can be called darkness. However, ordinary people have no way to use these two powers .”

Bingsan scratched his head, suddenly his eyes lit up and he said, "Teacher, what do you think the power of a tailed beast is?"

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "A tailed beast? A tailed beast doesn't have a flesh and blood entity, but it will bleed and get injured. It's a very strange way of life. The tailed beast is more like a pure yin and yang attribute.

No, I think tailed beasts should not be divided into attributes, they should be a collection of all attributes.However, the amount of chakra in the body of each tailed beast is different, resulting in different attributes. "

Bingsan scratched his head and thought "All attributes also include dark attributes."Orochimaru looked at Bingsan and shook his head, got up and went out.Bingsan often asks Dashewan some inexplicable questions, and Dashewan is used to it.

Bingsan took out the black scroll in his hand and read it over and over again.

Scroll: Aether (one-time consumable) Effect 1; Open up an inner world in the depths of the soul.Effect 2; seal the dark attribute creatures that come into contact with it.Effect 3; use the power of dark attributes to form a special state and blur.

Blur: Increase all attributes by 15%-300%.Remarks: The effect will gradually increase as the blurring degree deepens.As the degree of blur deepens, it is gradually assimilated by dark attribute creatures.

(From an unscrupulous inventor. It's just a failed product that can't break the limit, don't mind. Silver. By the captain of the fifth team)
Bing San thinks this is not the Tailed Beast Chakra mode?When Bing San fantasized that he would also drive the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode to kill all directions, he felt that someone was coming from the main body.

Bingsan's thoughts were concentrated on the subject's side, and he saw that the person who came in was an acquaintance.The wind flashes, oh no, it's the yellow water gate.

Bingsan frowned and said, "Brother Minato, why are you here? Aren't you on Iwanin's side? The yellow shining daimyo can stop children from crying at Iwanin!"

Namakaze Minato touched his head in embarrassment and said, "That's right, Shimura Wusou is famous in the ninja world."

After the two chattered a few words, Bingsan finally couldn't bear the whining of a woman, and said impatiently, "What's the matter?"

Namikaze Minato scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "Junior Brother Bingsan, can you give me your psychic scroll?
That's right, Kakashi, Obito, and Rin have been stimulated since seeing you show off your might last time.It's a bit too radical these days, and I wish I could get them to write names.At critical moments, please protect them with special clones. "

Bingsan was reluctant at first, but when he turned around and thought about it, this wave of Fengshuimen was really timely.He just wanted to hit the tail beast's attention, and he came to give him the opportunity.

How did the soil turn black?Isn't it just that Mizukage Mizukage stuffed part of the three tails into Lin's body in a brainless manner, intending to let the three tails go berserk and attack the country of fire.

However, this seems to be arranged by Uchiha Madara.If Heijue and Madara were to target him, he would be dead.

If you want to live on, you can't wave.But I don't know if my Yiqihuasanqing can use this scroll.

Bingsan hesitated for a long time, so he gave it his all.Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance, and if it is possible, it will be developed.Even if you lose at most one scroll if you fail, there will definitely be opportunities in the future.

So, Bingsan handed the psychic scroll to Minato, and said: "Senior Brother Minato, that idiot Obito must keep an eye on him, don't be crushed to death by the mountain."

Namikaze Minato inexplicably took the scroll and thought, "How stupid is this person to be crushed to death by a mountain."

(Obito: Don't you know how stupid I am)
(End of this chapter)

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