This ninja is not Naruto

Chapter 36 Breakthrough

Chapter 36 Breakthrough
The rescue team stepped on the ice covered in blood, rode the tumbling mudslide, and rushed down from top to bottom.

The potential of Nara Shikaku's insidiousness is undoubtedly revealed.After rushing down from the dirt hill on the route he chose, there was only a small uphill at the place where he fought just now, and all of them went downhill.

The rumble was like the momentum of the sky collapsing, attracting wave after wave of people who tried to stop them. Although they tried their best to stop them, some of them were either washed away or couldn't catch up with the speed. Follow them to rush over.

By the time it reached the bottom of the mountain, the amount of water had been reduced by half.But the degree of danger has not diminished in the slightest!
The Konoha ninjas below, besieged by a large number of enemy ninjas, have slowed down a lot.

When they broke through, there were originally more than 40 elite jounin.Now only seventeen or eighteen people are still standing properly, and the others are either wailing on the ground or dying.Moreover, the standing people were all wounded.

In fact, Danzo was asked to lead the team at the beginning, but he refused. How could such a life-saving person risk his life?
But that girl from Yecang on the opposite side is following him, and wherever he goes, that girl will lead people to chase him.Let Danzo's teeth itch!
The one led by Tuzhiguo to encircle and suppress is the four-tailed Jinchuriki's Lao Zi, and only Ye Cang and Lao Zi can barely cooperate, and the others can't fully cooperate with Lao Zi.The magma is really too overbearing.

I saw a tail behind Lao Zi's buttocks, and his body was covered in magma.Lao Zi attacked Danzang fiercely.

Danzo drooped his left arm, and there was a burn on his right hand.Her hair was disheveled, and a large piece of her upper body clothes was burned.Danzang fled in embarrassment and dared not confront Lao Zi head-on.

After hearing the sound of water, Danzo and Jilai were obviously relieved, and they finally looked forward to it.

Their task is to lure the enemy, not to die.

Now just wait for enough people to come from the opposite side, so that the large troops can withdraw from another direction, and then they can fly Thunder God to escape.

Just as a rumbling sound came over, the overwhelming waves arrived.

As soon as Lao Zi, Ye Cang and the others looked up, they were instantly stunned by the scene on the mountain, and forgot to attack, and the rest of the people were also shocked by the overwhelming momentum.

The Yannin who were besieging quickly approached behind Lao Zi, trying to get Lao Zi's protection.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Danzo and Jiraiya took Konoha's active person and ran to the side while pulling the wounded.

As soon as Lao Zi gritted his teeth, he quickly started to seal and shouted: "Stop it, Meltout; Granite Formation."

There was a bang, and in front of Lao Zi, there appeared a red rock wall with a thickness of five or six meters, a width of more than ten meters, and a height of four or five meters.

When Ye Cang saw it, he was so frightened that his head was sweating coldly, he left his troops behind and ran away regardless of his comradeship.

Lao Zi could no longer care about Ye Cang's behavior.If they don't stop the [-]-meter wave, they will be photographed at the bottom of the river!
Lu Jiu looked at the red-glowing magma wall blocking the way forward and shouted, "Bingsan, change to ice, hurry up!"

Gritting his teeth, Bingsan slapped his hands on the mudslide and shouted, "Turn the ice on me!"

With a bang, the originally billowing black river instantly turned into a large ice block with a length of more than 300 meters, a width of more than 40 meters, and a thickness of nearly ten meters with stuffing!

Minato was covered in cold sweat, staring at his red eyes, and shouted, "Go!"

The people on the ice ran to Danzo and Jiraiya in a few swipes, and fell to the ground with a plop!
Old Purple: (°ー°〃)
Old Zi: "Ye Cang I ¥%#..."

With a bang, Lao Zi and the rock ninja beside him were crushed by the hot water, vegetation, mountains and rocks, and they all fell into the big river next to the country of rain with a thunderbolt.

Danzo, Jiraiya and the others stared at the five or sixty people with wide-eyed eyes, and were instantly pushed into the river leading directly to the Land of Rain like dumplings by the steaming big waves.

Bingsan, who was standing next to Danzo, wiped the sweat from his forehead, panted for a long time like pulling a bellows, and said, "What should I do if I have so much left? I've run out of chakra!"

At this time, the rock ninja and sand ninja who were chasing down from the mountain were almost in front of them.

Danzo looked at it and thought it should be about the same.

If the other side still can't make an assault like this, then go back and kill Mitarai Zixiao.

At this time, Jiraiya also said: "Get ready to meet the enemy, we will withdraw after a wave of blocking." Then he said to Minato: "Minato, can you bear that technique?"

Minato scratched his head and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Ziraiya."

Minato grinned and wiped the blood off his face, then took out a small blue bottle and said, "This is the potion that Bing Sanjun gave me to restore Chakra, it is very useful.

One-third of the chakra can be restored in about ten seconds. "

I saw Jiraiya and Minato throwing Fei Lei Shen Kunai forward together, and then quickly formed a seal.

Jilai also shouted: "Ninja method; shuriken shadow clone art."

Namikaze Minato also shouted: "Ninja method; shuriken shadow clone art."

Danzo took a look and followed suit.

Danzang drank: Fengdun; big blowing.

The idiosyncratic kunai all over the mountains and plains headed towards the hillside, and all kinds of people on the opposite side blocked these kunai before they had time to take a breath, they heard the funny man Minato yelled: "Ninja method; spiral flash super wheel roar three moves."

Bing San and others: (°ー°〃)(°ー°〃)(°ー°〃)(°ー°〃)
Bingsan, who was squatting on the ground, burst out laughing.Although the name is very funny, but there is only a piece of golden light flashing wantonly.It was as beautiful and cruel as a meteor shower.

Minato sat next to Bingsan with a thud, gulped down a gulp of mana potion and began to pant.

As if the pause button had been pressed in the world, Iwanin and Sandin who rushed down just stood there quietly and motionless.

Suddenly, a rock ninja fell to the ground with a thud, and then it seemed to cause a chain reaction, and a large area was smashed down with a thud.Only a few sporadic ones were left standing intact, and the wailing and screaming on the ground came instantly.

It was as if they had arrived in hell in an instant, and the bloody and brutal scenes left everyone speechless for a long time.

A female jinnin fell to the ground with a thud, and murmured unconsciously: "Illusions are all illusions. Hahaha, liars, liars, are all liars."

Then the crazy seal shouted: "Illusion spell solution, solution, why can't this illusion spell be solved!"

Even if this person survives, he is finished, and he is mentally abnormal.

At this moment, Shikaku slapped Obito across the face.Obito yelled, "Why did you hit me?"

Lu Jiu slapped his hands on his face and said, "It doesn't look like a hallucination!"

Lu Jiu wanted to continue to say something, but suddenly his face changed and he shouted: "Bingsan, be careful."

With a piece of green grass on his head, Ye Cang sprang out from the ground with a ferocious face, holding Kunai in both hands, and rushed straight to Bingsan.

Bingsan only had time to look back!With a puff, a piece of warmth hit Bingsan's face.

With a thud, Danzo fell on his back, and a handful of bright green kunai couldn't get into Danzo's belly.

Everyone turned pale with fright in an instant, turned around and jumped into the steaming Yecang, and hurriedly went to see Danzo.

Bingsan muttered to Danzo, who was half-closed, "Why, why, why, my lord?"

Danzo said in a calm manner: "Konoha, it's very important, you, more..."

In an instant, this dark, cold-blooded, unscrupulous man lost consciousness!
(End of this chapter)

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