This ninja is not Naruto

Chapter 34 Emergency Rescue

Chapter 34 Emergency Rescue

When Bing San was chatting with a few people, one of his avatars was suddenly psyched away by Orochimaru.

Orochimaru said to Bingsan with blood on his face: "Bingsan-kun, Sand Ninja and Iwanin set up an ambush on Xitu Hill, preparing to ambush Danzo and Jiraiya. You need to pass on the information as soon as possible!"

After all, Orochimaru picked up the mosaic in his hand and shook it, the meaning is self-evident!

Bingsan took action immediately.It's just that it takes at least ten days for the roots to run over, and the day lily becomes fertilizer.

In desperation, Bingsan had no choice but to go to Namikaze Minato for help.

He ran to Minato's side and rolled his eyes and said in a low voice, "Brother Minato, the news from Mr. Orochimaru just now, Jiraiya hastened reinforcements, they fell into a trap."

Namikaze Minato was shocked when he heard it, and quickly formed seals to call the psychic frog to send a message.

Fifteen minutes later, Minato and Bingsan assembled the team with ugly faces!

Jiraiya and Danzo originally planned to lead about [-] elites to attack Iwanin's rear material camp.

I never thought that I fell into a trap, and now I am surrounded and urgently need rescue.

Namikaze Minato looked at Bingsan who was getting angry, and said with an awkward smile: "Brother Bingsan, don't be too anxious, Master Jiraiya has my Flying Thunder God Kunai in his hand!

As long as I reach a certain position, I can bring them out at once. "

Bingsan said with red eyes: "I'll go with you!"

Minato's expression changed and he said: "Brother Bingsan, you are the commander in chief here, how can you leave so easily!"

Bingsan poked his neck and said, "Jiraiya was once a commander, so he left his army and ran around!"

"This~" Minato smacked his forehead and said, "But what about your safety?"

Bingsan shouted with red eyes: "I'm not a corpse. If I can't be beaten, I won't run away. Besides, I have my own escort.

Ah Qi, come out! "

Gennin, who secretly protected Bingsan, quickly appeared in front of Bingsan.

Bingsan said: "Assemble and protect my Anbu team, Nebu team, and notify Nara Shikahisa team to quickly assemble and prepare to save people!"

After finishing speaking, Bingsan glanced at the group of students, and waved his hands to leave.

At this time Uchiha Tsuki said: "Let me go with you, if there is no medical ninja, it is very dangerous to be injured and unable to heal in time!"

After speaking, he smiled, patted Bingsan on the shoulder and said, "We are teammates, aren't we? Together!"

Hyuga nods his head solemnly.

Bingsan suddenly felt warm in his heart.

At this time, the Uchiha team who protected Uchiha Tsuki also gathered and said: "Miss, the soldiers are in danger, you~"

Uchiha Tsuki stared at the phoenix and said: "I am a ninja, not a spoiled lady!"

Captain Uchiha's mouth was bitter, but he still advised: "Miss, the elder is only your granddaughter, just in case you~"

Uchiha Tsuki interrupted with a wave of his hand: "Don't worry, I have a measure.

Besides, I have four older brothers, so I can't do without me.

And there are you! "

At this time, Bo Feng Shuimen said to Bingsan with a bitter expression: "Brother Bingsan, I can understand your eagerness, but you have no combat experience, it is too dangerous to rush into the battlefield.

This is different from usual, it's not like you just perform ninjutsu and retreat. "

Bingsan hated his mad mother's heart, waved his hands and said, "Be quick like a man, hurry up, mother-in-law, are you a bitch?"

Namikaze Minato had no choice but to take Bingsan and the others with him.There are not many main personnel who set off this time, but they all have special purposes.

Among them, there are four elite Jonin, namely Minato Namikaze, Yume Tokine, Akimichi Tokaze, and Uchiha Takayuki.

It's a pity that Sarutobi Shinnosuke couldn't leave, and he couldn't mobilize personnel from the front line.

Orochimaru is still fighting with Rosa, and Orochimaru will not agree to mobilize manpower!

In front of Uchiha Takayuki's Ninja Hawk flew at a high speed with Flying Raijin Kunai, and a group of people on the ground moved forward flash by flash.

All the food and drink items on the road were sent back and forth by Bing San's psychic avatar.

In addition to the daily necessities and a pack of mana potions that Bingsan got in the lottery, it took more than half of the journey of more than ten days in three days.

On the third night, everyone was just about to rest.Hyugahe suddenly shouted: "Be careful, the southwest direction, six people, suspected to be Iwanin!"

Everyone looked at each other and quickly hid.

After more than ten minutes, Hyugahe breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Leave."

It seems that they have reached the encirclement. This should be a patrol team.

It was night, and everyone dug a big hole in the big tree, and took the time to rest quickly.

Namikaze Minato has already sensed Kunai's position, and waited until dawn to prepare for a side attack, creating opportunities for Jiraiya, Danzo and others to break through.

Before dawn the next morning, Bingsan felt his vision change and saw Danzo with bloodshot eyes and Jiraiya wrapped in bandages.

Danzo narrowed his eyes and asked, "Bingsan, where are you?"

Bingsan quickly woke up everyone, and took advantage of this rare opportunity to hold a "remote" meeting.

Nara Shikahisa suggested adopting the strategy of "striking east and attacking west", with Jiraiya and Danzo leading a small number of elites to break through to the Land of Rain.

Most of the rest broke through to the country of Tang, and finally returned to the country of fire at the junction of the country of Tian and the country of iron.

A group of people readily agreed and were ready to take action.Bingsan carefully scanned the inventory to see if there were any props that could be used.

Don't have too many miscellaneous things, and there are very few that can be used in battle.

If you look carefully, there are only a few that can be used in battle, six rice balls, one poison gas bottle, one grenade, and two bottles of life recovery potion.

The mana potion is all given to Minato, and Minato's chakra is not low, but he consumes it fast.

The rest, such as shrinking lamps, spider silk, air cannons, and Clark's underwear, are useless for combat.

Bingsan sighed slightly, blaming himself for his slack.

Bingsan looked at the character panel. These years, Bingsan has entered the growth stage, and his attributes have changed a lot.

Host: Shimura Hezo (biochemical).

Force: 25
Min: 33
Wisdom: 60 (+7)

Body: 18
Remarks: Host, you are already an adult with partial subjects, you must learn to protect yourself and live well.

Skill 1: Biomiracle (Passive)

Skill 2: attribute affinity to water, earth and wind (passive)

Skill 4: Lushan Shenglongba (Passive)
Skill 5: Chakra Mastery (Passive)

Skill 6: Ninjutsu; One Qi Transforms Three Purities (Activated)
Skill 7; Ice attribute (specialization)

Bingsan gritted his teeth and secretly made up his mind to go back to his hometown to get married after this time is over! (mouth mustache) Draw it off!
When this time is over, go back and practice hard!

Obviously possessing the best training resources, as well as a large amount of knowledge and ninjutsu reserves, he wasted a lot of time "running around" around.

Uchiha Tsuki looked at Bingsan standing there in a daze, frowned slightly, took a piece of clothing and put it on Bingsan who was half a head shorter than himself.

Uchiha Tsuki said: "Don't get sick! Your father is still waiting for you to save him!"

Bingsan turned around, pursed his lips with red eyes, and could only say dryly: "Thank you!"

(End of this chapter)

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