This ninja is not Naruto

Chapter 25 The Formation of the Peerless Squad

Chapter 25 The Formation of the Peerless Squad
The wind in spring is slightly cold and getting colder.The sky is blue and cloudless.

On the endless field, a little green is gradually dotted, and large forests are beginning to sprout and grow leaves.

Everything began to recover, full of vitality.

Time passed by so slowly, and three days later came in a blink of an eye.

"My name is Sarutobi Shinnosuke. I am good at the four attributes of earth, fire, water, and wind. I am qualified in physical and illusion. I like curry, but I hate fish and coriander. Please take care of me from now on."

After finishing speaking, he still used his hands foolishly, touching his head and laughing awkwardly.

This man is the eldest son of the third generation, led by Shinnosuke Sarutobi Shinnosuke, led by Shimura Chouzo.

"Hyugaga, Chunin, good at martial arts, and investigation. The owner of the white-eyed blood following the limit. Above."

Hyuga is wearing a green Chunin vest, and his original half-length hair has turned into a straight inch.A deep scar leaked from the edge of his forehead, and there was a little bit of light green sealing technique.

After Hyugaga finished speaking, he stood there quietly, completely without the lively look he used to have in school.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke looked at the other two, feeling very headache.Really, even if his father were to lead this team, he would definitely feel a headache.

I saw another girl, and said listlessly: "Uchiha Tsuki, good at illusion, fire escape, and medical ninjutsu. One hook jade blood round eyes." After speaking, she let out a listless breath and stopped talking.

This girl was the one who rescued Bingsan for the first time. His brother Feng Uchiha had long been a member of the security force.

Shinnosuke Sarutobi looked at Bingsan who looked loveless, Bingsan sighed and said helplessly, "Shimura Bingsan, you all know, the target of the Land of Winds."

"Ah~, I guess that's it, we are old acquaintances, so don't do these inexplicable things, hey." Uchiha Tsuki let out another breath after speaking.

The whole story is like this, because of Sarutobi Hiruzen III's strategy, our "Nishiguni Musou Shimura Chouzo" honorably graduated from the ninja school, and he didn't even have to take the exam.

In order to maximize the effect of the target of Bingsan, after the "friendly negotiation" of the elders group (Danzo: dead monkey, wash the inner washing inner washing inner washing... Jiraiya: ah ah ヽ(*.>Д<) o ゜), Shimura Ciesan not only became Saiguo Wushuang, but also made him a flag.And publicized it.

Originally, he wanted to let Bingsan go to the front line to be the honorary commander, but it seems that Zilai was also sent to the hospital.Reluctantly, he became the "remote leader" frontline commander and a general in the rear.

Because of this, Bingsan was taken to the third line of defense, Campus Campus, and a banner was erected.

In the end, with the joint efforts of Tuanmou and Orochimaru, the "commander" was equipped with a six-member team from Anbu, a six-member team from Genbu, and a regular four-member team for protection.

Moreover, under the strong request of Danzo, the Jonin led by Bezou became Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

(Mainly Danzo prevents the disadvantages of the war ahead, and the third generation sent Bingsan to death in order to boost morale).

As for the team members, among the former classmates, Hyugagai who is the best at scouting, and Uchiha Tsuki who is good at illusion and medical ninjutsu.

After Bingsan finished speaking, he felt very hopeless.Don't say anything else, just set up for this team, Sarutobi Shinnosuke received a lunch box, and the other two never appeared in memory.

Don't think that everyone surnamed Hyuga is Hinata, and everyone surnamed Uchiha is Gundam.It's totally a trick.

"Hey." Bingsan sighed and sat down on the ground.Hyugaga just stood there straight, without moving or speaking, as if ignoring the three of them.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke scratched his head and said, "Well, why don't we have a good meal to celebrate the establishment of our Sarutobi team?"

After he finished speaking, he regretted it. Where can you go to have a good meal in Daying.

Uchiha Tsuki wiped off a drop of crystal left by breathing with his hands, and said: "I don't want such a silly name.

If nothing else, I'm going to go back and continue working on my medical ninjutsu. "

Bingsan also felt that it was very rustic and ugly, so he said: "Otherwise, it would be better to call it the number one class. You are too silly, so I am embarrassed to say it."

Hyuga together: (ー`ー)
In fact, Sarutobi Shinnosuke is not only here to protect Bean.Moreover, he is also the real commander of the third line of defense, responsible for transmitting information to the Orochimaru Department of the first line of defense and the Danzo Department of the second line of defense, distributing supplies, providing medical assistance and mobile support.

Now that the fight has started ahead, Orochimarube is now defending frontally because of the momentum of the sand ninja.

The Danzo Department of the second line of defense has also been scattered to prevent the sand ninja from penetrating and damaging.The battle was in full swing.

At this moment, the door was pushed open.Walking in are the younger versions of Ikacho, Nara Shikahisa, Yamanaka Kaiichi, and Akimichi Choza.And their leading teacher, Qiu Dao Fefeng.

As soon as he came in, Lu Jiu, who was dressed as a Chunin, laughed and said, "Why is our Commander sitting on the ground and messing around?"

The other two also smiled kindly. Lu Jiu was Bing San's classmate and deskmate when he was in school.

Although Lu Jiu is five years older than Bingsan, Lu Jiu and Bingsan get along very well.

After all, Bing San absorbed the memory of an adult.

As soon as Sarutobi Shinnosuke looked human, he found a slope for himself and hurried down, this was too embarrassing.

Shinnosuke hurriedly walked towards the savior Akimichi Chikaze, and shouted very enthusiastically: "Uncle Chikaze, you are here."

Although Qiu Dao Fefeng is tall and thick, he has small eyes and a fierce face on his nose.But he is still very kind.

He patted Shinnosuke on the shoulder and said, "Shinnosuke, wait!
Isn't this a little trouble on the way and a delay?Here, this is the scroll your father gave Bingsan, and we will be your team to protect you from now on. "

Go ahead, throw the thumb-sized scroll to Bingsan.

While the two adults were talking, Bingsan and Zhuludie went off talking and laughing together, completely ignoring the two adults.

And Uchiha Tsuki waved his hand, turned and went out.

Hyuga together: (ー`ー)
Unlike Bingsan who broke the jar, Hyugahe stood there obediently waiting for the captain's order.

When Uchiha Tsuki walked to the door, he suddenly stopped and said: "Since we are all here temporarily to protect that troublesome guy, let's call it the Wusou team. Xiguo Wusou Shimura Ciesan!

By the way, I felt uncomfortable with your name a long time ago, as if it was a number Yes, your elders named it useless? "

After speaking, he turned around and left, completely ignoring the reactions of the people in the room.

Lu Jiu: "Ah, women are really troublesome."

Ding Zuo: "Hu Chi Hu Chi" (the sound of gnawing pig's hooves)

Haiyi: (ーー゛)
Hyuga together: (ー`ー)
Sarutobi Shinnosuke: Σ(°△°|||)︴

Autumn Road Takes the Wind: o( ̄- ̄)
Shimura Hezo: ()
(End of this chapter)

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