This ninja is not Naruto

Chapter 219 The Current Situation of Konoha

Chapter 219 The Current Situation of Konoha
Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Konoha squad leader meeting.

Bingsan sat in the middle and said to the senior executives and monitors below: "A year is going to pass again. This year is another difficult year, a year of war, a year of sharing weal and woe, and also a year of our rapid progress. A year of development.

Next, our elders, section chiefs, and squad leaders will report on the progress of this year. "

The first to stand up to speak was Shimura Danzo Great Elder. Danzo's status has risen rapidly since Bingsan took the seat of the fifth generation. He is currently the Great Elder of Konoha, presiding over the affairs of the elders group.

Danzo coughed and said, "According to statistics, there are currently more than 68 ninja troops, which is double the number from last year.

These include more than 48 ninja troops, [-] new samurai groups, [-] battle formation legions, [-] ambulance legions and more than [-] technology corps.

Because of the war, military spending more than tripled last year over the same period.Food consumption has increased sixfold, and war materials such as medical equipment and detonators have been seriously consumed. "

After Danzo sat down, the Jonin squad leaders below started whispering.

Bingsan coughed and said: "Due to the long-term war in the past few years, our investment in the army is obvious to all, but we will not relax in this regard.

Hard fist is the last word.

Empress Yongchang has spared no effort to support us, and with our efforts, Konoha has made great progress in economics, politics, and culture. "

After finishing speaking, Bingzo took a sip of water and looked at Mitomon Yan.

Mitomen cleared his throat and said: "According to statistics, our economic development in Konoha has reached a new high this year. The real estate industry, service industry, casinos, casinos, arenas, etc. have all contributed a lot of money to us.

In terms of food, this year it has more than tripled compared to last year. Of course, we would like to thank the ghost lamp clan for their great contribution to the empire and Konoha.They used the family's water escape technique to forcibly turn the vast wasteland of the Sand Province into fertile farmland. "

Turning to bed Xiaochun continued to stand up and said: "In terms of medical treatment, due to the participation of the fourth generation, Konoha Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has now launched more than a dozen specific medicines and more than [-] kinds of universal medicines.

And with the unremitting efforts of the medical class, the ratio of medical personnel has been improved again.

The new Bingliang Pill jointly produced by Nara, Yamanaka, and Qiudao has also been well received, and it has increased the survival guarantee for our Ninja Army by [-]%.

In terms of meat, the boneless meat jointly produced by the Kurama family and the Taketori family has also been unanimously recognized by frontline fighters.The only criticism is that the price is too high and the supply is insufficient. "

After turning to bed Koharu sat down, Sandaime stood up vigorously, coughed and said: "Through our country's unremitting efforts, we have made great achievements in diplomacy.

Among them, small countries such as Yuzhi Country and Kong Zhiguo have already submitted documents to join the empire.Especially the country of the sky, the country of the sky has a ninja village with about 2000 people, and also has a flying unit, which is a very beneficial supplement for us.

In addition, yesterday, the diplomats of the Yuntu Alliance formally requested a meeting, and we were elected as envoys to the Yuntu Alliance in the past seven days.

Moreover, the psychic world sent a message that an unknown creature appeared in the psychic world, asking Konoha to provide a certain amount of shelter.Of course, some ninja families in the psychic world are willing to sign an equal contract with Konoha, and are willing to become the standard psychic group of the ninja army. "

Hiruzaru Sarutobi sat down after speaking.

Orochimaru shook his head to indicate that he had nothing to say.

Bingsan continued: "With our unremitting efforts, Konoha is developing rapidly.

Of course, there is everyone's hard work here.

Next, I would like to invite a few section chiefs to talk about things related to people's livelihood and construction.The matter of the war is postponed first! "

Uchiha Fugaku was the first to stand up and said: "After several years of vigorous development, the Security Division now has 8000 members. Among them, the Uchiha and Ghost Lamps account for about 13.00%, and the rest are supplemented by the new samurai group. .

At present, Konoha and its subordinate villages, Sand Village and Water Village, have a stable law and order, with no lost items on the road, and no closed doors.

After three years of crackdown, bad habits such as petty theft and wanton financial destruction have been completely eradicated.

Now the social atmosphere is good, please feel free to live a good life. "

Bingsan rolled his eyes and thought: What do you call crackdown?You call that extortion.You will be fined for tying your shoes on the road.

After Uchiha Fugaku sat down, Yuhi Makoto got up and said: "Our taxation department has received great resistance in this year's work, mainly because some high-level and senior officials have maliciously defaulted on taxes."

"Ahem!" Bingsan interrupted: "Okay, don't complain here, just sit down first!"

Yuhi Zhenhong glared at the group and sat down angrily.The rest began to whisper.

Bingsan has a headache, because someone in the group is too stingy, and he maliciously evades taxes, not to mention tax evasion.

Pharmacist Nonoyu stood up and said: "According to the statistics of our birth division, the number of babies born this year is more than 140 million, of which about [-] are children of ninjas. It is estimated that there will be no less than [-] children with ninja talents. .

In addition, there are a large number of children born in the major ninja clans. They have excellent blood and strict family education. They will definitely be excellent ninjas.

In addition, the half-life psychic beasts distributed by the campus have begun to be distributed to every newborn in large quantities.For some unknown reason, only a small amount of newly born half-life psychic beasts have the ability to mutate.The reason is still under investigation. "

After Nonaiyu sat down, the audience was in an uproar. Is this data true?
Bingsan cleared his throat and said, "Quiet, the empire currently has a total population of more than 7000 million people, and these children are not many. Don't look at the empire with old eyes. Times are different now."

Inu Takunari stood up and nodded and said: "I am the chief of the newly established Communications Department. This year, instant messaging tools have begun to be popularized in large quantities. It is expected that all Konoha residents will be able to use wireless communication phones next year.

Strive to spread to every corner of the empire within three years, and when there is something to do, the information will arrive in seconds. "

Hinata Deyang stood up and said: "On behalf of Section Chief Hinata Jiuhe, who is far away at the front line, I will report this year's road administration situation and the construction of the Feilei Shenzhen.

This year, more than 170 roads were paved, with a total of more than 8000 kilometers of small and medium-sized road sections, and more than 700 villages and small towns in the middle.

In addition, the Flying Thunder God Formation has been built in major fortresses, strongholds, and large and medium cities.It is expected to be put into use in large quantities next year.

The research and development of Lei Che has also made full progress, and it is expected that it will be able to test run within three years.

In addition, the Iron Wall City on the Eastern Route has been completely completed and put into use. "

Bingsan nodded. In the past few years, Konoha has gone from the countryside to the city, but it is not a science and technology, but a city on the fantasy side.

(End of this chapter)

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