Chapter 211

"Quick, quick, why can't you do such a small thing well? The Holy Envoy has taught you many times. Quick, quick."

A guy with a big beard and triangular eyes is threatening a group of old and weak women and children with a knife.

This person is a dog leg who gained strength after Bingsan's transformation.Bingsan was too lazy to come up with a name, so he just called him Big Beard.

The bearded man is one of the majority who spontaneously go to worship the sacred tree, and those who go to worship the sacred tree will be knocked out by Bingsan.Bingsan directly transformed them under the sacred tree. Those who produced chakra were thrown out, and those who did not have chakra were given to the sacred tree to eat.

Because people have gained power one after another, more and more citizens of the country of the motherland believe in the story of Kaguya and the sacred tree!

However, this also led to the fact that the number of people in the country of the motherland decreased rapidly.

This time Bingsan gathered all these people together and used them as his dogs.

The bearded man chopped down a sallow and skinny boy with a knife, and shouted: "I'm talking about it for the last time, first grab the food, then drive people to the wilderness to gather, and then gather all the metal tools to burn the house.

After the house is burned down, tell the trash in the country of grass to rob others if they want to live.Otherwise, they all starve to death.Can you hear me clearly? "

A group of thugs who were already eye-catching cheered and rushed to the village in front of them.

Yes, this is the method adopted by Bingsan.He imitated the practice of Immortal Zhang Jiao during the Three Kingdoms period, while promoting faith to Kaguya Ji, while snowballing the common people of the country of grass to rob people from their own country.

In less than four months, the Country of Grass basically fell.Land and houses were burned, and manors and people were swept away.

Bingsan led the dog legs and the people, nearly 30 people, surrounded the capital of the country of grass.It is said to be the capital, but it is actually a bigger town. The city wall is only three meters high, and the gate is still made of wood.There are at most [-] people living in the town.

As for the samurai from the Country of Grass, they ran away long ago.

With a wave of his hand, Bing San wanted to attack the city without even building a ladder.

The bearded man saw that it was his chance to perform.The bearded man shouted frantically: "Goddess of U, bless us, we will win in the end. Believers of Goddess of U, keep your eyes open. This is the grace from the goddess and the sacred tree."

Then a group of dog legs stood in a row, quickly opened the curse seal that Bing San had modified for them, and entered the black seal and shouted loudly: "Immortal art; divine fire art!"

Then seventy or eighty people spit out fireballs of different sizes and headed towards the gate of the city wall.

Bing San covered his face and really didn't see it. This is the D-level basic fireball technique taught by the ninja school.After Bing San reformed these people, he taught them a trick to pretend to be b!
Since they were transformed with the cells of that green guy, Fei Duan, these guys were extremely irritable and bloodthirsty.In order to keep them awake, Bingsan installed a super low-profile version of the curse seal on them.It can only be used once per release.

But enough to bluff.No, this group of primitive people who even knocked on stones to light a fire were shocked.

Although Bingsan didn't have the face to look at these local turtles, he was still very satisfied with the effect it produced.

The group of ordinary people who were driven out, with sickles and hoes in hand, ran into the city in a swarm.

Bingsan was just watching from outside, he didn't want to go in and see the miserable situation inside.

Bing Sanxin said: "The Country of Grass asked for it, don't blame me, Shimura Bing San!"

It's just that after about half an hour passed, only people went in, but no one came out.

Bingsan frowned, feeling that something seemed wrong.Bingsan shouted: "Big Beard, you and Little Eyes let me go in and have a look! What the hell are you doing, even if you are crazy about robbery, someone should come out and escape for your life!"

The bearded man bared his two big canine teeth and said: "Holy envoy, I will come back as soon as I go!" Then she ran in.

After another half hour, still no one came out.Bingsan felt that something was wrong, stood up and walked forward slowly wearing the golden holy garment.

Suddenly, with a bang, the walls of the entire city fell down.The black painted iron gate leaked out.Bingsan narrowed his eyes, the pattern seemed familiar.

At this time, a person came out from the side, and said with a frenzied expression: "Hahaha, I didn't expect it, the golden envoy, you have the goddess of Mao, we have the box of bliss, when the box is full, I will be a god! "

Bingsan squinted his eyes to observe carefully, and rows of data appeared on the box.

Isn't this thing said to be something from the Sage of the Six Paths? It should not be available until decades later.

Item: Chest of Bliss.

Item Class: Excellent.

Item introduction: This is a piece of garbage engraved with magic circles in a mess, the only function is to accumulate energy.

The corner of Bingsan's mouth twitched, just this thing, isn't this something that the second generation took home to "generate electricity"!But these people from the Country of Grass are quite good at playing.This thing swallowed at least 8 or [-] people in one breath just now.

Bingsan stood up and said, "Garbage is garbage, just clean it up!"

Then slowly walked towards each other.

It's just that he didn't expect that the other party took out a rib and directly cut his abdomen.He also yelled something incomprehensible with a frenzied face.

Bingsan feels that something is not right, he is now a middle-level saint with the seventh sense.His seventh sense was warning of danger.

"How is this possible!" Bingsan suddenly snapped out: "This is cheating!"

I saw the man's body shattering into dust and flying away, leaving behind a translucent thing!
Name: Wraith Collection.

Attribute: Immortal and immortal!

Bingsan saw that it was not good, and immediately stood still, clasped his hands together, interlocked his fingers, stretched his arms forward, and crazily burned the small universe.

Bing San shouted: "Burn my small universe, drink, Aurora execution!" (Forgiveness of Goddess of Dawn)
The sky suddenly darkened, and the starry sky of Aquarius slowly emerged, seeming to connect vertically and horizontally in a slow and quick manner, forming the appearance of a woman holding a water bottle with the mouth of the bottle facing forward.

With a bang, a line of ice galloped.In the blink of an eye, Bingsan was frozen into a frosty world.

Bingsan thought: I am not a top five, I will directly kill you.

Bingsan was dressed roughly, looking at the capital of the country of grass that he had frozen.

It was just that there was an endless crackling sound, and suddenly there was a bang, and the iceberg shattered.The original iron box, which was 400 meters long, 200 meters wide, and [-] meters high, suddenly became smaller.

It became a square-like shape with a length of more than four meters, a width of more than four meters, and a height of about three meters.

The door of the box opened with a bang, and a black entity with black hair rushed out.

He ran towards Bingsan extremely fast, and Bingsan took a look.This thing is six or seven meters high.Bird head, eagle beak, four arms, two legs.It has wings and tail.Extremely fast.

Bingsan swung his fist and collided with this weird thing.

With a bang, Bingsan was sent flying.

The monster roared to the sky on the ground.The sound wave went around in circles.

The rest of the people who didn't go in were shaken back and forth, and those who were still standing turned around and ran away.

Bingsan spat out a mouthful of old blood, and murmured: "I'm stupid, the car overturned!"

Bingsan was seriously injured by the sacred tree!
(End of this chapter)

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