I really don't want to win the MVP

Chapter 211 Surprising Tactics

Chapter 211 Surprising Tactics

If the two sides hadn't relied on the extremely low free throws to score, the score would have been even lower.

In the fourth quarter, the offense of both sides finally improved, because both sides knew in their hearts that they could not win the final victory solely by defense.

The scores of the two teams rose alternately, and they fought until the last 2 minutes, and the two sides drew again.

At this time, Coach Casey couldn't help calling a timeout because he found that Jiang Mu had started playing without the ball.

"We must limit his running position. If he hits another three-pointer, it may kill us at this time!"

Fisher is also well aware of the situation at this time.

"Defend well! We must limit them before scoring! In addition, if anyone can hit a three-pointer with such a defensive intensity, the probability of winning will be much higher!"

Fisher looked around and suddenly said, "Amundsen, go!"

The Knicks players were stunned. No one would have thought that Coach Fisher would bring up Amundson, who hadn't played in the playoffs for a minute.

"You only have two tasks when you go up. One is to defend with all your strength, and the other is to pay attention to Jiang's position at all times. Pick and roll if you can, but you must pay attention to the screen movement. Now even a free throw is terrible!"

Amundson was a little confused, like the rest of the Knicks.

At this moment, as long as others create a space for Jiang Mu, judging from Jiang Mu's performance at critical moments, it is absolutely hopeful that he will hit.

Amundsen took a sharp look at Jiang Mu, then nodded.

"What's going on? Why did the Knicks' Wannian substitute play at such an important time? Afflalo was replaced? Even Williams is better than him!"

It can't be blamed that others began to doubt at this time, after all, Amundsen was really stretched before.

"Jiang, what should I do?"

Jiang Mu saw Amundsen who was obviously at a loss, and the tense moment at this moment was actually a little funny.

"I'll go up and give the ball to Carmelo, or Kristaps, or even Robin"

As if thinking of something, Jiang Mu suddenly changed his mind.

"No, no, no! I won't give it to anyone. I will give you the ball. You only need to do one thing, that is, you don't care how I move. When I come out, you are like the one we trained. Just hand it over to me at the same time, and then turn around and block the person defending me behind!"

"Then where should I be seated?"

"You are fine! You can do whatever you want! As long as you take a step outside the three-point line in the frontcourt, you can choose by yourself except for the bottom corner!"

Amundsen seems to understand!
After the ball was sent out, Jiang Mu relied on his speed to get rid of Lowry, received the ball, and then safely brought it to the frontcourt.

What was surprising was that Jiang Mu did not pass the ball to Anthony and Lopez, who seemed more secure, but passed it to Amundson, who was one step outside the three-point line on the left.

O'Neill: "What's going on? Jiang has always been known for his high golf quotient. Why did he give the ball to this man named Amundsen when he reached the frontcourt? Am I right? I gave the ball to him, this"

Barkley: "Of course you can't understand it with your golf quotient!"

O'Neill: "Oh? So Mr. Charles understands?"

Barkley: "I don't understand either!"

O'Neal: "."

I saw that the Raptors players were also very puzzled, and Coach Casey didn't know the situation at this time, and no one even knew about the player Amundson.

Is this all an illusion?
But this backup center doesn't seem to be able to shoot three-pointers at all!
After Jiang Mu handed the ball to Amundson, the Raptors still focused on everyone other than Amundson. For a while, there were no defenders around Amundson, only Scola Stepping on the three-point line symbolically guards against unexpected situations.

Time continued to pass, Jiang Mu felt that the time was almost up, and then shouted:
"OK tactics!"


It's not that the Raptors players haven't heard of this tactic. Jiang Mu used this tactic to score an extremely crucial goal. He hasn't heard of this name for some days. The Raptors were a little confused for a while.

its not right! Isn't the OK tactic initiated after the inside player picks and rolls Jiang Mu who is holding the ball?

Jiang Mu directly stuck to Amundsen's left side and drove towards the bottom line, while Lowry was blocked behind him.

Scola had to switch defenses with Lowry, but Scola couldn't keep up with Jiang Mu.

Immediately after Jiang Mu bypassed Porzingis, the Raptors switched defenses again.

Jiang Mu went around the three-second zone to the right side of the baseline, and finally found a space through Anthony's pick-and-roll.

Amundsen didn't pass the ball, because he remembered what Jiang Mu told him, to wait until Jiang Mu passed by him and pass it to Jiang Mu, and then block the defender who followed Jiang Mu.

The Raptors tensed up, thinking it was time to pass the ball.

So Ibaka, who was defending Anthony, quickly gave up on Anthony and went to Jiang Mu's side again.

Jiang Mu turned back to the three-second zone to the basket again, and the defender was replaced by Scola again.

What surprised Scola was that Jiang Mu lifted it up in an instant, and ran straight and fast from the hoop towards the center of the arc.

Scola did not keep up, Lowry reacted quickly, and quickly gave up Amundson, who had no threat from the outside.

The location Jiang Mu planned in advance finally came out.

Amundsen's arm felt the slipperiness of Jiang Mu's sweat when he walked around him, and then passed the ball to Jiang Mu's hand hand by hand.

Amundson turned quickly, and Lowry seemed to reflect it when he was face to face with Amundson.

To bad!

Amundson's huge frame kept Lowry behind him.

Although there are nearly two steps away from the three-point line, with no one defending at this time, the distance will never become a hindrance to Jiang Mu's shooting. After all, it is within range after half court!

Jiang Mu rarely made the easiest three-pointer of the game.

Both Coach Casey and the Raptors bench stood up nervously.

A three-pointer was hit, and the Raptors were silent at home!
Accompanied by the exclamation and cheers of countless people in front of the TV, and even some scolding at the scene, everything appeared to be boiling.

This three-pointer was priceless for the Knicks.

For the Raptors, it is tantamount to the devil's death!

The Knicks defended against the Raptors' offense in the next round!
After that, although the Knicks didn't make a hit, Amundson once again made a contribution to grab the offensive rebound.

Amundsen, who grabbed the rebound, seemed a little unbelievable, and seemed a little stunned on the spot for a while.

Then Amundsen felt empty-handed.

After seeing it clearly, he realized that it was his teammate Jiang Mu who stole the ball.

Many NBA players watching the game in front of the TV were shocked for a while.

Bystanders know that most NBA players and many people who understand the ball know that Amundson must be ignorant of this ball. Even if the Raptors can't break it, they can at least foul Amundson.

And if Amundsen makes a free throw, there is a high probability that he will not score!
The Raptors still have a chance!

But now the Raptors have lost this game!

(End of this chapter)

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