I really don't want to win the MVP

Chapter 149 Back-to-Back Rockets (7)

Chapter 149 Back-to-Back Rockets (7)

There are many controversies and even open-eyed calls in the NBA. For example, Durant’s off-court save in a certain game. If there are rules to challenge the replay of the video, the head coach of the other side can completely challenge the video. , This will avoid many major misjudgments!
The other is that the offensive and defensive speed of the NBA is very fast at present, and the three referees really can't keep up with the rhythm of the game. In this situation, giving the team one more chance to challenge is also to reduce some of the referees' artificial mistakes and missed judgments!

There is no doubt that the NBA is learning from the CBA according to the rules of "challenge video".

The referee will agree to only check the replay in three situations: 1. Who finally made the ball out of bounds, 2. Whether the three-point shot stepped on the line, and 3. Whether the shot was timed out.

Logically speaking, it was an extremely smart move for Jiang Mu to ask Fisher to challenge the video.

First of all, if the challenge is successful, the Rockets will own the ball for the Knicks. Brother Antetokounmpo is very honest. Jiang Mu really didn't expect him to have the brains to argue about a ball that he touched out of bounds in such a tense time, so Jiang Mu Choose to believe in Brother Antetokounmpo.

Secondly, the time spent by the referee watching the replay of the video will give Jiang Mu precious breathing time. Even if the challenge fails to waste a timeout for the Knicks, Jiang Mu feels that even if the Knicks only have one timeout, it is completely worthless. Enough, not to mention that the Rockets call a timeout and the Knicks can also use the timeout.

However, Jiang Mu made an almost fatal mistake.

The referee ignored Brother Antetokounmpo and signaled the Rockets to serve off the court.

But Jiang Mu didn't see the referee's signal, thinking that Fisher didn't hear his shout, and ran straight to the sideline where Fisher was.

"Coach, challenge! We want to challenge!"

Holding his huge cheeks, Fisher stared blankly at his proud young disciple, thinking:

What the hell?challenge?Do you understand the zero tolerance rule?Challenge the referee?What about technical fouls?
The referee blew the whistle to signal Jiang Mu to return to the court, but Jiang Mu was obsessed with the challenge and did not respond.

"Go back! The Rockets will serve right away!"

A few years later, Xiao Hua recalled Jiang Mu's performance at the last moment of the game and still couldn't understand how this young man came up with this new rule four years in advance.

The referee directly called Jiang Mu a technical foul.

The Rockets made a single free throw, and then sent a throw-in from the sidelines.

Jiang Mu finally figured it out, and patted himself on the head angrily.

Everyone was amazed at the Knicks' average-brained player.

Jiang. What's the matter?Fatigue?
Harden made a free throw and the Rockets temporarily led by 1 point.

The last 39 seconds, 111:112.

The Rockets Ariza served from the sidelines. In order to affect the quality of the serve, Porzingis, with his absolute height, was often the one responsible for defending the serve.

But Jiang Mu instructed Porzingis to stand at the top of the arc. After a brief explanation, Porzingis understood and nodded.

Worrell: "What's going on here? A first-year rookie actually directed his teammates to defend the serve? Although this is a job that point guards often do on the court, only Chris Paul and Rajon Long How many defenders like this can do it by predicting the opponent's serving tactics in advance with a super high ball intelligence."

Peterson: "Indeed! We'll know the result in a while!"

The Rockets players stood up, and the moment the referee handed the ball to Ariza, the Rockets players began to move.

After consecutive pick-and-rolls, Harden turned out from near the free throw line.

Jiang Mu basically didn't look at Ariza very much, he looked sideways in both directions, and kept staring at Harden's position from the corner of his eye.

Ariza didn't find a good passing opportunity for a while, and finally saw Harden running beyond the three-point line, but Porzingis was tall and long and could easily intercept the ball.

Harden used the guard's speed to open some gaps, and Ariza quickly passed in the direction of Harden at the top of the arc.

Jiang Mu calculated the position of the straight line between Ariza and Harden extremely accurately, and quickly reached out his hand to poke it. The basketball changed direction, and Porzingis, who was arranged by Jiang Mu in advance at the top of the arc, was very powerful. The huge body jumped directly to the basketball.

Harden barely touched the basketball when Porzingis poked it out.

The direction in which the basketball rolls down is the frontcourt.

The moment Jiang Mu saw Porzingis poke the ball, the sound of Jiang Mu and Ariza's sneakers rubbing against the floor sounded at the same time, and they chased the ball together.

After Harden controlled his body and stabilized, he also chased after him.

Jiang Mu's speed has reached the extreme, leading Ariza and Harden by half a meter.

When Jiang Mu touched the ball, his foot was already on the three-point line. From the corner of his eye, he saw the 31-second countdown on the timer. Jiang Mu's heart turned and he made a bold decision.

Seeing that Jiang Mu's forward body suddenly stopped, Ariza and Harden couldn't hold back their inertia and rushed out together. Harden stopped his feet, and Ariza slipped directly to the ground.

When the two looked at Jiang Mu again, Jiang Mu had already retreated beyond the three-point line.

Standard posture, quick shot.

The last 29 seconds, 114:112.

The narrator Peterson and Worrell were stunned, and they didn't speak for a while.

There was even a brief silence in the auditorium, and then a roar broke out.

But most of them were Rockets fans, and the sighs of everyone made the Toyota Center Arena deafening.

Yang Yi: "My mother! Who would have thought of it? I asked who would have thought of it? With 40 seconds left in the game, the trailing side was playing unsteadily under the defense of two people, and they chose to rush to shoot a three-pointer? I saw this I have never seen the ball for many years! Who is this? Jiang Mu! Is he really from Earth?"

Yu Jia reacted and shouted excitedly: "Of course! Not only are people from Earth, but also from our country!"


Knicks sideline players go straight into crazy mode!

"Coach, don't tell me you arranged this!"

Facing the questioning, Fisher really didn't have the nerve to take the credit, so he could only calmly say:

"I was the one who told Jiang not to be shy and fight according to his own ideas!"

"The coach is mighty!"

This goal is not enough to kill the game. 29 seconds is enough time for the Rockets to score a goal, but they must defend well.

The Rockets timed out.

Harden attracted the defense of Jiang Mu and Efflalo, and passed the ball to Thornton who ran quickly to the bottom corner from a 45-degree angle. He jumped up without hesitation.

Jiang Mu turned his head again and found that Harden had already taken two steps back.

Thornton still transferred the ball to Harden.

If Harden received the ball, as long as Jiang Mu made a pounce, Harden would directly receive the ball and pass Jiang Mu.

If Jiang Mu doesn't pounce, Harden catches the ball and shoots directly.

This is the defensive pressure brought to the defender after the sudden back run caused a rhythm change.

But Thornton underestimated Jiang Mu's bounce.

(End of this chapter)

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