I really don't want to win the MVP

Chapter 139 Fighting the Knights Again (3)

Chapter 139 Fighting the Knights Again (3)

Fisher: "This ball must be defended. If there is no accident, this ball should be played by LeBron or Kyrie. If Kyrie plays it, it is okay. Jiang should be able to limit it. If it is LeBron, Robin and Jiang , you must pay attention to the defense both inside and outside!"

Jiang Mu's competitive heart burned.

"Give the ball to Jiang when attacking!"

Owen dribbled the ball to the front court, and Jiang Mu knew that the ball must be handed over to James when he saw the position.

Sure enough, James used Love's off-ball screen to get out of the three-point line.

Irving passed the ball to James, and he quickly went straight to the three-point line.

James took the ball and didn't start dribbling, but observed the situation on the field,

Irving ran continuously and had already reached the bottom corner on the right. With the 45-degree JR on the right penetrating the inside line, Irving slowed down again and ran towards James.

James made a pass, and Porzingis immediately blocked it.

Fake action!
James broke through directly from the left, passed Porzingis in one step, and went directly to the inside.


After the dunk, James tore his jersey and yelled.

96: 98.
"It's okay! Let's just give them back one!"

The Knicks players, who were a little discouraged, recovered instantly after hearing Jiang Mu's voice.

Jiang Mu, who was holding the ball, was defended by Owen.

Muller: "There are only 40 seconds left. The Knicks have no timeout. Carmelo has also been sent off. The Knicks are in danger."

Hines: "It would be a pity if we lost. In this way, both sides still have an opportunity to attack. It depends on who can win."

Jiang Mu brought the ball to the frontcourt under the protection of his body.

"You can't pass me, so don't even try to vote!"

Jiang Mu ignored Owen and waved at Porzingis.

Porzingis quickly came over to prepare for the pick-and-roll, James and Irving were ready to switch defenses from left to right, and when Porzingis was about to block Irving, Jiang Mu also made a gesture to speed up.

Owen and James each took half a step back, Jiang Mu dribbled the ball twice in the direction of Porzingis, and suddenly received the ball at an extremely fast speed.

"Fuck! This kid wants to attack twice! He's too brave!"

"That NCAA jerk guard is back."

Anthony stood up from his chair in an instant, feeling incomprehensible to Jiang Mu's choice of shot!
James turned his head and shouted: "Kevin! Protect the rebound!"

Wow!There was a sound of shock at the scene!
"This TM is Curry! Chinese Curry!"

In the last 30 seconds, at 99:98, the Knicks led by 1 point.

The Cavaliers members represented by James and Irving were stunned: Who the hell would choose such a shot at this time?What kind of confidence is this?
Anthony turned from surprise to excitement, and after sitting down, his face returned to thinking: It seems that it is difficult to keep my position as the boss of the Knicks!Compared to being the leader of the team, I still prefer to win a championship. Although I have lost too much to LeBron, who doesn't want to win the O'Brien Cup?

Fisher clenched his fist and waved it in the air, as if looking for something to hit to calm his excitement.

In this way, the Knicks immediately took the advantage, regardless of whether the Cavaliers scored the ball or not, the Knicks will still have a chance to attack.

The Cavaliers requested a timeout, and Blatt's coaching time was once again snatched by James.

"Kyrie, give me the ball, you run, Kevin and the others attack and set, everyone is ready to catch the ball!"

Jiang Mu was silent throughout the fourth quarter. This was the most tense moment since he entered the NBA. Opposite him were James and Irving, who possessed strong personal abilities. The last few minutes had exhausted Jiang Mu's energy tremendously. After thinking hard, Jiang Mu didn't listen to Fisher's tactics at all.

After taking two gulps of water, Jiang Mu temporarily wiped off the sweat on his face and arms.

James followed Porzingis to get the ball, his legs stood outside the three-point line like stakes, and Porzingis stuck to James with his thin body.

The remaining 4 Cavaliers have been running pick and roll, but the Knicks defend very well, no one can run out of a very good position, James watched the time slowly disappearing and prepared to play hard.

The fake turn deceived Porzingis' half-step, and James' three threats opened up a little space.

James started dribbling, and first took two steps back, leaving the distance and space for the charge.

Jiang Mu, who has watched James' games countless times, knows that this is James' regular key-ball style of play.

The moment James rushed up, Jiang Mu was already ready to help defend. James, who had just passed Porzingis' half body, suddenly found that there was an extra defender on his way forward. The huge inertia made it difficult for James to stop. Stopped in the car, and quickly passed it to Owen.

Owen took advantage of Jiang Mu's unsteady footing as soon as he came back to defend, so he accelerated and wiped past Jiang Mu's side.

Lopez came out to block the shot at the right time, and there was already a smile on the corner of Owen's mouth when he jumped up for the mid-range shot.

There is no doubt that this goal will be scored!

Jiang Mu, who was behind Owen, kicked forward as soon as he stood still, and came behind Owen with a cross step, leaped high and stretched out his hand.

Before James had time to remind him, Jiang Mu knocked down the basketball that Irving hadn't shot yet, and it floated straight in the direction of Lopez.

Owen, who landed at the same time as Jiang Mu, wanted to step forward to snatch it back from Lopez, but Jiang Mu turned his head and rushed forward!


With sharp eyes and quick hands, Lopez flicked his hands, and the ball flew towards Jiang Mu in the frontcourt.

Only James was the closest, and he chased after him.

After receiving the ball, Jiang Mu only dribbled the ball and entered the three-point line.

Jiang Mu, who has seen countless highlights of James' back-to-back caps, knew that this layup would be very dangerous. Looking at the time with only 4 seconds left, Jiang Mu made a plan.

In the surprised eyes of everyone in the audience, Jiang Mu did not collect the ball, but dribbled the ball out of the paint area of ​​the frontcourt again. Taking advantage of his own speed and James' misjudgment that Jiang Mu would shoot directly, the speed was amazing. Quickly moved to the bottom corner on the left.

James caught up again, but his heart was already half cold.

At the last moment, Jiang Mu shot!

James didn't block it!

All quiet!

When the score of the Knicks jumped from 99 to 102 on the scorer, the audience burst into applause.

James couldn't hold back his body at this time, and threw Jiang Mu to the ground.

James turned around and saw that he was still on Jiang Mu's body. Jiang Mu frowned when he smelled the strong smell of sweat on James' body.

James got up and pulled Jiang Mu up, ignoring Jiang Mu's objection, and hugged him directly.

"Jiang! Fantastic boy, you won this match! You beat me, but it's just this match!"

Everyone on the Knicks rushed into the arena and started cheering.

Although it was not a lore, Jiang Mu's last ball was one defense and one attack, especially the extremely high golf quotient displayed at the end was too impressive.

(End of this chapter)

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