Raised a house of obsession

Chapter 92 Happy New Year! (2 in 1)

Chapter 92 Happy New Year! (two in one)

"As for weird things, the frequency of occurrence is inversely proportional to the happiness of the people."

Ye Tiansheng was very interested in talking about these things: "The age of war and chaos is the age of legends that the 'autumn day' was born. Whereas people's lives are stable, these messy things are much less. Most of the evil spirits are left over from ancient times. Yes, only a small part was born in the recent period."

"So, the current Great Xia Alliance still focuses on economic development. As long as the economy improves, the happiness level will also increase, and the chance of weird occurrences will be greatly reduced."

"Our Donghua City's economy is not very good, but in the past ten years we have been engaged in mushroom farming, and the people's lives are pretty good, and the frequency of strange occurrences is not high."

"On the contrary, the pace of life in big cities is fast, the pressure is high, and the frequency of spooky haunts is higher. And some spooky things are also related to the Internet. Our network is not well developed here, so the probability of this kind of thing is not high."

"It turns out that's the case...it makes sense." Zhou Yi was a little surprised. No matter what world there are capable people, this world is no exception.

Ye Tiansheng said again: "Do you know where the spiritual energy comes from? The spiritual energy comes from the void!"

"Our ancestors discovered very early on that materials made of meteorites will have some special supernatural properties. For example, this piece of jade pendant can give people peace of mind."

"Why is this so? After entering modern times, people discovered that the rules in space are constantly changing."

"With the sun as the center, the rules of each planet are different. Just like Mars, the rules of Mars are distorted. Experts from the Western Continent once sent a living ant into Mars and found that it happened A terrifying mutation!"

"The rules of the moon are similar to those of the earth, but they are slightly different. The iron ore on the moon makes sharp blades that cut iron like mud."

"And the rules of outer space change more complicatedly. It is said that the more distant the place, the more different the rules are. The rules of other stars are completely different from ours. There may be a group of people living on the planets there who do not need physical bodies. Demons and ghosts that can survive."

"That's the so-called anthropic principle."

Zhou Yi was simply shocked, how could he enter a science fiction world.Human beings are lucky to find that they live on a planet that can support life.Other planets cannot survive.

Of course, maybe there is another planet in the universe that is exactly the same as the earth, and there is another group of human beings living there.

It is also possible that when human technology develops to a certain level, they will be able to survive on an alien planet.

Either way, it's going to take a very, very long time.

Ye Tiansheng continued: "Meteorites that have traveled through many regular areas are the best spiritual energy-carrying materials. Some natural supernatural items may appear. We call them 'wonders'!"

Zhou Yi recalled the "Sage Slate" in the space of his consciousness. He had traveled through another universe...

He was crushed to death by a meteorite, and then passed through.

That meteorite, that is - a slate?

That night, probably because he drank too much, Ye Tiansheng talked a lot, from being young and frivolous, to gradually discovering that he is mediocre.

"... At that time, the sun was still so dazzling, and there were still so many expectations for the future. Now I am almost 50 years old. Although I live a good life, I am basically stereotyped, and my expectations for the future are less than one percent of those at that time. But it is It's life..."

"Come, eat tea eggs, eat tea eggs!"

"Happy New Year, give out red envelopes!" Mistress handed over a red envelope, and said with a smile: "When you have a child, I won't give you red envelopes."

"Thank you Mistress."

The portion is not big, but it's good when you feel it.

Until 12 o'clock at night, the new year has arrived.

One after another, the fireworks crackled and radiated each other in the sky.There is also a legend of "Nian" in this world. It is said that in ancient times, "Nian" would come out to eat people on New Year's Eve.

However, it is afraid of the sound of firecrackers, as long as the fireworks are set off, it can be scared away.

On Earth, the legend of "Nian" is just a story, but in this world, there is a high probability that it actually existed and was a strange event with great influence.

Even the staff of the town government will set off fireworks on the square.Villagers in some villages will also set off firecrackers at the entrance of the village. The long string of firecrackers is not expensive, and a dozen yuan is a big string.

Taking a deep breath, he lit the fireworks.



Zhou Yi, this year, is 21 years old.

Beautiful little junior sister, 18 years old, um... What a wonderful age.

"Happy New Year!" Ye Ling turned her head and smiled.

"Happy New Year!" Zhou Yi quietly handed her a piece of toffee.


This New Year is undoubtedly a leisurely one, except for some worries about where the opportunity to "become a Silver Seal" is.

Nothing else.

On the first day of the new year, I went to the cemetery to pay homage to my ancestors.

This body naturally has parents, and even if the parents are dead, it is necessary to pay homage to them out of emotion and reason.

After that, there was nothing else to do. I was caught molesting my junior sister twice, and the silly master stared at him with weird expressions like "you two get married quickly" and "the meat is rotten in the pot".

Ye Tiansheng himself doesn't want to make progress, and now he wants to have a grandson, and a granddaughter is also possible.

It made Zhou Yi get goosebumps all over...

People in small towns can get married before the age of 20 everywhere, and the law stipulates that they can get a marriage certificate at the age of 18.You have to give birth quickly, and there will be government maternity subsidies if you give birth.

Don't, don't be so open, I'm still young!
On the contrary, the teacher's wife is a real lady of every family, whether it is the economy or the education of the children, it is very good.

Zhou Yi seriously doubted that without the help of this smart wife, the master would have been impoverished and lived in the bridge hole.

Guests come to the house from time to time, all of whom are apprentices who have been educated in the past, and some government leaders come with New Year's goods.

It can be seen that Ye Tiansheng is very respected here.

He's a real good guy.

What's so bad about this?
Nothing bad.

Zhou Yi was a little envious of this kind of life. Apart from being unable to climb the limits of human beings, there were really no shortcomings.

However, precisely because of this shortcoming, Zhou Yi knew that he was not suitable for this kind of life.

After all... deep down in his heart, he wants to reach the pinnacle of humanity.Ordinary life, although good, is missing something.

If I am 60 years old, maybe I will try this kind of life.


On the third day of the new year, a group of special guests came to the house.Another golden seal in Donghua City came here to celebrate the New Year, and by the way, he brought his daughter, a cute girl named Sun Chengcheng.

There are also circles among psykers, and it's normal to pay New Year's greetings to each other.

It is said that when psykers are married, the talents of their offspring will be better.Of course, this is just a rumor. If there were corresponding scientific conclusions, the human population would have solidified into two circles.

Sun Chengcheng is very small, less than 1.6 meters tall, with double ponytails, and she looks like a cute loli at first glance.

The first time she saw Zhou Yi, she smiled with her eyes bent, and emphasized the word "big".

"Big~Senior Brother!"

Zhou Yi subconsciously covered his crotch with his hands.

and many more? !
why?Why am I afraid of this girl who is less than 1.6 meters tall and a pair of AA can't afford it?
Could it be? ? ?

After thinking hard for a long time, and confirming that the ex of the body did not owe any emotional debts, and did not play with the girl's feelings, he was relieved.

"Long time no see, little junior sister, you call me so sweet, do you miss me, brother?" Zhou Yi showed a bright smile and stretched out his right hand.

"Huh? Ah?" Sun Chengcheng was a little confused. Is this the rhythm of shaking hands and making peace?
She subconsciously extended her right hand.

The two shook hands, Zhou Yi's palm was very warm, but Sun Chengcheng's was a little cold.

Sun Chengcheng was stunned, wondering why Zhou Yi was so wrong and wanted to shake hands all of a sudden?
However, she had already shaken her hands, and her brain was a little unable to react.

Sun Chengcheng, female, 18 years old, Ye Ling's best friend, a classmate from the same school.

I also want to tease, ah ha ha.

Recalling these memories, Zhou Yi couldn't help being elated, and finally found some fun during the monotonous and somewhat boring Spring Festival.

Not only that, but the hostility between the two had already arisen at a very young age.

Sun Chengcheng often came here to play when she was in elementary school, and she also liked sleeping with Ye Ling very much.

The growth rate of girls' figure is always earlier than that of boys. She was 1.5 meters in elementary school!
At that time, Zhou Yi was like a little sparrow, with a withdrawn and arrogant personality and a mean mouth.

So, I was often beaten by her!
The most important thing is that this girl's academic performance is very good, and she behaves extremely well-behaved in front of adults, just like someone else's child.

Finally one day, Zhou Yi discovered... her big secret!

Immediately afterwards, he was beaten.

"Ahhhhh, you actually peeked at my book!!!" Sun Chengcheng screamed, ashamed and at the same time with great anger, she flew up and kicked Zhou Yi's body.

From then on, Zhou Yi had a psychological shadow. When he saw Sun Chengcheng, he subconsciously covered himself.

However, the final result is naturally... collusion.

Sun Chengcheng contributes money, Zhou Yi contributes.

The two read little porn books together.

And Sun Chengcheng maintained her sweet personality, even if she was discovered, it would be Zhou Yi who was discovered and had nothing to do with her.

Ye Ling, who is pure and kind, has nothing to look at.

Ahem, I got sidetracked, I got sidetracked.

"This childhood memory is too interesting." Zhou Yi began to complain about his former self, "It's a pity not to use it to tease such an interesting girl."

In my memory, there were several times when Sun Chengcheng threatened herself and told her master about buying the pornographic book, and finally forced Zhou Yi to submit obediently.

"No, this is obviously her trick, how did it become my trick? Can I blackmail her?"

Of course, now that everyone has grown up, Zhou Yi's height is a head taller than her, so it is impossible for Sun Chengcheng to hit herself again.

She is now the smallest of the three, only a little over 1.5 meters and less than 1.6 meters.

How tall he is exactly is a mysterious legend.

If you want to get revenge, you really need an opportunity.

"Xiao Lingzi, long time no see, I miss you so much!" Sun Chengcheng wrapped her around Ye Ling as soon as she saw her, hanging on her body like a koala, hugging her quietly.

She even couldn't help but kiss Ye Ling's white and tender face hard.


This is the privilege of girls. Doing this between boys will only make people sick.But among girls...it seems not uncommon.

He looked back at Zhou Yi again, as if to warn him, Reiko is mine, you are not allowed to snatch it.

Ye Ling also hugged her, this best friend is still very nice, but she lacks maternal love, so hug her, hug her.

"It's so annoying...you guys meet every day in school." Zhou Yi stood aside and smiled "hey hey", "Lingzi, when the guests want to eat at our place, you can go and help in the kitchen. Oh, By the way, I want to eat poached eggs, cook me two more poached eggs."

"Don't burn Sun Chengcheng, she wants to lose weight."

"Oh, yes, the kitchen needs help." Ye Ling put down the "koala" lady hanging on her body, and hurried to the kitchen to cook.

Naturally, it is impossible for a girl in a small town to be like those so-called fairies who do not touch the spring water with her ten fingers, and her cooking skills are naturally good.

When Sun Chengcheng saw that Ye Ling had been pushed away and that he had not eaten any poached eggs, he puffed up his cheeks and shouted: "Senior Brother!"

The word "big" is also emphasized.

In fact, this is an ironic word, because among the three, Zhou Yi's psychic talent is the worst, and it is entirely because he is two years older that he became the bronze seal first.Before, they only cultivated the basics, and did not specifically improve their spiritual power.

In the past, when she called out this word, it meant that she was using something to threaten Zhou Yi.

It was quite useful for a cute girl to call him big brother, and the word "big" was quite ambiguous, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

Zhou Yi nodded happily: "Yes, little junior sister."

Seeing that his threats were ineffective, Sun Chengcheng widened his eyes and shouted again: "Senior Brother!"

"Oh, Chengzi, it's not that I didn't work hard. It's that I have been working in the West Institute for this year, so I don't have time to look for the book on lily breeding. I really can't find it. You have read the existing ones. gone."

"I'm already at work, Orange."

Sun Chengcheng immediately collapsed on the seat like a deflated ball.

Book, no need to read.

In the past, there were people who watched it.

Of course, everyone is an adult, and it is impossible for her to rush up and beat her "fake big brother".

"It's time to eat, it's time to eat!" Mistress called them both at the door.

During a dinner, the atmosphere was lively, and Ye Tiansheng also emphasized Zhou Yi's recent progress, which made Sun Chengcheng a little unconvinced.

He only reached the upper limit of the copper seal at the age of 20. This speed is not considered a genius. Who knows how long he will be stuck at the level of condensing the heart fire?
But no matter what, everyone congratulated Zhou Yi on his progress.

After eating, Sun Chengcheng reluctantly left with his father.

In the past, she could stay here for a few days, but she is no longer a child.

Zhou Yi didn't find a chance to tease her from the beginning to the end, it's really... a pity.


(PS: Two in one. I communicated with the editor, and it will be on the shelves on November [-]st. I don’t have much hope for the results. Just write some fresh content.)
(End of this chapter)

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