Chapter 84

Kyoko was carefully playing with the doll. She had never played with such a delicate doll, and it was completely different from the toys she usually played with.

Quietly, he looked at his mother's face out of the corner of his eyes.

Mom looked happy, but not so happy, thinking about something.

Children have a strong ability to sense emotions, and mother is not as enthusiastic as she imagined, nor does she hug herself.

Probably because of pregnancy...

But still bring yourself a gift, no?
She tried to convince herself.

Soon to have a brother.I don't know why, I feel a little lost.

No matter how magnanimous, sensible and well-behaved children are, they are always a little unhappy when they find out that their mother's love has to be shared by others.

Sun Xingmin cooked some dishes for his son and daughter-in-law, and everyone ate at the table, laughing and talking about something.

The birth of a son brought new vitality to the whole family.

That is a product called "hope"!

A new idea called "the future"!

Everyone is discussing enthusiastically, what name should be given to the newborn little person.In this family, the pregnant woman's status is obviously very high, and she vetoed the rest of the names with just one sentence.

"How about calling Sun Xinmin?"

"...No, not with this name!"

Zhou Yi actually didn't understand what this "hope" was, it was as if he had to inherit the throne...

Anyway, in the eyes of this group of people, the birth of a son is the greatest hope.

Only Kyoko was quietly playing with the doll in her hand.

The doll is very delicate and beautiful.

She loves it.

Just a little inexplicably lonely.

She is also very well-behaved, just listening to the adults naming her younger brother, without saying anything, pretending to be very happy.

Girls at this age already know when to behave well.


After eating, the pregnant daughter-in-law went to wash the dishes again, even though she was still applying hand cream on her hands, just pretending.

"Leave it alone, I'll wash it, I'll wash it! Go back and rest, don't get tired." Sun Xingmin hurried her out.

The smile on old man Sun's face was very bright, and his wrinkles trembled like deep valleys.It can be seen that this is a smile that refers to the depths of the heart.

"You go back!"

The pregnant woman went home, but her husband was very diligent and stayed in the store to help.

Jingzi didn't go back with her mother, she still followed her grandfather, and quietly looked at her father who was moving the table. Grandpa and father were still talking and laughing, talking about the unborn younger brother.

In her eyes, grandpa seems to be different from before...


How to do it?

Zhou Yi had no choice but to pick up the food quickly.

This is someone else's family business, he can't control it, and he can't control it.

After a couple had a daughter, they gave birth to a son. Can he control it?It doesn't matter, there are too many things like this in the world.There is no such policy as family planning in this world, you can give birth if you want.

Even if he is the Jade Emperor, he doesn't care about other people having children!

But still a little depressed.

There was a faint premonition in my heart: "Jingzi, your fate may not be as good as imagined."

It is impossible for a spiritual therapist to modify other people's thoughts as he pleases.It has to be voluntary, and then it takes a lot of effort before he can modify some memories.

There are two most difficult things in the world. The first thing is to put money from other people's pockets into your own pocket, and the second is to put the thoughts in your own head into other people's heads.

Jingzi looks forward to her parents going home every day, and today, they really came home.

Then, it turned out that it wasn't as expected.

This is the world.

Thinking of this, the yellow braised chicken and rice in the bowl suddenly became a bit unsavory.

For the next period of time, I didn't want to eat much.

Anyway, it's almost Chinese New Year, so let's say goodbye for a while.

After Zhou Yi paid the money, he quietly handed Jingzi a pack of toffee.

He lowered his head and said with a smile, "Big beauties can't cry, no matter what."


Jingzi showed a bright smile, and hid the toffee in her pocket, preparing to eat it later.

Zhou Yi waved his hand: "Goodbye. I wish you a happy new year. The big beauty is going to be another year older soon."


Zhou Yi has a very good advantage. He won't worry about things that shouldn't bother him.After the baptism of the Internet in the previous life, I have seen too many messy things,
There are dozens or hundreds of negative news every day. If every piece of news is troubled, people will not be able to live.

Actually, when you think about it, the world is not that bad, is it?
Pessimistic people always see the most pessimistic side, while optimistic people can discover the beauty in life and make themselves happy.

For example, Damei·Yeling·little friend finally finished the final exam and ran out to play when he had time.

This alone is enough to make the mood happy.

As a result, contradictions arise.

Ye Ling must eat the legendary "Yellow Braised Chicken" today, but it just so happens that Zhou Yi doesn't really want to eat it.

"Why, you kept talking about it a few days ago, and now it's hard for me to come here." The junior sister was a little unhappy.

"Because I'm a bit tired of eating, and ah, Sun Xingmin is going to have a grandson soon, so I don't really want to eat."

"You also want to take care of this?" Junior Sister Shui Lingling's eyes widened, feeling a little speechless in her heart.

"Where did I say I should take care of it? I just want to have a meal, a meal."

The two sat down at the dinner table, and Sun Jingjing still took a small rag to help them clean the table.Of course, because Zhou Yi was sitting across from a real beauty, he didn't dare to come up to talk to him.

After cleaning the table, he played house on the side of the road facing the big yellow dog.

"Brother, that kid you so cute, do you play with her every day?" Ye Ling was really elated, quietly looking at kid Sun Jingjing.

The small town girl really has no resistance to cuteness, she can't wait to go up and pinch the other's round face.

Sun Jingjing was concentrating on playing with the doll, dressing the doll, braiding her hair, and telling stories to herself. For this new toy, she could play with it for a long time, after all, it was a New Year's gift from her mother.

After dressing the doll, a happy smile appeared on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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