Raised a house of obsession

Chapter 7 The Obsession of Death Row Inmates

Chapter 7 The Obsession of Death Row Inmates
In the Western Institute, there is only one weird incident every two months on average, and the days are always peaceful.

Because of eating the "leaves of the Bodhi tree", Zhou Yi has nothing to do these days. He is getting acquainted with the people around him, and he is constantly looking for the so-called insights into life.

However, there is no sign of such a thing as epiphany and deliberate pursuit, but haste makes waste.


The West Institute is a large administrative institution, with 12 buildings alone, and prisoners come in and out every day.

Under the management of the director Wang Zhengfa, the order is orderly.

Most of the prisoners have a fixed schedule. They get up at six in the morning, have breakfast at 06:30, and then do manual work until noon.

Afterwards, there is an hour and a half lunch break before continuing to work in the afternoon.

In the evening, after dinner, everyone can watch the news broadcast, those who want to work can continue to work, and those who don't want to work can go to sleep.

Here, the work is paid, the general handicraft work, if you are diligent, you can get a monthly salary of more than 1000, and those who are not diligent... Huh, that's casual, because the work here is rushed to do it, not diligent Yes, let the family send money over.

If you don't work, you don't have living expenses, and you can't buy things.There is no toothpaste or anything, and the roughest toilet paper is so hard that the buttocks bleed.

There are still no special errands these days. Looking at the prisoner's file, the growth of spiritual power is as slow as a snail.

"I'm really not a genius."

The time passed slowly in wandering, chatting and fishing.

Not even a single psychopath.

So annoying!

Zhou Yi couldn't help being a little suspicious. He put on a European face, and the next year will be smooth and nothing will happen.

If this is the case, he really has to find a way to go to the crematorium to see if he can gain something.

Until the fifth day, a major event finally happened in the West Institute!
There was a prisoner who was about to be sentenced to death.

When Zhou Yi received this notification, Zhou Yi's heart was shocked. Whether it was collecting obsessions, obtaining slate rewards, or "seeking enlightenment", special events needed to happen.

The most important thing... obsession!
Under normal circumstances, people are always unwilling to die so simply.

The death penalty is equivalent to violent death, which will be accompanied by strong fluctuations in spiritual energy, so the presence of a psychic practitioner is required to carry out this procedure.

Of course, in most cases, the psionic energy fluctuations of the condemned prisoners on the verge of death are not enough to generate "thoughts".

Ordinary people die violently, and there is only about a one in a thousand chance to produce a real "thought".

Otherwise, the world would have been in chaos.

But for Zhou Yi, there is always a small amount of obsessions that can be collected... although the grade is not too high.

"Only when the mind is truly formed can it reach the rarity level. Otherwise, it is at best rare."

"Oh, someone is going to die."

Therefore, he didn't know whether he should expect it or not.

It is not a joyous thing for someone to come to the end of life.

It was already late autumn at this time, walking through the old streets, large pieces of plane trees on both sides were falling with withered yellow leaves, piling up all over the ground.Wang Zhengfa sent several prisoners with relatively light sentences to sweep the floor here.

"Wow, wow".

This is the sound of a broom sweeping across the ground.

People are being born and people are dying every moment, and the same is true today.

He has also seen the case file of the death row prisoner, a not too complicated case.

The culprit was a young man named "Xu", everyone likes to call him "Xiao Xu".

Xiao Xu's personality is a bit shy. He is usually taciturn and doesn't talk much. He would blush when talking to a stranger of the opposite sex. It seems that he has never been in a relationship.

According to the description in the file, his academic performance in junior high school was neither bad nor bad, nothing special. After finishing junior high school, he went to work directly. He worked in a factory in a small town, which is a classic small town worker.

If you are lucky, you can marry a simple rural girl when you are 30 years old, have a few children, and pin your hopes on the next generation.

If you are unlucky, you will be a bachelor for the rest of your life.

This kind of people can be seen everywhere in the countryside like rice, drowned in the sea of ​​people, and they can't be found.

Unfortunately, in Xiao Xu's village, there is a village bully named "Lao Li"!
over 40 years old.

For a middle-aged person at this age, his life has been fixed, there is no hope, and he has become greasy. Coupled with the fact that he is used to being domineering, Lao Li thinks that he is the emperor of the village.

One day, the bully "Lao Li" might have drunk too much, and he became very lustful and wanted to molest Xiao Xu's sister!

Young people are always young and energetic, Xiao Xu was furious, picked up a knife, and stabbed viciously!

As the saying goes, "The soft ones are afraid of the hard ones, the hard ones are afraid of the hard ones, and the hard ones are afraid of the deadly ones." White knives go in and red knives come out. Lao Li, who was rampant for a while, covered his wound and stared wide-eyed. He couldn't believe that he was just like that. died……

In the end, this young man was naturally thrown into jail.

There was nothing to say, and he himself admitted the crime.

In such a simple case, there are all witnesses and material evidence, and the judge made a judgment very quickly. He patted the table with Xingmu with a "snap", "Since you killed someone, let's exchange one life for another!"

If it is placed in the earth era, there may be various media wrangling to fight for "Xiao Xu"'s chance of survival.

Many countries have even abolished the death penalty and no longer carry out the death penalty.

But this is not the earth it used to be. The security environment in this world is obviously not as good as that of the earth era, and there are such inexplicable things as weirdness.The laws of this world are even harsher, and it is only natural to change one life for another.

Five o'clock this afternoon is the execution time.

After reading the dossier, Zhou Yi sighed deeply: "It's a pity."

"I didn't need to die, but I was too impulsive. Why are you so impulsive? There are many ways to take revenge on an old man."

It's hard to describe the complex emotions...

He urgently needs obsession to exchange income with the slate.

Still, it's always uncomfortable to witness the death of a young person.

Of course, this is not selfish at the expense of others.

At noon that day, Zhou Yi took a special look at the prisoner.

There are a total of 12 dormitories in the West Institute, and each dormitory is a separate building.Men and women are separated separately, and the women's dormitory is supervised by a female prisoner.

Usually, the dormitory eats a big pot of rice, as long as you can eat enough, but this night, everyone in the sixth dormitory has extra meals. There are three dishes in total: stewed pork with radish, fried chicken with radish, and scrambled egg with radish ...

Don't ask why it's all carrots, it's cheap!

Every prisoner was feasting, and some old fried dough sticks who had been in the west for a long time knew that they would die today, so they would eat more abundantly, so no one chatted under this situation, and everyone was eating quietly.

The younger criminals also didn't say a word, just binge eating.

(End of this chapter)

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