Chapter 66

Zhou Yi wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, this guy woke up as soon as he said he woke up, without any signs.

"It's just a little short... Fortunately, I have an old horse to shelter me from the wind and rain. If it is swallowed, I will become a vegetable."

"Work hard, work hard!" Ma Baoguo still roared angrily in his ears, but the voice sounded very pleasant, and the ugly image of the old horse was particularly stalwart.

For exploring the spiritual world, there are still many places that need to be careful.

It was too late today, and my spirit was a bit overdrawn. I almost explored here. I put the tool man "Ma Baoguo" who was nagging in my ears back into the consciousness space, went back to the dormitory, and took a hot bath.

Under the washing of hot water, the tense nerves gradually calmed down.

Going into other people's spiritual world is not traveling, even if he has Ma Baoguo as his bodyguard, accidents may still happen.

"If it is the spiritual world of a psychic, it may be even more unsafe. Fu Lintao only practiced psychic powers when he was young, and his spiritual world is twice that of an ordinary person. The mental storm created almost made it impossible for me to escape. .”

"For a true psychic, there may be unimaginable risks hidden in the spiritual world."

"Oh, sure enough, this profession is not as simple as I imagined. It still has to fight all kinds of weird things. Maybe there are similar things in the heads of psykers..."

He remembered a warning in the "Parapsychology" course: "Don't enter the door", which was very serious without explaining the real reason.

"However, just be careful. You want absolute safety and high rewards. There is nothing so cheap in the world."

"As a capitalist, you have to worry about when the noose will be around your neck... Sigh."

Wei Wei breathed a sigh of relief, lying on the bed, found a book on psychology and read it.

It's not a supernatural book, but a general psychological knowledge. It is always meaningful to learn more knowledge.For example, how to make the best first impression, how to gain the favor of others, and so on.

Zhou Yi is now able to handle women with ease by virtue of his appearance. 99% of women will have a very high degree of affection when they see him for the first time.

But it's a little bit worse for men.

If it weren't for this Fu Lintao who likes to eat beef and has psychological flaws, he really wouldn't be able to quickly enter the other party's spiritual world.

Childhood is the most important link in the development of a person's character. The so-called "three-year-old sees old", teenagers and youth are the critical period for a person's character formation, ability development and habit formation.

Once you're an adult, it's hard to change your worldview.

This is also one of the reasons why spiritual healers are "valuable". A spiritual healer can disregard age and forcibly reverse a person's worldview, and in a silent way.Now I can't go to university, no one teaches me this craft, and I can only slowly explore it alone.

While reading, Zhou Yi thought, "Fu Lintao and his father are not on good terms. He would rather go out to be a gangster than inherit the wealth of Wan Guan's family. According to the current exploration, the most important thing is the memory just excavated. It’s where it all started.”

"It is precisely because of that resentment that spirituality was born, making him always think that his home is not safe, and the 'big brother' outside is more trustworthy."

"As long as I find a way to get rid of this resentment, Fu Lintao's character may undergo a fundamental change. It doesn't seem to matter what kind of big brother."

"But what should I do?"

No matter how hard you think about it!

Because the resentment and the memory bubble are almost integrated, he can't beat it at all now.

And that memory bubble, as the core of the spiritual world, cannot be directly destroyed by brute force.

Coupled with Zhou Yi's away game, everything is tied, and if it is not done well, it will easily cause a mental storm and lead to Fu Lintao's awakening.

And avoid driving Fu Lintao crazy.

These are limitations.

After thinking about it for a long time, since the hard ones are not enough, I can only come to the soft ones...

"It might be a way to ask his father to apologize in person. A phone call is also fine... The hidden resentment is too strong, and I have to find a way to weaken it."

An apology might be the best way to go.

But Zhou Yi didn't think that Fu Guangyao's apology would directly kill this resentment.

Because this line of personality logic has been completely finalized, what happened in the past just happened, and it did not change fundamentally because of his father's apology.

In addition, that resentment has already "become refined", and it is not so easy to resolve.Fu Lintao may reconcile with his father, but the sense of uneasiness and alienation still exists in his heart.

"50... 50 walking, I have to think of a way, and then think of a way!"

"The tools at hand are still not enough, and it is impossible for old man Ma and Silent Peep to fight together. If they meet, they will fight..."

After thinking for a long time, I vaguely thought of a feasible plan.

In the dead of night, it was time to rest, so I drank some monkey wine and fell asleep drowsily.


Early the next morning, I got up as usual and exercised in the park.

Practice lies in epiphany, but also in daily accumulation.The plan for a day lies in the morning. Morning exercises every morning are necessary, and you can't miss it all day.

There is a good saying, "If you don't practice for a day, you will know it, if you don't practice for a week, the teacher will know it, and if you don't practice for a month, everyone will know it."

It may be because of the monkey wine, combined with the backlash brought about by the collision of worldviews, I always feel that the state of cultivation in the past few days is very good, and the speed of spiritual power improvement is also very fast.

Zhou Yi is looking forward to breaking through the 1000 mark before the new year!If the sage slate gives some strength, 1500 will not be a problem.

"Good morning, Kyoko!"

Little girl Sun Jingjing is playing shuttlecock with her grandfather in the park.

Her body is not flexible enough, and she will fall to the ground after kicking the shuttlecock once or twice.

And her grandfather, Sun Xingmin, was sitting on a chair peeling pomegranates. The pomegranates were a bit sour, with large seeds and little flesh.Naturally, the fruit shop in this small town cannot buy the sweetest and best kind.

"Good morning!"

The weather was getting colder, and the little Sun Jingjing was dressed like a ball. She tilted her head and looked at Zhou Yi, showing a very funny smile, and she looked a little tugging.

"In a few days, mom and dad will be back?" Zhou Yi found himself liking little girls more and more, um, mainly innocent, good-looking kids.

The things in children's heads are very simple, and they can see through what they are thinking at a glance, and they also have high plasticity.

As for adults, there will always be such and such nasty things, and the thinking has been completely stereotyped, so it's not interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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