Chapter 43

Mental tentacles and mind power are two different things.The spiritual tentacles are equivalent to an extension of the soul, if they are swallowed, the soul will be greatly damaged.

Following the process described in the "Parapsychology" tutorial, Zhou Yi called a few times softly: "Ms. Li Lina, hello! May I come in?"

"Li Lina, can you hear me?"

He kept calling several times.

In order not to arouse the other party's resentment, the tone of voice was as soft as possible.

Zhou Yi felt that he had never been so gentle in his life.

I'm getting goosebumps, I'm obviously a tough guy.

Li Lina's subconscious mind seemed dull, and it took a long time before she replied: "You are?"

There is sound!

It's good to have a reply!
"I'm Zhou Yi. I'm here to help you solve your problem. Can I come in? Do you remember me?"

"You are?" She still asked in a dull tone.

"I'm here to help you. Didn't we chat during the day? Do you still know me?"

"My name is Zhou Yi!"

Li Lina was stunned, repeating like a robot.

"Zhou Yi?"

She was trying to identify the source of the sound.

They won't let you in!
Zhou Yi was a little nervous. If the other party disagreed, he would have to chat with the other party tomorrow until the other party completely put down his guard!
In the end, he had a flash of inspiration, endured the numbness of his scalp, and said, "I am that... handsome guy!"

It may be because Zhou Yi's "appearance" played an important role. After a long time, she seemed to recall something, and she nodded in agreement.

"Oh, it turns out to be a handsome guy, please come in!"

The thick mental barrier disappeared, and this trace of spiritual tentacles successfully entered the opponent's spiritual world!


Zhou Yi no longer knew what to say, but secretly sighed: Woman, you are superficial!
This feeling is very strange, as if you have penetrated a layer of grotesque and colorful soap bubbles and arrived at another, more bizarre world.

The scene in front of me changed.

This world is like the starry sky and the universe.

Massive "bubbles" swirl in the spiritual world, forming huge clusters of light like galaxies.

This is a more idealistic spiritual universe that exists in the minds of human beings!
There is another term: the subconscious world.

Zhou Yi took a deep breath. He had already been exposed to relevant knowledge in the textbook "Parapsychology", so he was not too surprised.

Everyone's spiritual world has similar starry sky vortices, some are big, some are small, and some can even be born strangely.

Every cantilever in the starry sky means the main line of logic, which is an important part of personality.

And the large number of "bubbles" lingering on it represent the memory of the owner. If you touch it with mental power, you can read these memories vaguely.

And memory is an important part of personality. If all memories are lost, personality will be formatted and turned into a blank sheet of paper, even worse than a newborn baby.

In the "Parapsychology" tutorial, there are two big taboos to enter other people's spiritual world through the way of spiritual tentacles!

The first is, when you see a closed "door", you must never enter it rashly!

I didn't write the reason, but I emphasized it several times, and highlighted it in dark red fonts!
"As long as the door is closed, you should not enter! Remember!"

Zhou Yi felt that this taboo was very suspicious, and it might involve some mysterious supernatural phenomena.For example, a certain "unknown", or some other mysterious phenomenon.

He was curious, but decided to follow the exploration experience of his predecessors.

What's more, he didn't see the "closed door" in Li Lina's spiritual world.

"It's better not to die."

The second is, don't annoy the owner here, and don't die in the spiritual world of others, otherwise you will run the risk of becoming a vegetable.

This is something that is easy to understand. The differentiated spiritual tentacles are equivalent to a part of the soul. If a part of the soul is swallowed, can this person be okay?

"Ms. Li Lina, can you share the story here?" Zhou Yi asked.

To read the memory, you must obtain the consent of the owner, and you must not proceed rashly, otherwise you may risk offending the other party.


When it comes to personal privacy, she is instinctively disgusted.

"Is it possible? You must have a lot of stories to tell me." Zhou Yi can only give full play to his "charm" advantage.

He even seriously suspected that those who were engaged in this industry were either handsome men or beautiful women.


Li Lina seemed to be convinced and said a little dullly.

She wasn't sure herself either, she was shy, hesitating, and contradicting.

She does not appear in the form of a human being, but she is the subconscious incarnation of the vortex-like starry sky, the spiritual world.

This piece of starry sky is still very calm now, just rotating normally, each memory foam is constantly floating up and down.

Some memories were hidden deeper, and Zhou Yi didn't want to discover them, and some memories were even slowly disappearing—these are naturally not important things, and they will be gradually forgotten.

And sleep is the process of memory forgetting, otherwise a person will be overwhelmed by a large amount of garbage memory sooner or later.

Zhou Yi recalled the purpose of this time: to correct personality.

He didn't dare to neglect, and acted cautiously.

To correct a person's values, a series of memories must be corrected.

"But, how should I do it? There are too many bubbles... There may be tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of them, and it is impossible for me to check all these memories."

Zhou Yi is not very interested in other people's privacy.

There are a lot of memory bubbles, most of the memories are plain, "Which restaurant is particularly delicious", "Where are the clothes very expensive", "This little brother is very handsome", these are just daily life.

Moreover, reading memory will bring a sense of empathy, and it will be substituted from the perspective of a woman, which is actually quite strange.

A bubble floated over and Zhou Yi touched it.

"Well... this memory bubble happened today. She thinks I'm handsome and has a good impression of me? Well, I understand. I also think this face is very handsome. Your aesthetics are not bad."

"If all these bubbles are destroyed, the ending will be very simple. She must become an idiot. Moreover, her subconscious will definitely rise up to resist, maybe I will die here."

The complexity of the spiritual world is beyond Zhou Yi's imagination. So far, so many human experts and scholars have only explored a small corner.

They only summed up one sentence: "Don't die!"

(End of this chapter)

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