Raised a house of obsession

Chapter 138 The 33rd Archaeological Project

Chapter 138 No.30 Three Archaeological Projects
"Brother, there is something I want to talk about." Fu Lintao rubbed his hands and said, "In a while, we will go to big cities to explore, can we bring Wu Zhenyu with us? My talent is relatively limited, and I want to It’s quite difficult to cultivate psychic abilities. It’s good to be able to achieve a bronze seal. We must have a helper. That Wu Zhenyu, didn’t you say that he has the potential to become a silver seal?”

"Wu Zhenyu..." Zhou Yi frowned thoughtfully.

Fu Lintao hurriedly said: "I think this man is quite pitiful, and he has some talent. It's okay to use him as a thug."

He was looking forward to it.

It’s not because of sympathy. There are so many poor people in the world. How can they be saved?
But...the two of them have a common experience. They both squatted in Xisuo for a while; they were both rescued by Zhou Yi; and now they are both willing to change their ways.

But the ending is very different.

He, Fu Lintao, has a rich father. No matter what, he doesn't have to worry about the future. He can't starve to death, and even if he goes to jail, he won't be looked down upon.

I don't care about dignity or anything like that.Money is omnipotent, without money is absolutely impossible.

But Wu Zhenyu has a stupid father who has nothing and has to make everything by himself.When he returns to his hometown, he will be looked down upon, and it is impossible for him to work in the previous factories.

This is the gap, the natural gap.

There were many such bad boys in Fu Lintao's previous circle.Each unhappy family has its own misfortunes, but they often have two things in common: first, they are poor, and second, they have no hope.

There are many people who have good intentions, but the environment distorts them.Fallen, and that is gone forever.

A prodigal son will not be exchanged for gold when he turns back. This kind of person is even rarer than gold.

Since Fu Lintao is no longer in the same circle as before, he can't see anyone jumping into it again, especially since Wu Zhenyu has turned around.

He himself has the feeling of "turning the prodigal son back", and I believe Wu Zhenyu himself also has it. If he cultivates psychic powers, the progress should be good.

"You are kind. Wu Zhenyu is really so-so, right? He has worked hard to reform this month. You can give him a chance and see if he is willing." Zhou Yi knocked on the melon seeds and said, "Go and fight with him yourself. He chatted, if he didn't want to, he didn't force it."

Wu Zhenyu's investigation during this period of time has indeed completely returned to normal, his temper has also softened, and he occasionally reads and studies.He even transformed himself into a "work activist" in the production room.

Of course, it is impossible to commute the sentence, because Wu Zhenyu will soon be released after serving his sentence.

Anyway, he did well.

"Do you know?"

"I know, of course I do. I even fought in the West Institute and was starved for a day."

Zhou Yi laughed loudly: "Okay, then find a chance, and I will bring you in."


After dinner, before it was seven o'clock, Zhou Yi couldn't resist the deep sleepiness, and fell down on the bed again, having a nightmare...


It is already April.

The world is full of fragrance in April, the weather is getting warmer, and the buds are climbing up the branches.

Spring, a season full of hope, the snow quietly melts in the spring, and the streams are gurgling in the spring.

The sky is as blue as it has been cleaned.The clouds are no longer diffuse, but dotted on the blue sky one by one.

However, on this day, a major event happened in the entire Great Xia Alliance!
The preparations for the high-level meeting on the "Ancient Continent No. 30 Three Archaeological Projects" have finally come to an end.

The 300-year history of the Great Xia Alliance, the No.30 three-time archaeology, officially began.

The archaeological site this time is relatively remote and closer to the Western Continent, an area that has never been explored before.

Remoteness and unknown means great risk.

But no matter what, people from the Western Continent can't be allowed to go ahead and dig up the graves of their ancestors.

The selection of relevant personnel has also been completed. The entire alliance has recruited a total of 1489 experts, in addition, there are more than [-] professional soldiers, three professional large transport ships, and six [-]-ton destroyers.

For such a large alliance, the deployment of such a small amount of manpower will not hurt the bones, but it can be regarded as extremely formal.

The leader of the team is Mr. Zhang Haoran, a master-level master of penance.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry to trouble you this time." Zhao Qingfeng, then chairman of the council, bowed slightly to the thin old man.

The Pension Stream in the north, the Ranshan Stream in the south, the Star Observation Court in the east, and the Guan City in the west are the four pillars of the entire Daxia Alliance.

And Zhang Haoran alone is worth half of the penance stream.

Known as the master who is "the closest to a saint in the world".

And there is no saint in the world for 300 years.

Zhang Haoran smiled, trembling his gray beard, and said, "Xiao Zhao, don't worry. If you can't beat him, just run back. What era is it now, we won't be wiped out like before."

Zhao Qingfeng was not surprised, just smiled, stronger than Lao Zhang could only promise like this, but this is already the limit.

"If you can't beat it, it's good to escape back. It's just a few fewer people who die."

Everyone boarded the transport ship. At this time, many reporters took the stage. In front of the camera, Zhang Haoran's career changed suddenly, becoming a famous archaeologist and a well-known scholar who often appeared in front of the TV.

He wore a pair of presbyopic glasses, and his thin face seemed to have an old-fashioned look.

"Mr. Zhang, which area is your archaeological site this time? Are you confident that you will find any big news?"

"We haven't figured out the nearly 3000-year history of the Eastern Continent. Why do we want to dig out more distant history?"

"Mr. Zhang, when do you expect to come back?"

"The archaeological site this time is located in the west of the ancient continent, a place called 'Lixiang'. According to the preliminary investigation of Western scientists, there are traces of the ancestors' life there."

Zhang Haoran rubbed his eyes and said with a smile, "History exists objectively. No matter how writers write history, history exists in its own way and cannot be changed. What we have to do is to pursue the ultimate truth. This is also The meaning of archeology."

"Is it the ancestors thousands of years ago?"

"Maybe 5000 years ago. At that time, there was slavery, strict writing, rich language, and a brilliant culture."

"For some unknown reason, our ancestors abandoned that piece of land and moved to this piece of continent under our feet."

Zhang Haoran sighed inwardly.

Some things cannot be disclosed.

At least it can't be revealed in front of the TV, otherwise more than one billion people in the league will fall into panic, and the impact will be too bad.

(End of this chapter)

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