Raised a house of obsession

Chapter 132 Why Didn't Get Into University

Chapter 132 Why Didn't Get Into University
Lin Hongxuan turned her head and found two young men following her.

They looked very young, as if they were high school students, and one of them had dyed yellow hair.

A little suspicion appeared on his face: "Are you?"

The tall boy said enthusiastically, "I am your student. I just took the college entrance examination last year. Don't you remember?"

"I also took the college entrance examination last year! I came to thank you specially today." Huang Mao also said.

"Oh...I remember, it's you! How is your college life? Did you study hard?" Lin Hongxuan said in a pretentious manner, slowly letting go of his vigilance, "Don't relax when you get to college."

Teachers always have some psychological advantages when facing students.

But she couldn't remember that she ever took care of these two students. There were too many students to teach, so it's normal that she couldn't remember. Anyway, it was just a greeting, and it was over after a while.

"University? I didn't get into college, I didn't even get into a junior college. I just got over 200 points in the fucking exam." A face and a loud voice.

"Mr. Lin, do you know why neither of us got into college?"

"Why... what?" Lin Hongxuan became nervous.

These two are hooligans, they are not kind!

She looked around, this alley was not deserted, there were often pedestrians, but at this moment, there was no one there!
She clutched her bag nervously, trying to escape.

"Because you don't do a good job in class, so you have to make up for it, and I can't understand it at all! You fucking ringgit, you have to make me spend money to make up for it, right?"

"It's because I didn't get into college, I beat you to death!"

The tall young man bared his teeth, his sense of substitution flew up as he spoke, and he slapped him with a slap!
Lin Hongxuan was blown away, and the bag fell to the ground.

Another yellow-haired man also became angry: "Has your conscience been eaten by a dog? You are the one who caused me to mess around here!"

"See you once, hit you twice."

"Don't let me see you again!"

The two cursed and said harsh words, and they were punched and kicked again.

They are all very experienced thugs, and they completely avoided some vital points, just hurt people without hurting them.

After playing for about half a minute, Fu Lintao, who was hiding behind, took a precious video and felt relieved: "Enough, retreat, retreat!"

These people ran away in a hurry.

"It's so damn good. It's the most fun I've ever hit someone." The tall yellow-haired actor entered the body and really thought he was Wu Zhenyu.

"Then find a factory to work in, and don't play games in the Internet cafe all the time." Fu Lintao drove the car, and said in a low voice, "I've made up my mind to go the right way, follow my elder brother, and you don't want to. .”

The two villains fell silent.

"Brother Fu, who is your eldest brother?"

"I'm going to open a dojo in a big city in the future, and I'm doing a serious job."

However, Fu Lintao didn't know that the moment he was driving, a small eyeball fell out of the chassis of the car, slowly rolled down to Lin Hongxuan's side, jumped up suddenly, and stuck to her clothes .

There is also a tiny camera on the eyeball!

Silencing the voyeur, it started staring at the woman.

With the target of peeping, I felt so happy that I let out a low and happy voice: "Gah!"


For Lin Hongxuan, today is simply a disastrous day!
She was walking on the street and was beaten up by two hooligans who claimed to be her students for no reason.

Those two are absolute hooligans!

When I went to the police station to report the incident, the police didn't even bother to file a case for her. The money in the wallet was not robbed, and the body was not injured—except for a red slap on the face.

This slap print will disappear by itself in two days.

In this case, how can you have so much time to file a case for investigation?

There is no surveillance on that road. If you are robbed, you may have the time to check it for you.

The police station also has some task indicators, and the detection of some criminal cases is equivalent to political achievements.But you were slapped in the face, and you didn't even have a minor injury. Who would go to such lengths to help you investigate!Whose kung fu is not kung fu? Even if you are the teaching director, it is impossible for us to check it for you?Do you want to invite that kind of psyker with special abilities?
Lin Hongxuan came out wondering, and could only admit that he was unlucky.

This incident also reminded her that long-term damage to the interests of students is an offending business.

This wave was lucky, the two hooligans just beat her up.

In the next wave, there will be no such good luck.

If there is another wave of ruthlessness, she... dare not think about it anymore

Back home, he took off his high heels casually, and sat down on the sofa.

After a while, her husband also came home from get off work.

"You...what's the matter with you?"

"Guangming, I have something to tell you."

The two of them summed up the matter.


This is Zhou Yi's first remote control of a silent voyeur. It is very difficult and brings a brand new experience.

The distance between the two sides is about 30 kilometers, which is not too far.

But it would have been completely impossible in the past.

Fortunately, he is now at the silver seal level, and his mental strength is much stronger than that of the copper seal period.Coupled with the fact that the silent voyeur is wretched and wretched, he is a very obedient and easy-to-use type.

As long as you order it to peep at that woman, it will peep quietly without any objection.

At the same time, the tiny camera it carries faithfully fulfills its duties: take evidence, and if you want to ruin a person, you must have evidence.

How can it be enough just to have a meal?
Lin Hongxuan lay on the sofa and said, "Guangming, I was wondering if we should stop our way of making up lessons. I was beaten just now! Two hooligans said that I didn't take classes well, so they just beat me up." ,"

Her husband's name is Zheng Guangming, who happens to work for the Education Bureau.

"How can you be beaten?" Zheng Guangming was a little anxious: "But if you don't make up lessons, where will the money come from?"

Lin Hongxuan immediately became angry: "It's clearly the hole you lost, but let me make up for it? Now that I've been beaten, you still care about money!"

"I lost the money? Why don't you say that you were obsessed with ghosts and had to invest in postal currency cards, but you were cheated of 100 million?! You are still not reconciled and moved the money from the school. Now you are blaming me? It's not that I suppress you, you have been investigated long ago."

"Why am I obsessed with ghosts! Obviously you asked me to transfer the funds in the school to invest in some Ezubao, and you still lost 200 million yuan! Zheng Guangming, let me tell you, if something happens to me, you have to give it to me Funeral!"

The two quarreled loudly in the room.This is a true portrayal of "husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes".

(End of this chapter)

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