Raised a house of obsession

Chapter 13 Comrade Ma Baoguo

Chapter 13 Comrade Ma Baoguo

[Basic setting: Comrade Ma Baoguo, 71 years old, male, lazy.Born in a wealthy family, in his teenage years, he discovered an outstanding talent for mind power, and even had the potential to become a great spooky hunter! 】

[After learning about his talent, he became a star in the family and was carefully cared for by the family. 】

【His mother even equipped him with beautiful maids to take care of his three meals a day. 】

【He only needs to specialize in psionics every day】

[However, the excessively extravagant life and the excessive doting of his family left him no motivation to move forward, and he spent every day surrounded by mountains, rivers and flowers.Ma Baoguo has been contaminated with many bad habits. He likes women, gambling, and extravagance.For the cultivation of psychic powers, three days of fishing, two days of drying the net, the good name is to seek 'sensitivity', but in fact it is just lazy fishing...]

[Happy, happy and it's over! 】

【Face the blast! 】

"???" A series of question marks popped up in Zhou Yi's mind, what the hell is this stone slab, is it convulsed?
The good name is to seek "sentiment", are you mocking me?
A few days ago, I was also looking for an epiphany, but I really got an epiphany later...

But you, what are you writing so many words for?

Don't do it, brother!

There are thousands of words in the back, describing in detail Ma Baoguo's life, eating, drinking, whoring and gambling.

Cool is quite cool, except that there is no improvement in strength.

[... Finally, when he was old, Mr. Ma suddenly looked back and found that he had accomplished nothing, and was far away from the goal of the strange hunter. 】

[He is actually only a bronze seal! 】

[However, his parents passed away, the family declined, and the wealth left behind was exhausted.The women left one after another, they only loved his wealth, not his talent.When there is no use value, they leave. 】

[There is not even a true love. 】

[Why is there no true love?how could be?how……】

[Ma Baoguo was lying on the hospital bed before he died, his eyes were empty, and he regretted his wasted time. 】

[The talents I once had are just talents, and the potential that I have truly tapped is less than one-tenth. 】

[He did not meet the expectations of his parents when he was young.The family declined in his hands, and even in the end, he didn't even have the money to treat the disease. 】

[Finally, he had an epiphany. 】

[Mr. Ma Baoguo sighed deeply: the young don't work hard, the boss is just sad! 】

【He deeply regrets the time he wasted...】

[This trace of remorse, at the moment of death, was transformed into a 'thought', left in the world. 】

[Note: The target of this 'reading' is all human beings, especially the young, and the attack on the elderly is relatively low.It will actively torment those who do not seek to make progress, and whip them to strive to make progress. 】

"A read! The slate gave me a read? A weird one?! WTF, do you want to do this!"

Zhou Yi's complexion was rosy, and he no longer knew what to say.

What is this?

Is this slate from the chaotic alignment?

I don't want to be the lackey of the evil god.

Can I kill this Nian, get its residual Nian, and redeem it for rewards?
"Anyway, I already have more than 500 psychic powers. It shouldn't be a big problem to kill a thought."

In the end, it seems that in order to make up for the loophole of the perpetual motion machine, another line of text was extracted on the slate: [Note: This 'reading' will not cause harm to the owner of the sage slate.If your mental power is stronger than that of the opponent, you can obtain a small amount of control authority. 】

【Note: This 'reading' is a product created by the sage slate. There is no such person in the real world, so please do not take it for granted. 】

[It cannot be recollected after being killed, please use it properly. 】

I see……

If the weirdness can be manipulated, it will be of some use.

"Well, but it still feels weird." Zhou Yi was surprised and delighted by this time's reward, with complicated emotions.

"I still made money after all. After all, it's just an ordinary evaluation, but I gave such a strange thing, and there are detailed life stories."

'Mr. Ma Baoguo, I hope you will be more obedient, otherwise, I will be angry. '

After pondering carefully for a while, the creation rules of the sage slate are quite complicated, and the basic logic must be followed first.

Like the fabricated story now, "Mr. Ma's life experience", it follows the basic logic.

There should be quite a few people in the world who waste their time like this and regret at the end of their lives. When they were young, they fished, but when they were old, they regretted it too much, so that they could achieve a great career without fishing when they were young...

But only a story that fits with life can give birth to true "thoughts".

"This created Mr. Ma will, according to the logic of the story, resent those who don't work hard..."

Zhou Yi also found something very strange. The last thought of the death row prisoner "Xiao Xu" was "I didn't work hard enough, I didn't go to school well, and I let my mother down."

As a result, this slate created a similar weirdness for him - "Mr. Ma Baoguo who doesn't work hard".

"Will there be some connection in the middle?"

Just thinking about it like this, the words on the slate surged!

These characters are like mercury, changing into complex and mysterious images, dripping from the stone slab in big drops, they are constantly beating and changing.

Zhou Yi took a few steps back.

The mercury-like liquid continuously wriggled and evaporated in the consciousness space, forming a thick black smoke.This black smoke seemed to have life, trying to scurry around, but was restrained in a small space by a mysterious force, and could not escape.

Slowly, the black mist condensed.

An old man with gray hair, hollow eyes, and thin like a zombie appeared!



[Ma Baoguo, 71 years old, male. 】

[Health status: dead, only the last obsession remains]

[Level: Nian level. 】

[Character: fanatical, paranoid, extremely resentful towards young people who don't work hard, so as to torture them mentally and whip them to work hard. 】

Zhou Yi was having a quiet confrontation with Comrade Ma Baoguo who had just been summoned, and cold sweat was constantly oozing from his back.

Well, he has the control authority of the old man Ma, and in theory can directly control the opponent's body.

The method of manipulation is also very simple, as long as the spiritual will is used to overwhelm the innate instinct of the opponent, one can seize the authority of the opponent's body.

Manipulating a monster sounds weird, but... who wouldn't want to try it?

But through practice, Zhou Yi found that it was very difficult!

Even if the opponent is only the most common "Nian" level.

Old man Ma is very disobedient, very very, very very disobedient!
(End of this chapter)

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