Raised a house of obsession

Chapter 116 Violent Personality

Chapter 116 Violent Personality
"But his mother was abducted after all. He ran away when he was three years old. So, the father and the father depended on each other. Fortunately, Wu Zhenyu's IQ is not a problem. He is also quite up-to-date, with good academic performance. He was admitted to high school with good grades and had hope of going to university, so some cadres in the town decided to allocate a quota for a poor household, and the town subsidized him to go to high school."

These are family backgrounds, which are very important for spiritual healing.

Universities are also divided into grades. Universities related to psionic energy cooperate with the government and various schools, and the tuition fees are generally expensive; but some public universities, common majors, tuition fees are still affordable.

Zhou Yi picked up this document and read it.

Wang Zhengfa continued: "His father's IQ is not high, and he likes to drink. Once drunk, he will make some neurotic behaviors. He imagines that he has become a big shot."

"His father also knows that he is stupid and has no achievements in his life, so he fantasizes that he is a teacher, a doctor, a policeman, and a town cadre, imitating these people and talking."

"And one day, Wu Zhenyu's teacher yelled at his stupid father, so the young man wanted to stab the teacher to death in a fit of anger. It's a pity, this person is actually quite filial. His whole life was ruined like this, and he was born It's a little psychological."

Wang Zhengfa is actually quite kind. He has seen too many villains in his life, but he still feels sorry for them.

"I understand." Zhou Yi sighed.

Happy families often have many similarities.

Unfortunate families appear to be strange and strange, each with its own misfortune.

Another super difficult task!

Worried, but also a little eager to try.

"The most important thing is..." Wang Zhengfa lowered his voice, "If the treatment fails and the person goes crazy, no one will make trouble. This guy's relationship with others is extremely bad, and the only father who cares about him is an idiot. And we seriously doubt , this Wu Zhenyu is already neurotic, if he goes crazy, no one cares."

"Old Wang, you have to have confidence in me!" Zhou Yi couldn't laugh or cry, no matter what he did, he wouldn't drive people crazy.

Ma Baoguo, come on, let Wu Zhenyu know how powerful he is.

"I'll leave it to you!" Wang Zhengfa patted Zhou Yi on the shoulder. He was optimistic about this young man as always.


Zhou Yi settled down and looked at the description in the file.

Wu Zhenyu's case was very simple. He wounded someone with a knife and wanted to stab the dean of the school to death.

In the end, he got into a fight with a large number of teachers who tried to dissuade him, which made big news at the time.

Fortunately, it only caused minor injuries, so I was released after being locked up for a year and a half.

According to the case, the cause of the incident was that Wu Zhenyu's idiot father wanted to break into the school after he was drunk, and was scolded and slapped several times by the dean.

So, Wu Zhenyu, who became angry from embarrassment, took out a fruit knife and wanted to stab his teacher to death.

It was such a simple case, but it made Zhou Yi scratch his head.

"It's so difficult."

The simpler the incident, the more clear the right from wrong, which means the more difficult it is to solve.

It is also impossible for him to whitewash Wu Zhenyu. It is true that the other party is very hostile, and no matter what, he can't hurt people with a knife.

"How many years has he been locked up?"

Wang Zhengfa sighed: "It's been exactly one year since he came here, and he will go out in half a year. In fact, when he first came in, he behaved fairly well, like a normal person. If he had a correct attitude, he might have a chance to reduce his sentence."

"But the most difficult thing is that in the past year, my temper has become more and more irritable. I have fought several times with my roommates, all of which were caused by trivial things."

"In our place, other people have become more and more honest after being locked up. Only this Wu Zhenyu has become more and more violent. I don't know what's going on."

When Wang Zhengfa said this, he felt a little emotional.

The West Institute is a place to reform prisoners, but in fact, most of the prisoners cannot be reformed.

If you go out, you will continue to commit crimes.

Noble spiritual healer, it is impossible to waste time in this ghost place.

There are too many people in the world to save. To save these stinky fish and rotten shrimps, do you think you have too much energy?
It was a pity for Wang Zhengfa to see such a hopeless young man.

So I asked Zhou Yi to do good deeds and help out.

Zhou Yi closed the file, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll contact him first, see what's going on, and then think about it."


Confused eyes, cold smile, rough face.

The atmosphere in the room was extremely serious, and Zhou Yi even had the illusion that he... was fighting against a weird one?
Wu Zhenyu and Fu Lintao, both of them are bad boys, have a certain degree of commonality.

But in terms of temperament, the two are completely different.

Fu Lintao's main obsession is to resent his father, but there is no problem in dealing with other people.

He even knew that he had a psychological problem and was willing to correct it.Therefore, when Zhou Yi talked with him, he was very cooperative.

Therefore, Fu Lintao was rescued.

He also became his little brother.

But this Wu Zhenyu...doesn't cooperate.

Not at all cooperative!
The anger came out of his nostrils, as if he were facing the enemy who killed his father.

With a height of 1.8 meters, tall and thin, he seemed to be smiling at first glance, but in fact he was snorting coldly, with a sense of emptiness and arrogance in his eyes.

Chatting with him, talking about the future, life, and life after freedom, Wu Zhenyu kept his head down and shook his legs there.

Talking about his teacher, he became angry and clenched his fists, wanting to hit someone.

Your uncle's.

Zhou Yi could only stop the topic in time, "Okay, one last question. Have you ever thought about what you want to do after you go out in the future? You probably won't be able to go to school, what should you do next."

"No!" Wu Zhenyu lowered his head, with an impatient tone, his legs trembled even more.

According to the body language in psychology, it means restlessness and has to vent excess energy by shaking.

Zhou Yi frowned and sighed, this is troublesome.

A spiritual healer is not a god, and it doesn't mean that if he wants to tamper with other people's memory, he can tamper with it at will.

The first step is to gain the patient's trust in order to enter the patient's spiritual world.

He can't even take the first step, so what is there to talk about?

"This guy is a bit difficult to deal with."


Withdrew from the small room, did not gain the trust of the other party, and could not think of a good way for a while, so he could only go to the small town and have a good meal.

Food is always exciting.

"You can only work if you are in a good mood."

(End of this chapter)

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