Chapter 109
Next, Fang Nuo cleared his throat and said, "Xiao Zhou, I have a few things to tell you. There are some things that only Yinyin can know. Now you are entitled to know some confidential information."

"Okay, please tell me."

The middle-aged man took out a stack of files from the drawer and said: "According to the official statistics of the Great Xia Alliance, a small city with a population of 100 million is like our Donghua City. On average, every month, there will be 26 incidents at the level of 'Nan'. The probability of accidents will be higher in places such as Western institutes, hospitals, and crematoria."

Zhou Yi nodded, which matched the common sense in the past.

Thoughts, the most common weirdness.

In a small city, there are dozens of towns, starting at 26 a month, which is normal.

The offensiveness of thoughts is not strong, usually it is mainly mental torture, and it takes a week or even a month to kill people, so the degree of danger can be controlled.

Fang Nuo stretched out a few more fingers: "At an average interval of three months, this small city will encounter a 'resentment' level incident, and several people will die."

"The weird ones at the resentment level have entities. Only silver seals can be killed relatively easily. The large number of copper seals are of no use. They will not escape if they can escape."

"And the appearance of resentment has a high probability of being accompanied by deaths. If more people die, it may bring about social unrest."

Zhou Yi nodded again.

His capable agent "Silent Peeper" has a physical body.

Even if you don't have much fighting power, it's easy to grab someone's throat and suffocate them quickly.

"The next thing to say is Li."

Zhou Yi was also a little nervous, he had never encountered this type before.

Director Fang continued: "According to official statistics, every 66 years and nine months, a city with a population of one million will encounter a 'severe' level incident. In ancient times, if there were no masters to suppress a severe level incident, , tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of people will die, and there is a certain probability of evolving into evil."

These are average figures, not to say that every 66 years and nine months will happen once.

Rather, it is the average statistic of cities across the continent.

It sounds long, but there are so many cities in the entire continent, and the total population is more than one billion.

Fang Nuo's tone was very flat, but there was a tendency of storms coming: "In an average of 760 years, a small city with a population of one million will have a catastrophic event of the level of 'evil'. If it is not well controlled, natural disasters will happen. If it continues to spread, it will evolve into a major catastrophe of extinction for all mankind!"

"This kind of super disaster broke out in the ancient continent. In order to avoid the disaster, our ancestors crossed the ocean from the ancient continent and fled to the eastern continent unintentionally. We haven't found out what happened so far, so in order to prevent That's why archeology is so important."

"As for all kinds of messy 'unknown'...the reason for its birth is unknown."

"For the time being, you can think that the 'unknown' is more difficult to deal with than Sha. Of course, most of the unknowns are still in a controllable state."

"This is just a small city with a population of one million. Enlarged to the entire Great Xia Alliance, it covers an area of ​​more than 500 million square kilometers. There are so many cities and a population of one billion. Almost every year, there will be supernatural events of the evil level."

"The Eastern Continent where we are located has the best law and order environment in the entire planet. The Western Continent cannot compare with ours. The people on the Western Continent are eyeing our land, and there is a big conflict between the two sides."

"As for the other archipelagos, they are just a bunch of loose sand... how should I put it, it may be an unimaginable living environment for you and me, an environment where they may be slaughtered by weirdness at any time, they have no technology, the times are backward, and feudalism is already very good Some are even primitive, often following strange customs that we cannot comprehend."

Fang Nuo took a sip of water and sighed: "When I was young, I followed a scientific expedition team and visited an island, about the size of a province. There are many such islands in our world."

"There lived a race called Asimo, who worshiped a kind of bug called 'brain control bug'. This kind of bug is very small, multiplies in the brain, and can also affect people's mind. Every baby just When born, they will eat insect eggs and be parasitized by brain-controlled insects."

"We're at a loss for what to understand about this cultural phenomenon."

"It was only later that we discovered that in that land, people who were not parasitized by the brain-controlling worms would be attacked by some kind of special unknown. As a result, they had to worship the brain-controlling worms, and this cultural phenomenon evolved. , called the 'Insect God'."

"Later... where is the worm god?" Zhou Yi couldn't help asking.

"You said that our scientific expedition team was naturally attacked by the insect god, and several people died. We didn't even know what it looked like when we died in a dream." Fang Nuo smiled bitterly: "As a last resort, we swallowed the eggs immediately, and then ashes I fled back in a hurry. Fortunately, brain control is a chronic disease, which can be treated with antibiotics, otherwise it will be over."

"I was born in the race of Asimo, and I was born to be parasitized by bugs. How sad."

"And this race is the most normal human race in the outside world. At least they can understand it! Oh, except for the Western Continent, the Western Continent is also relatively normal."

Zhou Yi took a breath, this fact was a bit scary.

"Do you know why the security environment on the Eastern Continent is unique? Because of the existence of the Special Affairs Department."

When Fang Nuo said this, he became a little proud, "If the Great Xia Alliance is a giant dragon, then the Special Affairs Department is the scales on the dragon. All of us are part of the scales."

Zhou Yi understood, the other party was trying to recruit someone!
Young people, full of enthusiasm, shouting slogans such as "for the alliance" and "scales on the dragon's body", are easily fooled into it.

Zhou Yi smiled and did not answer directly, but instead asked: "The ashrams distributed in various villages have played a great role in public security."

"Indeed, but not necessarily. The more function of the dojo is to take precautions before they happen, and to get rid of all kinds of obsessions that human beings have when they are dying, which can reduce a lot of trouble."

"It's like people can get sick less often in a clean environment. If they live in a dirty environment, no matter how good their resistance is, they will always get sick over time."

"The dojo is very important, it is the most standard infrastructure. No matter how small a village is, there must be a dojo. Otherwise, the village will not be stable."

(End of this chapter)

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