A god of beauty

Chapter 95 Spoilers Don't Be Afraid

Chapter 95 Spoilers Don't Be Afraid
The ground shook with the explosion.

Lake stood up again, holding the Gauss sniper rifle that could fire missiles whenever he wanted, and looked at Agatha projected beside him with an arc of his mouth: "Agatha, after we go back, you and I need to have a good talk."

Not to blame is not to blame.


Such a situation with small secrets is very bad. Lake hates others to have small secrets. Besides, there are no secrets among family members.

call out!
Da da da!
While speaking, the rain of bullets in the woods not far away accompanied by shouts covered Lake.

The Gauss sniper rifle in Lake's hand directly turned into a large shield and stood in front of him with a bang. There is no doubt that this is a grille that is harder than the door panel in Bron's hand.

The jingling bullets hitting the large shield made a crisp and pleasant, even rhythmic sound.

But oddly enough...

There was no sound of bullets falling.

After the armed personnel over there finished shooting a round, Lake slightly patted the large shield in front of him with his right hand.

next second.

It was only then that Tony saw that the bullets that came from the shooting blasted out of the big shield one after another. How did they come here? Now they just go back like this, without any consideration for Newton’s old man’s feelings. I am afraid that Newton will push him away when he sees this scene. The coffin board cursed angrily.




There were bursts of local language in the woods, and it was very flustered.


Lake flicked his right hand, and an unreasonable miniature missile suddenly appeared on the enlarged Gauss sniper rifle.

The missile dragged its long tail and blasted into the woods in an instant.

next second.

Tony looked at a certain body that was directly blown into the air by the shock wave, and his eyes fell on the Gauss sniper rifle in Lake's hand: "I very much hope to meet the master who forged this weapon."

Lake retracted his gun: "Then you probably have no chance."

Tony was slightly taken aback, no chance, what do you mean?
Agatha said beside him: "In order to prevent others from knowing his hole cards, after the forging, the master lifted the stove of the demigod mountain Hidden Flame Aoun to his own planet, so Shan Hidden Flame After a serious illness, he changed his fire attribute into a lightning attribute."

"……What's the meaning?"

Lake shrugged: "Probably that guy sees that flames are immune to me, so he wants to see if he can kill me with lightning."

Aoun is the same as the dog's head, his brain is not very good at turning, isn't it just a broken furnace, even if I took one away, wouldn't you make one yourself?

and also……

Lake's original intention was to make Ornn swear not to reveal to others how many weapons he had on him.

This request is very reasonable.

The materials were found by Lake himself. The cores of forging the Dark Stone Bracelet and Agatha are both planetary cores, and Aoun just acts as a processing step.

But what about the results?

This guy Aoun is not only lazy on the surface, but before Lake has left, he starts calling friends and telling others that Lake Reese, the Lord of the Stars and the God of Miracles, has forged weapons with him.


He can't be blamed for this at all, who made Aoun talk loudly when he disagreed with him, because he couldn't bear to chop Aoun in the future, so Lake just shot at the stove, thinking about making a living by himself.

But the result...

Obviously, forging weapons is similar to making people. Lake also has no talent. After discarding the No.30 six planetary cores, Lake simply gave up the idea of ​​making a living.


Just when Lake came out of the retreat on Ris star and was about to return the stove to Aoun, good guy, instead of playing with flames, he started playing with lightning.

Tony was taken aback when he heard that.

In Tony's eyes, Lake's behavior is very contemptible, after all, he is also a blacksmith, the same type of person as Ornn.

if there is a difference?
Ornn is a demigod and he is mortal?

Lake recalled the festival with Ornn, and suddenly thought of Tony Stark's other occupation besides the rich.

Lake smiled and said, "Aoun's stove is still on my planet, maybe you can take Aoun's place."

Tony's face turned black.

No one wants to receive customers like you.

and also……

Tony sneered and said, "Didn't you agree to share the power with me? What, you plan to turn me into your personal craftsman?"

Lake shrugged: "We are friends, shouldn't friends help each other?"

"There should be no secrets between friends."

"I do it all the time."

Lake nodded confidently and looked at Tony wondering: "Isn't it? Look, as soon as I arrive on this planet, I will tell you the truth about the death of your parents."

"The Winter Soldier?"


The expression on Tony's face was even darker: "This is a name you made up, Winter Soldier. I didn't find any information."

Lake shrugged: "Whose problem is that, it's definitely not mine."

Tony shook his head: "What do you want to do when you come to us?"

Lake started to walk towards the valley where the villain's bald head is, and said, "Does it count as leading you to complete the evolution?"

"we are doing well."


Lake turned his head and glanced at Tony: "Is the world written by fate good? I don't think so. The unknown is the most interesting."

no doubt.

This world is getting closer and closer to the unknown, just like he messed up in Valoran and messed up the original world of Valoran, step by step has never been what Lake likes.

The unknown is possible.

stable?It's just a doll in someone else's book.


Lake said: "Anyway, your fate line has deviated from the track, forget it, it's okay to tell you, the name Winter Soldier doesn't sound familiar, does it sound familiar, then, Bucky Barnes, what does this name sound like?" Sample?"

Tony frowned slightly.

this name...

It's very familiar.

Lake looked at the frowning Tony and shook his head: "Agatha!"

Agatha said with a blank face: "Bucky Barnes, in the data of the Telan Star, is a good friend of Captain America Steve Rogers, and also Steve Rogers' closest comrade-in-arms, and even the closest A strong backing, he fell off a cliff and died in an operation at the end of World War II, and was later resurrected by the secret department, and Bucky Barnes also became a test subject... This is the origin of the Winter Soldier."

"Steve Rogers."

"Bucky Barnes."

Tony's memory was awakened instantly, and he finally knew why the name sounded so familiar.

He had seen an introduction about Bucky Barnes in Captain America's Memorial Hall.


According to the old guy, Bucky and Steve are both his comrades in arms.

How can it be?


 Please recommend!


(End of this chapter)

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