A god of beauty

Chapter 72 New York Ballet

Chapter 72 New York Ballet
Time passed.

The fact that the stone man was taken away by S.H.I.E.L.D. did not affect Lake, who was enjoying the beautiful ballet on stage at the Broadway Ballet Theatre.

The two biggest variables have been resolved. For Lake, this is enough. Besides, Victor's antidote is on his side, so what if the two viruses are making trouble?

Swan dance on stage.

Lake rested his chin on one hand and watched the graceful movements of several ballet dancers on the stage, and said softly: "I'm sorry, Victor, I asked you to come out and accompany me to enjoy this scene on this Christmas Eve."

Dr. Lightning Victor, who was sitting next to him, said aloud, "Sir, you are joking."

Lake chuckled: "Is your wedding with Ms. Susan Stone fixed?"

Victor nodded.


Taking advantage of the successful proposal and his current popularity, Victor set a date for his wedding with Susan Stone early. Regarding Susan Stone's remarks, he naturally wanted to give her an unforgettable wedding.

As for internal?

Well, Victor is very confident, and more and more confident, but he doesn't want a second Reed Richards who wants to pry her corner in the future.

Lake pursed his lips and said nothing.

After a while.

Victor hesitated to say: "...Sir, about Johnny?"

Lake, leaning on his back, glanced at Victor who was sitting next to him: "After Christmas, Johnny should be back. Right now, Johnny is still visiting the Lord of Hell, Mephisto. , Johnny will come back unharmed."

Victor thanked: "Thank you sir."

Lake smiled, then pointed to the ballet dancers who were performing hard on the stage and said, "You just said that the New York City Ballet is the most famous?"


Victor said: "The New York City Ballet is one of the two most prestigious ballet companies in China, and is also well-known around the world. It is known as the most legendary and epoch-making international top ballet company."

Lake smiled slightly: "Really?"

Victor nodded again in affirmation.

"That's good."

Lake laughed, looked at Victor and said, "Now Victor Fondu is the most famous person in New York City, and last month he squeezed out Tony Stark for the first time in the top search list." Location."

Victor's attitude was very respectful: "Sir, I'm overwhelmed."

Victor is conceited, but conceit is not the same as arrogance. Moreover, as the power of the antidote in his body becomes stronger and stronger, facing Lake, he also feels that coercion is getting stronger and stronger. .

Although Lake had never touched him before.


Only a fool would try it out and try it out.

The reason for this feeling is actually very simple. Lake's life level is over there, which is the difference in quality.

Sometimes quantity is not as good as quality.

This is the same as the exchange ratio between [-] million Zimbabwean currency and one cent, which makes sense.

Lake belongs to the American knife.

And Victor?

Although it is not Zimbabwean currency, it should be similar to Vietnamese Dong.

Lake smiled: "This is the truth, otherwise, why would the New York Ballet Dance Theater perform for you alone today?"

Victor smiled, but didn't speak, he was thinking about what Lake meant when he said this.

next second.

Lake looked at the time on the watch, thinking that the two women had almost finished shopping: "I have a younger sister who likes ballet very much."

Victor was taken aback for a moment, and then instantly understood: "I see, sir."

Lake nodded, stood up and looked at the ballet dancers who were finishing up on the stage, and said lightly: "Tomorrow is Christmas, happy holidays, after the holidays, Medis will take my sister to Victor Industry, Victor , I have great expectations for your future, do things well for me, and I will not treat you badly."

Say it.

Lake turned and walked down the stairs, towards the outside of the theater.

It doesn't matter if you are arrogant, even arrogance is not a big thing, as long as Victor is not stupid enough to challenge him, what's the big deal about granting a god position in the future?

Lake doesn't have many other things. The stars under him, that is, the gods, are enough. Who let the Star Forging Dragon King just make stars and not take care of them? To a certain extent, Lake, who inherited the power of the stars, the more prosperous the stars, he will become stronger.

Out of the very iconic New York theater behind.

Lake first saw Mikaela and Rushman who were carrying big bags and small bags not far away.

Lake walked over: "The mall should have a home delivery service."

Mikaela said with a smile: "Yes, but I enjoy the happiness brought by shopping, not only by swiping the card, but also in the hands."

Lake laughed, and looked at Rushman who was standing next to Mikaela and who was pulled out by Mikaela for a shopping trip, and immediately transformed into a big one.

Roshman, who had transformed into a straight brown, was also carrying several bags in his hands, listening to the voices from the opera house, seeming to move...

Lake smiled.

Ten days passed, and Roshman's condition improved.

At least, in the eyes of that Dr. Jeanne Benoit, she has made great progress. Rushman also knows that Lake is not her brother anymore, but it is just the same as the one in her memory who let her learn to save money. It was a wonderful misunderstanding that the ballerina-drinking older brother just happened to look exactly the same.

When Roshman's situation improved, Roshman offered to leave, but after some conversations, perhaps it was the difference between Lake and her brother in her memory, in addition to the difference in money and status, and Dr. Benoit's advice, After seeing her real ID again, Luo Xuman also stayed.

As for the woman who looked the same as her and claimed to be her sister?


Rushman has no memory at all.

This made Natasha, who took the time to come here from Washington to New York yesterday, very conflicted. The main reason is that Yelena's call to contact her was one-time. They all lost their traces again, causing Natasha to wonder what kind of memory Yelena instilled in her clone...


The black car drove out of the underground parking lot and parked on the side of the road.

Lake looked at Roshman who was peeking at the New York Opera House and said, "Want to go in?"

Roshman came back to his senses and looked at Lake with some expectation, and said in his not so proficient English: "Can I?"

Lake smiled: "Of course, but not right now, today is Christmas Eve."

Rushman opened his mouth: "Our Christmas is next month."

Lake shrugged: "You're here now, aren't you?"

Russia also has Christmas, but Christmas in Russia is in January instead of December. Moreover, Christmas in Russia is the old man and the snow maiden, not the well-known Santa Claus.


 Thanks to Nanako of Xiyuan Temple for the reward of 600 starting coins, thank you book friend 20180518175601601 for the reward of 1000 starting coins, and thank you for the reward of 100 starting coins.

  Continue today, if there are 1800 recommended tickets, we will add more tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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