A god of beauty

Chapter 70 Rushman Rees

Chapter 70 Rushman Rees

Star Building!


Michaela, who was eating cereal at the dining table, heard the door open and turned to look at the door.

next second.

Mikaela looked suspiciously at Lake who walked in and Natasha who seemed a little nervous behind her...

Mikaela opened her mouth, but before she could speak, Lake had already said, "This question is more complicated."

Michaela raised an eyebrow.

"elder brother!"

Following behind, the girl who had been registered in just half an hour and was named Agatha Rushman Reese by the New York Federal Bureau of Investigation was holding Lake's right hand tightly and looked around in confusion: " Where is this place?"

"elder brother?"

Michaela's willow eyebrows raised even more joyfully.


I've had enough wild game and homemade food, so I finally decided to change the taste and gnaw on the bones to see if the bones are delicious?
Lake looked at Mikayla's eyes, shook his head, led Rushman to a room upstairs, comforted him a little, then went down the stairs, and glanced at Mikay who had been looking at his watch over there. La said directly: "Agatha, explain."

The voice fell.

Agatha was projected in front of Mikaela in an instant, telling what she had done in detail.

a long time.

Mikaela looked at Lake who was drinking bourbon at the bar, and wanted to laugh, but after pursing his lips, Mikaela walked over, organized his words and said with a smile: "So, sometimes the gods make mistakes. ?”

Lake glanced up at Michaela and smiled.

The gods never make mistakes.


The one who can't help the people around him make his own decisions, that is to say, Agatha is the one who makes his own decisions. If it's another one, to be precise, it's a male attribute, let's see if Lake will kill him right where he is.


Katerina was preoccupied with introducing her snake-like sister to him.

But what about Agatha?
She doesn't have a younger sister, so she finds a younger sister for Lake, hehe, very good, very powerful.


Mikaela looked up at the roof where the movement was heard, blinked and said, "So what are your plans?"

Lake held the wine glass: "What do you mean?"

Mikaela shrugged and said, "From a tool man to a younger sister, do you have any special thoughts?"

Lake chuckled.



Maybe this is not a bad thing, Zuo Zuo is just a godsister, he also recognized one in the Valoran universe, and it is not a big deal to recognize another one here, anyway, he has more stars...

Furthermore, maybe because of this matter, some eyes will fall on him, but at least...

all in all.

Whether it is a blessing or a curse, who knows for sure, anyway, in a few months, when his stars arrive, he can completely walk sideways.

"Jingle Bell!"

The bell rings.

Mikaela leaned over and connected from the mobile phone over the bar.

The caller was the security guard at the entrance of the Xingchen Building: "Ma'am, there are two agents from the Homeland Security Bureau here who want to pay a visit. The name is Phil Coulson, and..."

Michaela said, "Let them come up."

After hanging up the phone.

"You have guests."

"Where are you going?"

Mikaela, who had already reached the stairs, turned around and smiled, "Since she is your sister, I, my sister-in-law, should also make an introduction."

Lake looked at the back of Mikaela who was walking up the stairs and smiled without saying a word.

sister in law?

In other words, when did Mikaela change to adapt to her identity?

Lake thought curiously.

10 minute later.


"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

After filling the wine glass with fine wine, Lake pushed it to Coulson and Natasha who were sitting opposite him, leaned against the back cushion, and stared at the two with half a smile on his face: "So, it becomes Homeland Security?"

Coulson picked up his wine glass and laughed dryly: "When I was in the hospital, I think Mr. Rees should have known about it."

Lake, with his legs crossed, shrugged: "I don't know, but it was Dr. Benoit who told me. As I said before, Dr. Benoit has something to do with that New York Federal Bureau agent."

This statement is half true.

Just like Lake didn't expect before, that Dr. Jeanne Benoit has such a great ability to help a black family obtain a serious identity within half an hour, and even has a social security number, even The driver's license was sent to New Amsterdam Hospital half an hour later.

It's amazing...

But Lake didn't plan to get to the bottom of it, why?No reason.

Lake said and shook his head: "So, what are the identities of the two, you might as well show your cards directly. I always thought that I was a mystery, but I didn't expect that there are people who are more mysterious than me."

"Directorate of Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support."

"...Sorry, what bureau?"

Coulson looked at Lake who blinked and said, "The name is very long. I know that the bureau is discussing what abbreviation should be used recently, but if nothing else happens, it should be S.H.I.E.L.D."

Lake toasted: "Good name, so, you are also the Law Enforcement Bureau?"

"A global law enforcement agency, to be precise."

Coulson said: "And our authority is very high, so calling ourselves an FBI agent is also for the convenience of law enforcement. After all, our bureau has very high authority, and similarly, its concealment is also very high."

Lake nodded: "Of course, I won't say anything."

Coulson said, "Thank you."

Lake smiled, bent down to refill the empty wine glass in front of Coulson, and said, "So, Phil, don't mind if I call you that."

Coulson waved his hand and said, "Of course, Reese..."

Lake laughed and said, "I already call you Phil, so you can just call me Lake."

Coulson smiled.

After filling the glass, Lake said, "So Phil, how can I help you this time?"

Coulson glanced at Natasha next to him with an embarrassed expression.

Natasha said: "It's like this, Mr. Reese, if possible, I want to take my sister away."

Lake looked at Natasha and smiled: "I really want to agree."

Natasha's expression changed slightly.

Lake spread his hands and said: "But, you have heard what Dr. Benoit said in the hospital before, and Dr. Benoit will come over from time to time to check on Rushman's physical condition. I am a businessman and I must be honest. "

Natasha frowned and said, "But..."

Lake interrupted directly: "Natasha, can I call you Natasha?"

Natasha nodded in silence for a while: "Of course."

Lake smiled: "Actually, I know this matter is very confusing, believe me, but Dr. Benoit thinks that right now, either Rushman will follow me, or he will go to a mental hospital. I am also in a dilemma. In this way, if you promise that the Federal Bureau will not come to trouble me, I will be more than happy to let Roshman go with you."

Natasha: "..."

Colson: "..."

 It's Monday, friends, begging for a recommendation ticket!Lao Mi begged!


(End of this chapter)

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