A god of beauty

Chapter 66 The S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 66 The S.H.I.E.L.D.
this is Love?
still hate?
Lake didn't know, but he was sure that his plan might have to be revised slightly.

However, there is no deviation from the general planned direction.



Lake looked at the ceiling. This widowed clone was not born at Dr. Merrick's side. If so, the plan has to be revised: "Agatha, cleanse the memory and weave the dream of a ballet dancer."

Agatha responded, "Yes."

Lake paused and said: "It's a wonderful dream, don't use the tricks of nightmares. That guy has the ability to enter the dream and not do some shameful things. Using it to kill people is simply violent."

"...Understood, the estimated time is ten hours on the special blue star."


Lake nodded, turned around and grabbed the bourbon on the bar and drank it down.

Mikaela looked confused: "Aren't you going to tell me, what are you doing?"

Just now I was talking about how the clones were arranged in S.H.I.E.L.D. How did they suddenly become ballet dancers?
Are the minds of gods jumping like this?
Lake smiled slightly: "That's what I'm going to do."

Mikaela shook her head: "But I don't see how ballerinas have anything to do with that secret law enforcement agency."

"It's a big deal."

Lake refilled himself with good wine: "I'm a good god."

Michaela: "..."

Good god?

You may have misunderstood this good word.

When Lake left New York, New York was quite turbulent, but after returning this time, New York seemed to have returned to its previous calm state.

There are still some newspapers reporting the news about Dr. Lightning Victor, but they are all small newspapers who fabricate lace news to fool around.

As for the mainstream newspapers, after several days of continuous reporting, the wave gradually calmed down.

Why this is so is also very simple.

Victor's level has risen, and ordinary people have also retreated after the tide recedes. After all, chasing stars is the dream of middle and second-year youths, and their dream is three meals a day.


Victor is not a little spider who is close to the people. He spends his prestige and sense of accomplishment in the streets of New York every day.

Victor is not the richest Iron Man, nor does he have the inexhaustible news of Iron Man.

Victor has a perverse personality, that's right, but you can't expect the president of a listed company to have nothing to do all day to fight all kinds of petty criminals, right?

After the reputation of Victor [Dr. Lightning] spread, Victor squeezed out the other party in the competition with the San Francisco Life Foundation and returned to get a big contract from NASA...

And Victor's emotional experience is also very simple, and compared to Victor's admitted superhero status, his emotional experience with Susan is more attractive.

Especially women.

After all, behind the superhero Victor, there are conspiracy, lies and betrayal in his feelings...

This has also led to the emotional experience of Victor and Susan attracting the attention of many New York women, and even a director in Hollywood said that if possible, he hopes to put the love story of Victor and Susan on the screen. .

The names are all ready.

"Dr. Lightning in Love"

Victor didn't agree, it's very simple, but just looking at the name of this movie, you can tell that it will be a completely smashing movie.

In general.

Lake came back at just the right time, leaving just in time for the storm to gather, and coming back after the storm had passed.

three days later.

Lake drank Michaela's unique special coffee and leaned on the sofa watching the New York news broadcast on TV.

Michaela came down the stairs wrapped in a red scarf and said, "My bread is gone."

Lake said without looking back: "Call someone to buy it and deliver it."

Mikaela rolled her eyes: "This is a private item, I'm going to the mall, do you need anything?"

Lake pointed to the bar: "Wine, thank you."

Mikaela shook her head, grabbed her bag, put on her boots, said goodbye to Lake, and pushed the door to go out.


After Mikaela opened the door, she looked at the two people standing outside the door, blinked her eyes, and said to Lake on the sofa: "Honey, can you come here?"

Lake stood up and looked.

Coulson with a smile on his face waved to Lake at the door and said, "Good morning, Mr. Rees."


Lake invited Coulson and Natasha in with a smile, and Mikaela at the door said to Lake, "Then I'm going out."

Lake nodded: "Be careful on the road."

Mikaela smiled and said to Coulson and Natasha, "Goodbye, both of you."

Coulson and Natasha looked at each other.

After Mikaela closed the door and left, Lake said to the two, "Both, coffee or wine?"

Coulson waved his hand: "Mr. Rees, it's like this, we want to ask you a question."

Lake laughed: "Of course, as a citizen, I naturally cooperate with the FBI."

Natasha, who was beside her, said, "I don't need to hire a lawyer now?"

Lake laughed, and invited the two of them to walk towards the living room and said, "I'm coming back from England this time, and I plan to live here permanently. Naturally, in order to prevent you from coming to the door every now and then, a conversation is necessary."


After sitting down, Coulson said to Lake who was sitting across from him, "Mr. Rees has returned to England?"

Lake nodded: "Since I met Mikaela that time, I know that I have met my right girl, so I went back this time and cleared some assets in the UK and plan to come here to work."

Coulson laughed: "America welcomes any resident who yearns for freedom."

"Thank you."

Lake smiled slightly: "So, what do the two federal agents talk to me about first?"

Coulson and Natasha glanced at each other, and the latter took out a photo of the Annihilator helicopter flying at a 45-degree angle from the envelope he brought, handed it to Lake and said, "Mr. Rees, Do you recognize this?"

Lake looked down.


This photo is so good, you can take it directly and use it as a screensaver.

Lake said, "Obviously, helicopters, if you ask."

Natasha once again pulled out a photo, which was a surveillance camera on a street in Fort Worth. In the photo, the cowboy took the lead, followed by Lake driving a Prorot T20.

Natasha looked at Lake: "Mr. Reese, is this you?"

"it's me."

Lake nodded: "What's wrong?"

Natasha put the two photos together and looked at Lake: "Mr. Rees, have you noticed any characteristics of these two photos?"

Lake glanced at Natasha and looked down.

Stars shine on the hood of the T20.

Stars flickered on the head of Naang Tian the Annihilator.

Lake blinked.

next second.


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(End of this chapter)

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